Pastor Brad Winship: The Federal Reserve.

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Pastor Brad Winship of God & Country Radio delivers a weekly message from his Monmouth County church.  This week Pastor Winship discusses the Federal Reserve. 

Certain conspiracy theories demonize the Federal Reserve as the source of America 's economic woes. In this program, I explain some of the history & purposes of the Federal Reserve,  and I share some Biblical precepts regarding how Christians should view banking, lending and such fallible organizations as the Federal Reserve: (1) don’t scapegoat,  (2) don’t begrudge those who make a living off of you, (3) don’t assume all profit is greed,  (4) don’t overthrow the whole system because of imperfections in the system. 

It is not that the Federal Reserve is so great, but the alternatives are just as problematic – if not worse.  Most of the disenchantment with the Federal Reserve is due to inevitable problems built into this fallen world. We will never find perfect security in any monetary or political system.  The only solution is the Kingdom of Christ .

 Scripture References:  Isaiah 8:12 ; Matthew 25:27 ; Exodus 22:25 ; Leviticus 25:36-37 ; Deuteronomy 23:19-20 ; Nehemiah 5:7 , 10 ; Psalm 15:5 ; Proverbs 28:8 ; Ezekiel 28:8 , 13 , 17 ; Jeremiah 15:10 ; Judges 21:25 ; 1 Samuel 25:8-11 ; Matthew 22:19-21 ; Ecclesiastes 5:8-9 ; Luke 12:19-20 ; 1 John 2:17 ; Matthew 6:19-20

YouTube #24  - Is the Federal Reserve Evil?

Radio Program #338 “The Federal Reserve” – 4/22/2018 – Synopsis

Pastor Winship can be heard at the following times:

  Bridge Christian Radio - Sunday 9 pm
        89.7 FM - Monmouth / Ocean Counties, NJ
        91.9 FM - Middlesex/ Monmouth Counties, NJ
        95.1 FM - NYC
        103.1 FM - Metro New Jersey & NYC
        99.7 FM - Sullivan County, NY
        106.9 FM - Poughkeepsie, NY

WTTP-LP - Lima, Ohio  101.1. FM  - - Saturday 12:30 am; Sunday at 3:30 pm

KKMC in Monterey County, CA - Saturday 9 AM and 7 PM

Listen anytime at   * Click on Program (Left click - The audio should begin playing) (Right click - To save to your computer or device) 

Join Pastor Winship's online at

Pastor Brad Winship: Liberalism's hatred of judgment

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Pastor Brad Winship of God & Country Radio delivers a weekly message from his Monmouth County church.  This week, Pastor Winship discusses liberalism's hatred of judgment:

"This week’s program is the third in the series, 'The Way of Cain.'  We can find in Genesis 4 (the story of Cain and Abel) all of the foundational ideology of the Kingdom of Man in rebellion to God.  This is part of Biblical typology.  As the founding father of the Kingdom of Man , Cain’s initial attitudes and actions will be imitated by his posterity.  The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  Therefore, if you want to really understand the motives behind leftist ideology in our day, simply dissect the story of Cain and Abel.

One aspect of Cain’s attitude was his anger toward God’s judgment. Cain complained 'My punishment is too great to bear' ( Genesis 4:13 ).  That is quite different from the penitent confession commonly found in God’s people, 'Righteous are You, O Lord, and upright are Your judgments' ( Psalm 119:137 ).

Modern Liberalism, at its core, is built upon a hatred of God’s system of accountability and responsibility.   To make contemporary application, I explain the ideology behind the current Social Justice Movement ( SJM ).  Individual justice is the classic view of justice, but the Social Justice Movement shifts responsibility and accountability to the group.  It is a very clever way for the impenitent to exonerate themselves.

Scripture References:   Luke 11:46 ; John 7:24 ; Deuteronomy 16:18-19 ; Psalm 119:137 , 94:2 , 51:3-4 ; Jude 11 ; Ezekiel 18:1-4."

Pastor Winship can be heard at the following times:

  Bridge Christian Radio - Sunday 9 pm
        89.7 FM - Monmouth / Ocean Counties, NJ
        91.9 FM - Middlesex/ Monmouth Counties, NJ
        95.1 FM - NYC
        103.1 FM - Metro New Jersey & NYC
        99.7 FM - Sullivan County, NY
        106.9 FM - Poughkeepsie, NY

WTTP-LP - Lima, Ohio101.1. FM- - Saturday 12:30 am; Sunday at 3:30 pm

KKMC in Monterey County, CA - Saturday 9 AM and 7 PM

Listen anytime at   * Click on Program (Left click - The audio should begin playing) (Right click - To save to your computer or device) 

Join Pastor Winship's online at

Pastor Brad Winship: Liberalism's suppression of truth

Pastor Brad Winship of God & Country Radio delivers a weekly message from his Monmouth County church.  This week, Pastor Winship discusses liberalism's suppression of truth:

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"All of the foundational ideology of modern liberalism is found in the story of Cain and Abel.  Cain, as the progenitor of the ungodly line, was the archetype of all those who live in opposition to God and His law.  Today we would call this crowd the secular left or modern liberals; and let’s not forget there is also the ungodly secular right.  On a sliding scale, some people are closer or farther from Cain’s ideology; but basically, elements of the way of Cain are found in the all the unsaved, natural man. 
This week’s program discusses a second principle: Cain distances himself from God and God’s people by going out from the presence of the Lord and building a city for himself. He wanted freedom from true religion, not freedom of religion.  
The most obvious application of this is the jettisoning of the Bible and prayer in public schools, but there are many more subtle ways the ungodly work to suppress truth.  For example, in racial identity politics, the traditional Biblical America values are discredited as being white.  Since in secularism there is no God and no moral absolutes, one’s values must flow out of one’s experiences and biology.  Therefore, I can ignore your truth because you are of a certain race and you can’t possibly understand my truth.  In reality, all of these modern liberal theories are justifications for overturning and suppressing God’s truth.  Cain didn’t just build for himself a city of physical buildings – he built for himself an ideology to wall off God. 

  Scripture References: Ephesians 5:11 ; 2 Timothy 4:2 ; Psalm 2:2-3 ; Genesis 4:16 ; Deuteronomy 1:43 ; 2 Chronicles 36:15-16 ; Luke 20:13 ; Acts 7:57 ; Acts 19 & 22 ; 1 John 4:6 ; John 3:19-21 "