Mark Matzen used improperly obtained recordings

On Wednesday, the executive director of the Assembly Democrats issued a Fatwa on Republican Assemblyman Parker Space (Sussex-Warren-Morris) demanding in the name of his caucus that the Republican resign because he used a five-letter word:  B-I-T-C-H.  Curiously, Matzen was a key New Jersey apologist for William Jefferson Clinton when all those women were coming forward claiming to have been sexually molested by him in the 1990's. 

Let's be clear.  According to Mark Matzen, an elected official can use an intern for oral sex in the oval office, and he should NOT lose his job for that.  But if an elected official says the word "bitch" then Matzen just can't contain himself, loses his ass, and demands that he be fired.  UhhhHuh...

Matzen played the shill for the molester-in-chief, but he called Republican Space "an example of what can happen when a political party embraces the worst of human impulses and turns a blind eye to the ugliness brewing in its own backyard."  And you wonder why people think political spin artists like Matzen suck?  You wonder why people think those who employ them suck?

If using the word "bitch" is the "worse of human impulses," then where does that leave Mr. Elton John?

Or Meredith Brooks?

Matzen was only too happy to suck up money from his fellow Clinton sexual molestation apologists at  Get it.  It was right to "Move On" from the sucky sucky at the White House (everyone does it!) but you have to make a federal case out of the word "bitch" (how outrageous, nobody EVER uses THAT word...).  Funnier still is that Matzen himself is known for having a rather salty tongue and has been known to heap abuse of a far worse kind.  Matzen is a real champ when it comes to pissing on people.

We do not know from what source Matzen obtained his copy of the improper recording of a personal conversation between Parker Space and a friend, but it is clear that the friend -- a woman who happens to be the Executive Director of the Sussex County Democratic Committee -- is very unhappy that she and Parker had their privacy stripped from them by Matzen and his allies.

We note that this is not the first time that Matzen has come under fire for the improper use of a recording.  The last time involved a congressional candidate.  We hope a pattern is not forming.

We all remember how Democrats and, it must be said, some Republicans, spoke about Governor Christine Todd Whitman (and how even Democrat women chortled at this).  The hypocrisy, and the purple prose, and the false outrage are about as believable as a claim that the average Democrat legislator has never paid for sex.  And you know what that means?  It means that they probably participated in human trafficking -- the modern slave trade.

Now that is truly "disgusting conduct" and a "regressive worldview."  That shows a real "lack of respect for women" or anyone with less money and means than your average double-dipping Democrat.  It indicates that someone is "absolutely unfit for public office."  And, if we may use the words provided in a different context by Mark Matzen, such a legislator should be "denounced" and asked to "resign."  Those Legislative leaders who do not ferret out those among their caucus who use the innocent victims of human trafficking "are complicit in promoting" modern slavery.

So ends the sermon Mark Matzen should have delivered to his own people.  We wish him the best in uncovering the less than virtuous amongst his flock.  If he needs assistance, we will be happy to provide it.

In the meantime, if Democrat Matzen would truly like to do some good and show respect for women, end disgusting and regressive conduct, and show that he is fit for the office he holds, he could ask the Democrat caucus to allow the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act to the floor for a vote.  No purple prose, hysteria or hypocrisy... just let it come to a vote so that children may be saved from sexual slavery.

Dem operative Devine continues attack on Phil Murphy

New Jersey Democrat operative Devine James has continued questioning Democrat gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy's fitness to hold public office.  Last week, Devine posted this nasty tweet:  "We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people."

Over the weekend, we found these insightful comments by Devine on a website he maintains as a panegyric to himself: 

"We need to take the power to sway elections away from the greedy rich billionaires and put it back in the hands of the people. We need to make life livable so impoverished families are not at the mercy of uncaring politicians and greedy corporations. We need to restore faith among people that government can be a force for good and the first step would be stopping the government from doing so much harm."

We agree.  Rich liberal billionaires suck.  Big government sucks.  Corporate welfare and its enablers suck.

Devine's website calls himself a "masterful Democratic Party campaign strategist, a crusading journalist and an accomplished leader..."  He is also regarded to be a very trusted Democrat Party hand-job with a penchant for tortured prose like this: 

"A total of 7,765 Occupy protesters have been arrested around the U.S. since Occupy Wall Street began on September 17, 2011. Bankers arrested for robbing $22 trillion from middle class families, greedy corporate executives charged for wrecking the American economy and sanctions imposed on those greedy corporations are outnumbered by the words in this sentence."

