Anti-Law Enforcement group backs Mikie Sherrill

According to a press release put out by the anti-law enforcement group, United We Dream, on July 19, 2018, the SEIU organization representing its members in Florida joined with the following hodgepodge of socialists, social justice warriors, and just plain aiders and abetters of criminals to protest the work of American border control law enforcement officers charged with preventing the illegal transportation into America of illegal narcotics, opioids, illegal firearms, human trafficking (modern slavery) and the trafficking of women and children for the purposes of sexual exploitation.

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The list of groups (taken directly from their press release) were… “United We Dream, the Florida Immigrant Coalition, Circle of Protection of Miramar, Women Working Together USA, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Miami Workers Center, Friends of Miami Dade Detainees, SEIU, Power U, Dream Defenders, Women’s March, We Count, Miami DSA, FLSPN, Socialista, SWER and New Florida Majority.”

Their message was loud and clear (the headline of their press release): “Shut It Down! Abolish ICE! Immigrants & Allies Take Over Street For Eight Hours Outside Miramar ICE Facility.”

Fast forward to today and we have the organization that represents those same SEIU members in Florida issue a formal endorsement of Mikie Sherrill.  A Democrat who rose to power on the shoulders of the Antifa activists who hounded Vietnam Vet Rodney Frelinghuysen out of office, knowing that he was old and unwell, they cranked up the invective until the old gentleman had to leave if he wanted to avoid a stroke.  Such is the viciousness of these people.

32-BJ SEIU announced that it was supporting Mikie Sherill, because she “will uphold progressive values” like porous borders through which illegal narcotics, opioids, illegal firearms, human trafficking (modern slavery) and the trafficking of women and children for the purposes of sexual exploitation will continue to flow.  Their goal is to do away with law enforcement.

No wonder so many labor unions representing working class Americans look on the SEIU as a group of crazy renegades, long infiltrated and corrupted by liberal poseurs and their Wall Street paymasters.  The people who run groups like SEIU try to turn that great truism on its head:  That “there is nobody more law-abiding than those who earn their bread as the organized members of an honest trade… and nothing so corrupt as Wall Street and those who serve them.”

We hope that the 163,000 members of 32-BJ SEIU in ten northeastern states, Washington, D.C., and Florida will resist the efforts of the interlopers who have seized control over their organization to comply with the wishes of Wall Street and turn them all into wage slaves competing in a gray economy.  We hope that they will stand with all people of good will – for a safe secure border and against the modern slavery of human trafficking, the sexual exploitation of women and children, the importation of illegal narcotics, opioids, and firearms. 

Talk sense to those who hold power on loan from you.  Resist.

New UN report finds 40 million slaves across the globe

The International Labor Organization (ILO), part of the United Nations estimates that more than 25 million people are in forced labor and 15 million people are in sexual slavery.  The report, called the 2017 Global Estimates of Modern Slavery notes that it is "impossible to know exactly how many people are living in modern slavery, and different studies have produced different estimates."

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According to the report, women and girls accounted for 71 percent of slavery victims, including 99 percent of those in the commercial sex industry and 84 percent of victims of forced marriages.  Children made up around 37 percent of those forced to marry, as well as 18 percent of forced labor victims and 21 percent of victims of sexual exploitation. An estimated 4.1 million people are victims of forced labor imposed by authoritarian governments.

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The report found that modern slavery was most prevalent in Africa (7.6 victims per 1,000 people), followed by Asia and the Pacific (6.1 per 1,000).  Forced labor was most prevalent in the Asia and the Pacific region, (4 victims per 1,000 people), and forced marriage was most prevalent in Africa (4.8 per 1,000), followed by Asia and the Pacific (2 per 1,000). The report warns that these regional figures should be interpreted with caution, because of a lack of available data in some regions, notably the Arab States and the Americas.

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The report identified forced labor in all kinds of industries.  In the cases where the type of work was known, 24 percent of adults were domestic workers, 18 percent were in construction, 15 percent in manufacturing, and 11 percent in agriculture and fishing.

An estimated 3.8 million adults were victims of forced sexual exploitation and 1 million children were victims of sexual exploitation.  A recent CNN documentary focused on one American metropolitan area -- Atlanta -- and found that the illegal sex industry there generates around $290 million a year.

Where was Nia Gill's outrage on Neil Cohen?

Some people -- like Democrat  Senator Nia Gill -- think that slavery is something that happened long, long ago.  In fact, slavery is with us today... and it's bigger than ever.  According to world agencies, 45.8 million people are enslaved and a big part of that enslavement is through the exploitation of children in the child sex trade.

Which brings us to former Democrat Assemblyman Neil Cohen, Senator Nia Gill's onetime "BFF".  Democrat Cohen got caught using State computers to access child porn, an aspect of modern slavery.  As Wikipedia notes:

Cohen was indicted for official misconduct (2nd degree), reproduction of child pornography (2nd degree), distribution of child pornography (2nd degree), and possession of child pornography (4th degree).  In a plea agreement, the state dropped the official misconduct charge and three of four child pornography counts, and on April 12, 2010, Cohen pleaded guilty to the charge of endangering the welfare of a child by distributing child pornography. Initially facing up to 30 years imprisonment, State Attorney General Paula Dow sought a five-year prison term for Cohen, as well his disbarment.   He was incarcerated from November 4, 2010 until January 4, 2012, when he was released on parole.

But guess what, Democrat Cohen wasn't disbarred.

No, the New Jersey Supreme Court failed to do that.  Instead they just suspended his privilege to practice law in New Jersey.  They did say, that attorneys convicted in future child porn cases may be disbarred "in light of society's increasing recognition of the harm done to the victims of those offenses."  Increasing recognition?  WTF!

So where was the outrage from Nia Gill?  Where were those eloquent words... "The Party of Jefferson and Jackson and Wilson has fallen into the hands of human traffickers and child pornographers!"

No outrage. 

In Nia Gill's world there is nothing worse than attending a Hank Williams Jr. concert and having your photo taken in front of the band's flag.  In Nia Gill's world, that is far, far worse than the slavery that goes on today, all around us.

Symbols are what matters.  People don't.