Silicon Valley and Free Speech

As a follow up to my post, Freedom of Speech and the Recent Actions of Twitter and Facebook,I received a number of emails along the lines of this one:

I’m not all that sure the government ISN’T blocking free speech. It might be similar to data collection where the government collects data by proxy using the phone companies, but even more hidden. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are different companies and yet they all make the decision to block the same articles and ban the same users on the same date. In fact, Alex Jones was banned by all the companies at the exact same time. Either way, something is going on behind the scenes.

RW response:

I am open to evidence that the government is behind the actions but such a theory without evidence lacks an understanding of Silicon Valley. I don't think the government is behind the censorship but, even if it is, I don't see that as the major problem.

The SV crowd is rabidly anti-Trump and they all hang out together so it is not surprising that they react in concert against Trump.

I recall Justin Raimondo telling me that he was once invited to the house of Google co-founder Sergy Brin. [Gaudy furniture, Justin told me.] All the major SV players were there. It was just after the start of one of the Iraq wars and they had Justin there along with other foreign affairs experts to discuss what their position should be on the war.