Five Week Vote Harvest In NJ Starts Tomorrow!

Seth Grossman

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There is no "Election Day" this year.  This is what we need to do starting tomorrow.  (If you're Jewish, start Tuesday, after Yom Kippur!)

1.  Vote by mail as soon as you get your ballot.  Every day you delay means more time for something to go wrong.  And less time to fix it. If you don’t get your ballot in the mail by Tuesday, October 6, something may be wrong. You may not be registered.  Or your ballot may have been sent to the wrong address.

You can easily fix any problem before Tuesday, October 13. If you discover a problem after Tuesday, October 13, you may be too late.  Don't take the chance of losing your vote. Don't take the chance of taking hours to do something after October 13, that can be fixed in minutes now. We posted all details about the New Jersey Vote By Mail Process on our website.  Please click this link and read it carefully.

Please Click Here to Pay $30 Dues for 2020 Or Donate Whatever You Can So We Can Keep Reaching More People. Thanks.

 Don't Even Try To Vote In Person On Election Day!

A.   Even if you succeed in voting on Election Day, you will NOT get to use a voting machine.  You will get a “provisional ballot” that is even more unreliable than a mail-in ballot.

B.  If you vote early by mail, you can track your ballot like with Fedex and UPS to make sure it is received and in proper form. If you wait until election day, you will NOT be able to track your ballot.  You will NOT have a chance to fix mistakes.  Your vote will NOT count if you (or an election worker) made any mistake in filling out the forms.

C.  Election officials and challengers for candidates will have their hands full stopping fraud on Election Day.  They don't need distractions or confusion from people on our side trying to vote in person.  Democrats get extra votes when there is confusion and chaos on Election Day.

D.  If you don’t vote until Election Day, the candidates you support will waste a lot of money and time reminding you to vote.  If you vote early, your candidates can target their limited resources on genuine undecided voters who did not yet vote.

3.  Click here to do a quick and easy “Voter Search” also known as a “Registration Check”.  The link is:
This will show if you are registered to vote, and whether your ballot will be mailed to the correct address. Please also check every member of your family, and every friend and neighbor you can reach.  
Use this link to register to vote if you are NOT registered. Click here to register yourself or any member of your family or friend or neighbor who is not registered or registered out of a different address.

4.  After you know you are registered to vote, set up a "Track My Ballot" account. Do this for yourself and make sure every friend, neighbor, and member of your family does it.  Click here or use the link: This link will also give you the phone numbers of people who can help you if you or anyone you know has trouble doing this online.

Again, please don’t delay.  You Know Who is working day and night to register new people. 

The deadline is Tuesday, October 13, just two weeks from today.

5.  Please Spend At Least A Half Hour Each Day On Sharing Our Posts On Facebook.  Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook, has a net worth of more than $100 billion, that is 100,000 million dollars!  He is using that wealth and absolute control over Facebook to defeat Donald Trump and every Republican up for election this year.  If you use Facebook, you already know what he is doing.  

First, he is “blocking” or “throttling back” every conservative who posts on Facebook.  Last January, our Facebook posts were “reaching” 100,000 people each week.  Facebook “throttled us down” to 5,000 people per week.  Facebook algorithms make sure our posts only reach people who are already conservative, and block us from reaching others.   A few days ago, Facebook did the same thing to Tucker Carlson after Carlson posted videos proving that 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. 

Second, Zuckerberg is spamming every user with dozens of unwanted posts each day from CNN, ABCNews, USAToday, NPR, Atlantic, etc.  Each post is pure "woke" Democrat campaign propaganda.  Each post says only bad things about white, male, Christian Republicans.  Or only good things about black, female Democrats or anyone who hates Trump.  Good things about Trump or any Republican are rarely considered "news" and are not posted.  Neither are bad things about Democrats or anything that does not promote their agenda.

For more details, please click here for

Although we don’t like Facebook, we need to use it.  There is no other way to deliver our message to large numbers of people during the next five weeks. However, we need to work a lot harder and smarter than we ever did before.

6.  Please continue to share the posts on our @LibertyandProsperity Facebook Page, and our website.  Please also view and share some of the dozens of videos on our YouTube Channel. The link to our YouTube Channel is also on our website.
Each of the posts on our Website has a Facebook and Twitter icon at the bottom.  Please simply click that icon to share our posts as often as you can.  Each YouTube video also has a “Share” button on the bottom.  You are one of some 800 people reading this email.  If each of us spends a few minutes each day systematically sharing our posts and videos, we can reach thousands of people we never reached before.

7.  Help us spam the comments sections of CNN and other FakeNews posts the way they are spamming us!  An even better way of sharing our posts and videos is to copy the link, and post that link as a comment to somebody else’s post.   The best place to post those links are in comments to the fakenews CNN, ABCNews, USA Today, Atlantic, and NPR “news” spam that appear in your Facebook feed at least twice an hour.   And of course, copy and past our blogs in the comments of your local online newspaper and "micro-newspapers like  Please click here for details on how to do this.

Seth Grossman, Executive Director
453 Shore Road
Somers Point, NJ  08244
(609) 927-7333