Sex-trafficking website funds Democrat campaigns

On Sunday, the Washington, DC, press reported on the following story:

After California’s then-Attorney General Kamala D. Harris announced felony pimping charges last year against the two owners of — a classified-ad website that is a hub for sex trafficking and prostitution, one of the men cut a $10,000 check to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s super PAC.

Mrs. Pelosi’s political action committee, House Majority PAC, has resisted giving the money back, and an aide to Mrs. Pelosi said the California Democrat knows nothing about the contribution.

The uproar over sexual harassment that began with the Harvey Weinstein scandal has intensified the scrutiny of political contributions linked to Backpage, which law enforcement officials say is the chief platform for activities far worse than harassment, including sexual slavery and child prostitution.

Mrs. Pelosi isn’t the only Democrat struggling to deal with the piles of cash that Backpage’s owners spread around to candidates and state Democratic parties over the years.

Even Ms. Harris, a California Democrat who is now a U.S. senator, ducked the issue. Her office wouldn’t respond to repeated emails about Backpage money going to House Majority PAC and other Democratic organizations.

Since 2010, the owners and their wives have shoveled about $99,000 to candidates and about $95,000 to Democratic parties in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, according to federal campaign finance data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Bowing to mounting pressure, including a bipartisan Senate investigation that found the owners knowingly sold ads to pimps who coerced minors into prostitution, Backpage in January closed down its adult services sections.

The websites, however, continue to be marketplaces for the sex trade.

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For too many children, their road into modern slavery began on the Internet.

According to the U.S. Justice Department, as many as 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year.  The Internet is the vehicle for 76 percent of the transactions for sex with underage girls. 

The average victim is between 11 and 14 years old.  These victims come from all walks of life -- from every race, social, and economic background.

The problem is made worse by America's fluid borders.  According to the United Nations (UNICEF), 2 million children are trafficked in the global prostitution trade. The U.S. State Department reports that from 600,000 to 800,000 people (mainly women and children) are bought and sold across international borders every year and exploited for slave labor and prostitution.

Human Trafficking has surpassed the sale of illegal arms and is set to surpass the illegal sale of drugs.  The FBI reports that human trafficking is on the rise in all 50 states and represents a multi-billion dollar criminal industry. 

New Jersey is a "hub for human trafficking," according to assistant New Jersey Attorney General Tracy M. Thompson.  "We are easily accessible via Interstate 95, and the proximity to major tourist destinations like Atlantic City and New York City makes us more vulnerable and susceptible," she said. "Our diversity is what makes it so great to be part of this state, but traffickers prey on (people of) their own ethnicity. It makes is so hard for law enforcement to penetrate these activities."

In September, 14 people were arrested in a child-porn and human trafficking operation in Monmouth County.  In October , the FBI announced that it had uncovered and arrested 42 child sex traffickers in New Jersey.  The Star-Ledger reported that the 42 were arrested on charges that included sex trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution.  A total of 84 children were rescued during the operation.  At the beginning of December, 79 suspects were arrested on a host of charges that included sexual assault, using the Internet to send inappropriate images to children, and child pornography. 

And with schools requiring young students to have access to the Internet, it is no longer about the parent.  The government-run education system supplants the parents and requiresthe child to be connected to the Internet.  For many children, it's like requiring them to walk to and from school on a dangerous, traffic-filled highway.

There is legislation that addresses this growing criminal enterprise aimed at our children.  It is a bill championed by Republican State Senator Steve Oroho, and it has attracted substantial bi-partisan support.

The bill is called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (S-2928).  And it offers a constitutional way to prevent predators from using the Internet to sexually exploit children.  It requires that those who sell products and services that allow children to access the Internet make their products safe from human traffickers engaged in the modern slave trade.  It is supported by Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that uses technology to defeat child sex traffickers.

Despite having enough legislators committed to passing this legislation -- either as co-sponsors or supporters, the Democrats who run both chambers of the Legislature have held up passage.  They are listening to objections from the porn industry, who have adopted a "no questions asked" attitude on where their profits come from.  Porn is legal and the corporations who profit from it and their allies are the enablers of human trafficking.

