Peter Murphy screwed his own GOP Freeholder candidate

How mercurial is Peter Murphy?  Enough to recruit a solid Republican candidate for Freeholder and after that screw him by recruiting an Independent to split the vote. 

In 2014, Murphy recruited a solid Republican candidate in union leader John Capo, but then he turned around and had his Republican town committee contribute $1,000 to another candidate recruited from Totowa -- Sami Merhi -- but this guy was running as an independent.  Merhi's candidacy undercut the Republican's chances and virtually insured that the Democrats' would win. Here's the contribution...

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On top of this, Sami Merhi was a highly controversial candidate, having been rejected by the Democrats as a candidate a couple years before over what many in the media described as "anti-Semitic" remarks: 

"Passaic County Democrats withdrew their endorsement of a Lebanese-American freeholder candidate who had been criticized for remarks some critics said conveyed sympathy with Palestinian suicide bombers...

The decision came following reports that at an April 2002 rally and at a fund-raiser the same day for Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-Dist. 8), Merhi made comments allegedly conveying sympathy with Palestinian suicide bombers. According to a report in The New York Times, he rejected a comparison between such attacks in Israel and the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, in which he lost a godson, and he quoted a would-be bomber captured in Israel in a way that some observers interpreted as a justification for such attacks.

According to Julie Roginsky, a spokeswoman for Democratic Party county chair John Currie, Merhi is to be replaced by Joanne Graviano, a Hawthorne school board member who is also active with the New Jersey Education Association. Roginsky quoted Currie as saying Graviano should have had the nomination from the start and that there was no room for divisiveness in the party.

Following Saturday’s vote, Merhi told the Associated Press: 'I’m in shock, feeling betrayed. They should be ashamed of themselves.' Merhi, who narrowly lost the party’s endorsement in 2004 because of the same issue, said he asked the party leaders on Saturday to support him and accept his explanation that his comments were misinterpreted. He said he reiterated his opposition to all forms of terrorism and his belief that killing innocent people is always wrong."

The full article can be accessed here:

Apparently, Sami Merhi is a personal friend of both Passaic County GOP boss Peter Murphy and liberal Democrat Congressman Bill Pascrell.  Murphy and Pascrell are the nexus of horse-trading in Passaic County.  The following year, Murphy slated Merhi as a Republican candidate for Freeholder, which resulted in a predictable loss to the Democrats.  Apparently, Merhi was unavailable to make a run for Congress against Republican Assemblyman Jay Webber this year, hence his substitution with another Totowa resident.

Who is Peter Murphy?

He's the GOP party leader who runs the 23 insiders who pick which candidates represent the Republican Party in Passaic County.

He's been to prison.  Convicted on charges of public corruption.  But don't take our word for it, ask the man who sent him to prison.  Here's what then U.S. Attorney Chris Christie had to say about Peter Murphy: 

"We are pleased with the end result here – that Mr. Murphy served a considerable amount of time in prison for crimes which he has finally acknowledged committing as Republican party chairman in Passaic County... For those crimes, Mr. Murphy has lost his prestige and power, nearly a year of freedom and now is a convicted felon."

And that's who is choosing the official Republican candidates in Passaic County. 

Every candidate running in the June 5th Republican primary on the line PASSAIC COUNTY REGULAR REPUBLICAN ORGANIZATION is backed by Boss Peter Murphy, convicted of public corruption.  It is time to reject the GOP establishment and its coddling  of corruption.

McCann candidacy "illegitimate" without convention

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The corrupt GOP party bosses in Passaic and Bergen Counties are trying to rig the Republican nominations in the 5th and 11th congressional districts.  In Passaic County, a hand-picked group of 23 under-bosses followed boss Peter Murphy's lead and endorsed John McCann in the 5th district and Tony Ghee in the 11th district. 

Who is Peter Murphy?

Peter Murphy is the GOP party boss of Passaic County.  Murphy was convicted and served time in prison for public corruption.  Here is what then U.S. Attorney Chris Christie had to say about Peter Murphy:  "We are pleased with the end result here – that Mr. Murphy served a considerable amount of time in prison for crimes which he has finally acknowledged committing as Republican party chairman in Passaic County... For those crimes, Mr. Murphy has lost his prestige and power, nearly a year of freedom and now is a convicted felon."

In Bergen County, the party boss there -- Paulie DiGaetano -- simply hand-picked candidate John McCann and has rejected pleas for an open vote.

A leading candidate to replace DiGaetano as Chairman of the Bergen County Republican Organization (BCRO), Fernando Alonso, called on DiGaetano to hold a convention.  This is Alonso's statement from today:

I am calling on the Bergen County Republican Organization (BCRO) and BCRO Chairman Paul DiGaetano to have a convention for the 5th Congressional District nomination immediately.  The decision to not have a convention where the County Committee members have an opportunity to choose the Republican congressional nominee is unfair to everyone involved. It is unfair to Steve Lonegan because it denies him the opportunity to compete for the Republican Line in this important race. It is unfair to John McCann because winning the nomination without a convention taints his candidacy as illegitimate without the consent of the County Committee members. Finally, it is not only unfair to all of the County Committee members, but it further alienates volunteers, activists and loyal BCRO county committee members. The Convention should only involve eligible Bergen County committee members living in the 5th Congressional District.

I am calling on Jack Zisa to show real leadership and do the same in calling for the convention. Otherwise, he is just an extension of Paul DiGaetano of what’s to come should Zisa be Chairman.    

Fernando A. Alonso, Esq. 
Bergen County Republican Chairman Candidate

Passaic GOP outcome was more Putin than Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin's 77% win is being disputed as "fixed" and "undemocratic" by most Western observers.  Elections in modern democracies simply don't go that way.  Ronald Reagan won the biggest landslide in modern American history with 59% of the vote. 

Putin should have taken lessons from Passaic County GOP boss Peter Murphy, who engineered even more lop-sided wins for his chosen slate last week.  If Putin's 77% win was labeled "suspect" -- then what about the 82% Peter Murphy got for John McCann... or the 91% for Bob Hugin... or the 78% for Tony Ghee? 

And get a load of this.  There are 55,973 Republicans in Passaic County.

Guess how many got to vote in Peter Murphy's election?


23 out of 55,973

That's not an American election. 

The metro-sexual wing of the YR's obviously needs an education in basic American civics, because these assbandits called Peter Murphy's abomination an "election" and compared these 23 hand-picked insiders to the United States Congress.  Two examples should clear the dung from their brains.  When a vacancy occurs in the Legislature and that district's elected county committee members of the vacating legislator's party are called to appoint a successor, that person is never said to have been "elected" but rather, "selected".

New Jersey has an unelected judiciary, despite the fact that members of the State Senate vote on each nominee put forward by the Governor.  John McCann is telling yet another stupid lie when he puts out trash to the contrary.  But then, he is uniquely stupid fellow.

As for Peter Murphy, let's remember what then U.S. Attorney Chris Christie had to say about the critter:  "We are pleased with the end result here – that Mr. Murphy served a considerable amount of time in prison for crimes which he has finally acknowledged committing as Republican party chairman in Passaic County... For those crimes, Mr. Murphy has lost his prestige and power, nearly a year of freedom and now is a convicted felon."

Hey, get rid of all that Irish music you play at Murph's Bar and put on something that reflects who you really are...

John McCann and Peter Murphy... giving new meaning to the term "red state".