John Henry Beat Steam Drill. We Can Beat Facebook

By Spamming Us Every Hour With "Woke" Democrat Propaganda, Facebook Is Giving Us Access To Millions of Swing Voters In Swing States!

By Seth Grossman

John Henry Beat Steam Drill.jpg

John Henry is a legend and a song of how one man with a hammer beat a machine.  We can beat the Facebook machine if each of us spends just a few hours a week responding to CNN fakenews and other lies posted on our Facebook feeds.   Click here for details at our website.  

  1. We don't like Facebook or Twitter.  However, we need to use them for the next two months.

  2. Facebook and Twitter are interfering with this year's election far more than any Russians ever did before.  Their hourly doses of "woke" Democrat spam are paid advertising worth millions.  Yet none of it is reported or regulated as "contributions" by the Bush-McCain-Feingold  "Campaign Finance Reform" law.  That is because most of their spam is falsely labeled "news" from left-wing "media sites like CNN, ABC, Atlantic, etc., Facebook. Below is screenshot of one example.

Fakebook Facebook fake news.jpg

3. However, notice the good part.  By sending this spam to all Facebook users, Facebook is also giving us access to all of them through "comments" to these posts-- and "replies" to other "comments"!

4.  When you get an unwanted left wing post, please do NOT miss the opportunity to reach and teach thousands of undecided and independent "swing" voters we could never reach before.  Please do NOT block or delete it. Please read and respond to it whenever you can.  

5.  After you read it, then please read the comments section, and post your own “comment”.  Either “comment” to the original post, or “reply” to another comment.  Then also “reply” to as many left wing or independent comments as you can.  (Of course, you should also “like” conservative comments and replies).

6.  Make sure your “reply” is logical, fact- based, and deals with the issue, no matter how ignorant, hateful, or dishonest the comment. Avoid insults.   Avoid inflammatory words or phrases that will get your comment deleted or your Facebook/Twitter privileges suspended.  (Commonly known as “Facebook/Twitter Jail”).  For example, I use “followers of the Prophet” instead of Muslim or Islam.  I use “Holy War” instead of “Jihad”).  Remember that you will never persuade jerks who hate America, hate whites, hate Christians, and hate Trump.  You are instead writing to persuade Facebook "friends" of those jerks who are still be independent or undecided.

7.  Keep your “reply” short. Just 2 or 3 sentences.  If you need more words to explain your position, copy and paste the link to a post or video that deals with that issue.

8.  For ideas on how to respond, please visit our website, our @libertyandprosperity Facebook page or my personal Facebook page at seth.grossman.10

9.  Always try to include somewhere in your "comment" or "reply".  Or better yet, try to copy and paste the link to one of the blogs in our website that deals with that topic.  That will lead people to our website for more details and other important information.  It may even persuade some to donate!

10.  When you make an effective reply, mass produce it! Click your “reply” and then right-click to “select all”.   Then copy your whole “reply” before you send it.    Then paste that “reply” to as many comments as you can. (Only do 5 or 10 in a session.  Otherwise, Facebook will "temporarily suspend" you for doing what they are doing.

11.  If you and every supporter does this an hour a day, several days a week, we can reach and influence hundreds of thousands of “swing voters” in “battleground states” and make a real difference. Can you help?

12.  I have been doing this myself during the past week.  I can honestly say that my posts and links to are getting engagement and support from independent and undecided citizens for the first time since Facebook and Twitter first started “throttling” and “shadow-banning” us last year!

Questions? Contact me at my personal email:   Thanks!

The CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are Not Effective

Suggested reading by Prof. Murray Sabrin

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

They just told us that smoke particulates are too small to be stopped by a cloth mask.  While N95 masks will protect up to 95% of particles, down to .1 microns in size.  A quick Google search will tell us that smoke particles and debris are usually .4 to .7 microns in size.  According to the CDC, cloth masks are not effective in stopping materials that size.

Another quick Google search will tell us that the Wuhan Virus is .12 microns in size, about a quarter in size of the smoke and fire debris particulate.  Even if we factor for the “respiratory droplets” that are allegedly to blame for the spread of coronavirus, those droplets are as small as .5 microns, or as small or smaller than smoke and fire debris particulate.  These factors and figures aren’t hidden in some CDC vault that only their scientists are capable of accessing.  Yet another quick Google search will show these figures within seconds.

The CDC cannot, on one hand, demand we wear masks because of the prevention of the spread of a disease (or droplets containing the disease) and then tell us that those same masks are ineffective in stopping particles that are bigger than the disease we are trying to prevent.


Passaic GOP outcome was more Putin than Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin's 77% win is being disputed as "fixed" and "undemocratic" by most Western observers.  Elections in modern democracies simply don't go that way.  Ronald Reagan won the biggest landslide in modern American history with 59% of the vote. 

Putin should have taken lessons from Passaic County GOP boss Peter Murphy, who engineered even more lop-sided wins for his chosen slate last week.  If Putin's 77% win was labeled "suspect" -- then what about the 82% Peter Murphy got for John McCann... or the 91% for Bob Hugin... or the 78% for Tony Ghee? 

And get a load of this.  There are 55,973 Republicans in Passaic County.

Guess how many got to vote in Peter Murphy's election?


23 out of 55,973

That's not an American election. 

The metro-sexual wing of the YR's obviously needs an education in basic American civics, because these assbandits called Peter Murphy's abomination an "election" and compared these 23 hand-picked insiders to the United States Congress.  Two examples should clear the dung from their brains.  When a vacancy occurs in the Legislature and that district's elected county committee members of the vacating legislator's party are called to appoint a successor, that person is never said to have been "elected" but rather, "selected".

New Jersey has an unelected judiciary, despite the fact that members of the State Senate vote on each nominee put forward by the Governor.  John McCann is telling yet another stupid lie when he puts out trash to the contrary.  But then, he is uniquely stupid fellow.

As for Peter Murphy, let's remember what then U.S. Attorney Chris Christie had to say about the critter:  "We are pleased with the end result here – that Mr. Murphy served a considerable amount of time in prison for crimes which he has finally acknowledged committing as Republican party chairman in Passaic County... For those crimes, Mr. Murphy has lost his prestige and power, nearly a year of freedom and now is a convicted felon."

Hey, get rid of all that Irish music you play at Murph's Bar and put on something that reflects who you really are...

John McCann and Peter Murphy... giving new meaning to the term "red state".