False Flag: Did Dems get caught posing as Proud Boys?

By Sussex Watchdog

What do you do when you’ve wasted your campaign talking about “identity politics” and advertising fundraising events celebrating “femmes, trans, GNC, BIPOC, non-binary, women and allies… NO busters (men), NO terfs (non-trans feminists)”? Why, you engineer an event that makes you the victim, of course.

And so, instead of talking property taxes, or county worker retention, or white elephant projects, or unionizing SCMUA… the Democrat Party candidates for County Commissioner are claiming that the “Proud Boys” are coming to disrupt their fundraising event scheduled for November 5th. Of course, there is no evidence that these so-called “Proud Boys” even exist – apart from some fake profiles on Facebook. It might even be that these profiles belong to Democrats because it is certain that nobody other than the Democrats have heard of or from them.

Here are just some of the fake profiles created by Democrats posing as something other than Democrats…

QUESTION: Why doesn't the media interview the so-called "Proud Boys" who the Sussex County Democrats and their candidates have identified as coming to their event?

Could it be that they can't, because they don't exist?

It's a real pity that Republicans have had to stand in for the Democratic Party in Sussex County. While the Democrats are off learning new pronouns, it’s been Republicans leading the battle on behalf of workers and taxpayers… often against other Republicans. The CWA is a reliably Democratic labor union, but they can’t count on Democrats to do anything for them in Sussex County. It was Republicans and only Republicans who fought for them and worked on their behalf so that they got needed bonuses to compensate their efforts during the pandemic. The Democrats were AWOL.

Democracy needs checks and balances to work. Right now, those checks and balances must come from within the GOP because the Democrats have their heads stuck so far up their own behinds. To make up for their incompetence, they have tried cheap tricks – like claiming that the night of the GOP Beefsteak Dinner was the only night they could debate in person. They engineered it so there was no debate. That was both tragic and stupid. An own goal.

Cheap tricks won’t get it done. Real engagement with kitchen table issues will. The Democrats need to pull their heads out of their behinds and get to work on the things that matter to working people and taxpayers in Sussex County.

Democracy needs you to grow up.

"Today's journalistic icons of American liberalism are not those who confront establishment power but rather serve it: by relentlessly attacking ordinary citizens as punishment for expressing views declared off-limits by these journalists' establishment masters...

I dubbed this 'tattletale journalism': the fixation with demanding the immediate cessation of 'unfettered conversations' and the constant attempt to confront and expose ordinary citizens for the crime of expressing prohibited views."

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