For every action there is a reaction

“Lockdowns are responsible for people's behavior toward politicians. If they don't realize the irreparable harm they have caused, then they are as clueless and should seek another career. Let people live their lives so they can take the necessary actions to determine how much risk they want to incur. A Biden presidency may increase the authoritarian actions of the government.” - Prof. Sabrin, Ph. D

Suggested Reading for Monday, November 23, 2020:

murphy and family dining out.png

Murphy Encounters His Dissenters

The year was 1957

(H2N2) The Asian Flu Pandemic

The Covid Cult

by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebrating villains and hissing at heroes. And, even — perversely enough — celebrating the destruction of their own lives and their children's lives.

This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebratin...