Seth Segal one of the new generation of GOP adocates

by Joshua Einstein - Sotomayor

Seth Segal is the Regional Director for Republicans for National Renewal and on the Outreach Committee of the New York City Young Republicans. Segal, who splits his time between New Jersey and New York City, is one of the leaders of the new generation of grassroots GOP advocates building out the big tent for the GOP. Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Seth and asking him some questions as an up and coming behind the scenes type leader in the Grand Old Party, below are the questions I asked and his answers.

1. How did you get involved in the GOP?

As a religious Jew my values are commonsense conservative family values. As a result, at an early age I registered as a Republican and got active in the Queens and New York Young Republican Club.

2. What is the goal of Republicans for National Renewal?

Republicans For National Renewal is a national populist organization. We want to move the GOP in a more grassroots Pro-Trump and America First direction. We have endorsed candidates throughout the country and have grassroots events one of which will be on June 15th in New Jersey! RNR NJ Inaugural Dinner Tickets, Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite

3. What is the story of RNR? How did it get started? Why was it founded?

Republicans For National Renewal was founded to preserve and advance the vision of President Trump’s 2016 campaign. Our first event was at CPAC and the organization really took off from there. Congressmen Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, and Matt Gaetz have all been at our events as well as other rising America First candidates and politicians.

4. You and I are two of a double minority in the north east – Jewish Republicans - what attracted you to the GOP?

As mentioned early, as a religious Jew I value religious freedom. The grassroots of the Republican Party believes in religious liberty and family values, two things that I embrace.

5. What do you see happening this mid-term election?

I believe the voters will overwhelmingly reject the woke liberal plan. The Republican Party will take back the House and Senate. Voters will overwhelmingly reject the Biden agenda.

6. You have mentioned RNR events, what is happening at the one coming up on June 15?

June 15th will be our first New Jersey grassroots event. We have an all-star lineup which will feature NYYRC’s President Gavin Wax, Congressional Candidates Phil Rizzo and Mike Crispi and many other big names from NY and NJ. Tickets can be purchased here RNR NJ Inaugural Dinner Tickets, Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite. This will be a fantastic sit down dinner!