Although oddly worded, Devine does make the point that it was bankers -- like Phil Murphy -- who sucked the life out of the U.S. economy and got both a bail out and a bonus for their efforts.  It does pay to lobby... don't it?

Democrat nominee Murphy was a Democrat Party fundraiser and finance chair before President Obama rewarded him with a grace and favor position as an Ambassador.  Murphy bragged that he raised more than $300 million for Democrat Party candidates and himself spent at least $2 million greasing the palms of office holders and candidates for public office.

And for all of you who still want to think of the media as political noncombatants, get a load of what Devine writes about himself:

"In addition to his decade of experience publishing a chain of weekly newspapers, including the News Record, the Patriot, the Perth Amboy Gazette, the Atom Tabloid, the South Amboy-Sayreville Citizen, Devine was publisher of several monthly special interest magazines, including New Jersey Wreck Diver and Kid Zone, During that period, he served two years as secretary of the Rahway Chamber of Commerce.

Devine started his career in journalism as a reporter for WKNJ FM Radio, the Elizabeth Daily Journal, and the Bridgewater Courier News (a Gannett newspaper) and as managing editor of the Kean College Independent, a student-run campus weekly newspaper. He is a currently a contributing editor and consultant to New Jersey's oldest weekly newspaper and its website, WWW.NJTODAY.NET."

This is the same guy who, when he is not dumping on Phil Murphy, says he wants to hunt Republicans.  Why?  Do they taste better than Democrats?

"In addition to being elected six times as a member of the Union County Democratic Committee, Devine served as a council coordinator with, member of the Sierra Club, ACLU, NOW (National Organization for Women), AARP and NAACP, president of the Elizabeth Democratic Association and chairman of the Coalition for Quality Education."

Phil Murphy is a Wall Streeter who made his money at the notoriously anti-worker firm of Goldman Sucks.  Here is what Wikipedia has to say about Mr. Murphy's career there:

From 1997 to 1999, Murphy served as the President of Goldman Sachs (Asia).[9] In that capacity, he was officed in Hong Kong.[19] During this time Goldman Sachs profited from its investment in Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings, a shoe manufacturer which became notorious for its harsh labor practices.[20]

... Then in 1999 Murphy secured a spot on the firm's Management Committee.[7] There his colleagues included Hank Paulson and Gary Cohn, both of whom later served at highest levels of the federal government.[17] This coincided with the Glass–Steagall: aftermath of repeal and made a profound change in how Murphy and his colleagues made their profits, with much greater use of leverage than before.[17]

In 2001 Murphy became global co-head of the Investment Management Division of the firm.[7][21][17] This unit oversaw the investments of foundations, pensions, hedge funds, and wealthy personages, and by 2003 it had amassed some $373 billion in holdings.[17] Hedge funds in particular received large lines of credit from Murphy's unit.[17] Another company initiative that Murphy helped to undertake was the unit that did major business in the emerging markets within the EMEA region.[19]

According to Wikipedia, Murphy thinks of himself as a member of an "elite" and actually bragged about this to the Wall Street Journal in 1998, comparing Goldman Sucks to the United States Marine Corps... but with a different pay scale... and you don't get shot at... and you get to rip-off child workers... and finance regimes that uphold the best traditions of slave labor and human trafficking.

Likewe said, Devine James makes some real strong points about Phil Murphy, and that's something, coming from the former political director of the New Jersey Democrat State Committee.  Here's a photo of Devine with the first Phil Murphy, another corporate Democrat billionaire who made his dough ripping off the folks.

"An ardent believer in lifelong learning, Devine studied Political Science, Journalism and Mass Communications at Kean University. He has been accredited by the New Jersey Press Association and as a member of the Academy of Political Science, as well as numerous other professional and civic associations.

Over the years, Devine has been employed by seven Democratic state lawmakers as a legislative aide or chief of staff."

That's a lot of smoke to blow up your own ass.  Little guy... big ego?  Let's ask an expert...

But the smoke from this hero's pipe just keeps blowing...

"Throughout his life, Devine maintained vast moral courage, often paying a high personal price for showing unequaled bravery by taking principled stands against fierce adversaries and standing up to his friends when he believed them to be wrong. The qualities his critics may never acknowledge have been documented from his earliest days in politics right through to the current time; by some of the very friends he suffered for opposing."

Yep, in this hero's mind, his shit is vast and unequaled.  So what does our expert think?

To close, here is the hero himself, caught short, in a candid pose, outside the corporate offices of a local pharmaceutical giant.