Pastor Brad Winship: Liberalism's hatred of judgment

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Pastor Brad Winship of God & Country Radio delivers a weekly message from his Monmouth County church.  This week, Pastor Winship discusses liberalism's hatred of judgment:

"This week’s program is the third in the series, 'The Way of Cain.'  We can find in Genesis 4 (the story of Cain and Abel) all of the foundational ideology of the Kingdom of Man in rebellion to God.  This is part of Biblical typology.  As the founding father of the Kingdom of Man , Cain’s initial attitudes and actions will be imitated by his posterity.  The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  Therefore, if you want to really understand the motives behind leftist ideology in our day, simply dissect the story of Cain and Abel.

One aspect of Cain’s attitude was his anger toward God’s judgment. Cain complained 'My punishment is too great to bear' ( Genesis 4:13 ).  That is quite different from the penitent confession commonly found in God’s people, 'Righteous are You, O Lord, and upright are Your judgments' ( Psalm 119:137 ).

Modern Liberalism, at its core, is built upon a hatred of God’s system of accountability and responsibility.   To make contemporary application, I explain the ideology behind the current Social Justice Movement ( SJM ).  Individual justice is the classic view of justice, but the Social Justice Movement shifts responsibility and accountability to the group.  It is a very clever way for the impenitent to exonerate themselves.

Scripture References:   Luke 11:46 ; John 7:24 ; Deuteronomy 16:18-19 ; Psalm 119:137 , 94:2 , 51:3-4 ; Jude 11 ; Ezekiel 18:1-4."

Pastor Winship can be heard at the following times:

  Bridge Christian Radio - Sunday 9 pm
        89.7 FM - Monmouth / Ocean Counties, NJ
        91.9 FM - Middlesex/ Monmouth Counties, NJ
        95.1 FM - NYC
        103.1 FM - Metro New Jersey & NYC
        99.7 FM - Sullivan County, NY
        106.9 FM - Poughkeepsie, NY

WTTP-LP - Lima, Ohio101.1. FM- - Saturday 12:30 am; Sunday at 3:30 pm

KKMC in Monterey County, CA - Saturday 9 AM and 7 PM

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