Fellow Democrat exposes Menendez for voter suppression

Our friends at Real Jersey City recently put up a post on their website reminding voters that 15 years ago, on July 29, 2003, the late Jersey City Mayor Glenn Cunningham gave a speech about Senator Bob Menendez.  In his speech, the Mayor stood up to Menendez and his political machine – the Hudson County Democratic Organization – for its use of voter suppression tactics.

“This renegade Democratic organization is using the same tactics that were used by infamous organizations, that attempted to prevent people from making their votes count, in the days prior to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act,” Cunningham, Jersey City’s first black mayor, said about Menendez’ Hudson Democrat machine.

“Something is wrong with our Democratic Leadership here when one of the most powerful Democratic elected officials in the nation, Congressman Bob Menendez, uses his influence to prevent the express voting will of the people of Jersey City – to be thrown away like garbage on the street.”

Cunningham, who also served the 31st Legislative District in the New Jersey Senate, claimed Hudson Democrats sent a list of “illegal voters” to the courts so people favorable to the historic mayor would be removed from the voting rolls.

“Their actions are so frivolous and sickening, actually it’s even funny and comical” Cunningham stated as he read off a list of people on the illegal voter list.


(VIDEO: Courtesy of GetNJ.com)

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