The enablers of human trafficking know that S-2928 has enough votes to pass the Legislature and be signed into law by Republican Governor Chris Christie.  They want to run out the clock until Democrat Phil Murphy takes office on January 16, 2018.  Then the legislative books will be closed and the process will need to start all over again, under a Governor who has not expressed support for S-2928.

The holidays are here.  Christmas is coming.  Right now, in cities and towns across America, anti-human trafficking activists are working to rescue children who were lured into a life of slavery through the Internet.  They are hoping to reunite them with their families in time for Christmas. 

Think of how you would feel at this time of year if your child was in the hands of human traffickers.  Wouldn't you want her back?  Wouldn't you want to hold her?  Wouldn't you want to break the nexus that makes such slavery possible?

Every Democrat politician who sides with human trafficking and puts profits ahead of enslaved children needs to be held to account.   They need to be asked why they are standing with the slavers and against the victims of slavery. 

Mark Matzen used improperly obtained recordings

On Wednesday, the executive director of the Assembly Democrats issued a Fatwa on Republican Assemblyman Parker Space (Sussex-Warren-Morris) demanding in the name of his caucus that the Republican resign because he used a five-letter word:  B-I-T-C-H.  Curiously, Matzen was a key New Jersey apologist for William Jefferson Clinton when all those women were coming forward claiming to have been sexually molested by him in the 1990's. 

Let's be clear.  According to Mark Matzen, an elected official can use an intern for oral sex in the oval office, and he should NOT lose his job for that.  But if an elected official says the word "bitch" then Matzen just can't contain himself, loses his ass, and demands that he be fired.  UhhhHuh...

Matzen played the shill for the molester-in-chief, but he called Republican Space "an example of what can happen when a political party embraces the worst of human impulses and turns a blind eye to the ugliness brewing in its own backyard."  And you wonder why people think political spin artists like Matzen suck?  You wonder why people think those who employ them suck?

If using the word "bitch" is the "worse of human impulses," then where does that leave Mr. Elton John?

Or Meredith Brooks?

Matzen was only too happy to suck up money from his fellow Clinton sexual molestation apologists at  Get it.  It was right to "Move On" from the sucky sucky at the White House (everyone does it!) but you have to make a federal case out of the word "bitch" (how outrageous, nobody EVER uses THAT word...).  Funnier still is that Matzen himself is known for having a rather salty tongue and has been known to heap abuse of a far worse kind.  Matzen is a real champ when it comes to pissing on people.

We do not know from what source Matzen obtained his copy of the improper recording of a personal conversation between Parker Space and a friend, but it is clear that the friend -- a woman who happens to be the Executive Director of the Sussex County Democratic Committee -- is very unhappy that she and Parker had their privacy stripped from them by Matzen and his allies.

We note that this is not the first time that Matzen has come under fire for the improper use of a recording.  The last time involved a congressional candidate.  We hope a pattern is not forming.

We all remember how Democrats and, it must be said, some Republicans, spoke about Governor Christine Todd Whitman (and how even Democrat women chortled at this).  The hypocrisy, and the purple prose, and the false outrage are about as believable as a claim that the average Democrat legislator has never paid for sex.  And you know what that means?  It means that they probably participated in human trafficking -- the modern slave trade.

Now that is truly "disgusting conduct" and a "regressive worldview."  That shows a real "lack of respect for women" or anyone with less money and means than your average double-dipping Democrat.  It indicates that someone is "absolutely unfit for public office."  And, if we may use the words provided in a different context by Mark Matzen, such a legislator should be "denounced" and asked to "resign."  Those Legislative leaders who do not ferret out those among their caucus who use the innocent victims of human trafficking "are complicit in promoting" modern slavery.

So ends the sermon Mark Matzen should have delivered to his own people.  We wish him the best in uncovering the less than virtuous amongst his flock.  If he needs assistance, we will be happy to provide it.

In the meantime, if Democrat Matzen would truly like to do some good and show respect for women, end disgusting and regressive conduct, and show that he is fit for the office he holds, he could ask the Democrat caucus to allow the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act to the floor for a vote.  No purple prose, hysteria or hypocrisy... just let it come to a vote so that children may be saved from sexual slavery.

