NJRTL Responds to Murphy's Press Conference on Abortion

Updated on May 24, 2022
Original Press release Date: May 11, 2022

For Immediate Release
Contact:  Marie Tasy, Executive Director
732 562 0562

Governor Murphy Seeks to Make NJ the Most Dangerous Place for Babies in the Womb and their Mothers: Will the Legislature Follow?

As anticipated, Planned Parenthood is expected to make their way to NJ Trenton Statehouse, this week, in an effort to secure, what they have been advocating, the most gruesome abortion law in New Jersey. This following Murphy’s Press Conference on abortion on May 11, 2022. (To read further on that click here :

New Jersey Right To Life immediately responded to what is called to be the most human rights abuse /infanticide abortion law pushed by the staunch Democrat. NJRTL is countering the Planned Parenthood lobbyists on Thursday May 26, 2022 by letting them understand that We The People will not allow our government to be puppets to an elite click in-groups . Our legislators will understand that We The People determine what is public good and we can abolish, reform and alter at any time. The law must side with the People, not the administration dictating like a monarchy. For further details of this special event click here

(Original Date: May 11, 2022) Today, in an attempt to further his presidential ambitions, Governor Murphy announced his support to make NJ a sanctuary state for abortion. 


“New Jersey will become a global safe haven for sex traffickers and sexual predators who will bring their victims to NJ for free abortions -all paid by NJ taxpayers.”

Under Murphy’s plan, NJ will become a global safe haven for sex traffickers and sexual predators who will bring their victims to NJ for free abortions – all paid for by NJ taxpayers.  Murphy also wants to open our borders to unqualified clinicians and notorious late term abortionists like Kermit Gosnell and Steven Brigham who have killed and harmed countless women.   Sadly, women and minor girls will pay the price for Murphy’s abortion extremism and political ambitions.   NJ citizens will also be paying much higher premiums because abortion coverage will be available under NJ health insurance plans with no deductibles, no co-pays and no co-insurance.    


While abortion advocates claim that minority women don’t have access to abortion…African American women are the number 1 minority to be the targeted victim for minority abortions…

The truth of the matter is that New Jersey doesn’t have an abortion access problem, we have an abortion problem.  According to the most recent statistics, 28% of pregnancies in NJ end in abortion, distinguishing us as the state with the highest rate of abortions in the nation.  In 2017, 48,110 abortions were performed in New Jersey (source: 2017 figures from the Alan Guttmacher Institute).  Although abortion advocates and Governor Murphy claim that minority women don’t have access to abortion, the sad reality is that the statistics prove otherwise.   In 2019, the figures show that 38.8% of all abortions in NJ are performed on African American women.  (https://www.statista.com/statistics/240519/distribution-of-reported-legal-abortions-in-new-jersey-by-ethnicity/).


Governor Murphy has made it clear through his actions and incendiary language that he will stop at nothing to satisfy his political ambitions and insatiable appetite for abortion, even it means abusing his authority and pushing unsafe, unconstitutional laws that will undoubtedly harm women and exponentially increase the number of babies killed by abortion in New Jersey.