On the "morality" of Phil Murphy

The Record's Dustin Racioppi has actually taken to tracking the gubernatorial candidates on where they stand on what they, the candidates, believe are "moral" issues.  What is fascinating about this is just what goes for morality these days. 


Basically, it comes down to symbols.  In Phil Murphy's shallow world, for a man to be moral he need not control his appetites, and he need not be "spiritual" in any traditional way.  For Phil Murphy, morality consists of reading "fault" into what others do, pointing to it, and then condemning it to demonstrate your superior "virtue." 

To place Phil Murphy's take on morality in context, we have to turn to the Bible, which warns:   “Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”

Murphy's new morality allows its acolytes to see themselves as superior.  Looking for signs of "sin" in others or interpreting their actions as "sinful" kills mercy and destroys the possibility of collaboration, of progress.  Instead of sharing in the human condition of sin, in the brotherhood of imperfection, some are apportioned as "good" and others as "evil" -- and so no commonality is possible between the two.  By keeping the focus on the perceived faults of others, it allows those who embrace this new morality to forget their own faults.  Of course, the resulting moral reflection one gets from all this is as distorted as that from a circus mirror.

Steve Lonegan, the father of the modern conservative movement in New Jersey, ticked off the areas of morality apparently not covered by Phil Murphy's moral compass.  He started with life itself.

Science recognizes that the fetus or unborn child feels pain in the womb at 20 weeks.  This is a matter of science, not faith.  Most of the world's governments recognize this, and in all but seven countries they base their laws regulating abortion on this science.  Communist China, North Korea, Vietnam... and the United States are among those seven nations that don't. 

Phil Murphy believes that abortion is a kind of sacrament -- one to be practiced up to the moment of birth.  He and his allies use the term "sacrosanct" -- a religious word meaning "most sacred or holy."  What can we say about a moral code that claims that ending a life, or even, a potential life, is a "sacred or holy" act? 

Of course, Phil Murphy, along with his party, holds that the taking of the life of a serial murderer; or someone who rapes and murders children; or someone who rapes, murders, dismembers, and eats children; or indeed your garden variety terrorist who kills a few thousand innocents -- they should not get the same sanction as Murphy and his allies serve up to "inconvenient" life.  In the new morality embraced by Phil Murphy, the death penalty is wrong.  But only when it is part of an extensive judicial process.  When the President he served extra-judicially imposed the death penalty on American citizens and foreign nationals, that was okay.  Their lives became as meaningless as those "inconvenient" lives.

Phil Murphy inhabits a moral shallowland, in which symbols are used as garments to clothe the decadent flesh of those wishing to appear "virtuous."

Phil Murphy also has a curious "morality" when it comes to elected officials accepting gifts -- or the company of young women -- from rich "benefactors".  Of course, Phil Murphy is a "man of the world" and such men accept such things, normalize them, and incorporate them into their "morality."  They do this, much as they accept the presence of slave labor and the profits from slave labor in the global economy.  Phil Murphy is a very rich man, and rich men do not grow richer by concerning themselves with the 45 million in slavery today.  Far better to pocket the profits from slavery that globalism offers and to content oneself with symbols like, the band banner used by Hank Williams Jr. (or even the logo from the group KISS).  It is better to condemn and distract than to own up and go without the profits from modern slavery.

And when confronted with legislation like the Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation Prevention Act, Phil Murphy and his moral allies ask:  "What do the corporate giants think and how will it affect their profits?"  What are the loss of a few thousand children each year to sexual slavery when profits are at stake?  Stick to condemning symbols and be assured that you are "moral" and "good" and that the other man is "bad."  And pocket those profits.

The harm done by Phil Murphy, in his most capitalist incarnation, while a Wall Street banker would lead a more introspective man to become a recluse -- or a monk.  But these are shameless times and the new morality-- and the lubricant of money -- injects a narcotic lethargy into the former keepers of what was, the public morality.  So a few million were made destitute, had their lives ruined, families displaced, dreams destroyed, and the death penalty of economic circumstance called suicide imposed -- so what?  There is nothing to see here, move on say the Record, and the Ledger, and the Times, and the Press.  Move on.  The dead will be buried and their pain forgotten.  Move on.

It's time for symbols.