The Meron Tragedy and The Value of Life

24 Iyyar, 5781 °° May 6, '21 (39th day to the Omer, "Netzach She'b'Yesod") °° Parshas Behar - Bechukosai

by Binyomin Feinberg

For many within the Jewish world, the indescribable, overwhelming tragedy last Thursday night in Meron, Israel - taking 45 precious lives - feels like it overshadows almost everything. Seeing Divine Wrath on that scale, and hearing accounts of the greatness to which some holy souls rose on the precipice of death - accepting Divine Judgement with love - should compel us to repent, and to open our eyes to the spiritual heights a person can reach, as long as he lives. Among many of the lessons we can derive here is the indescribable value of life.

As NJ considers the RHA - legislation to enable unencumbered abortion and human-trafficking in NJ - we ought think about just whom will be killed in these state-sanctioned abortions, and what lofty levels of spiritual greatness these souls could potentially attain - if not murdered before being given a chance to live outside the womb. Those who want to see the truth of this - can. Those who refuse to, will - as our Holy Sages exhort - unquestionably experience their own encounter with Divine Justice, whenever - and however - He sees fit.

Furthermore, as Assisted Suicide legislation is struggling to spread throughout America (failing in Connecticut, for now, thank G-d) - and the world - this lesson about the value of life is vitally needed right now.

Moreover, we see that the LGBT mafia continues to gain influence within Republican circles. It does so at the expense of the millions of people being killed by AIDS and other diseases worldwide. I refer to diseases spread hy the sinful acts encouraged by LGBT legislation, propaganda and school indoctrination. The aforementioned lesson about the inestimable value of life needs to be learned by the so-called conservatives and pro-life people who have betrayed the cause of decency and morality in regards to the LGBT movement. We all need to realize that the LGBT advocacy movement poses an existential threat to western civilization, both spiritually and physically.

Spiritually, the LGBT movement seeks the annihilation of our Biblical values and worldview, including the value of innocent life. And they don't really hide that fact. Physically, we must never forget what our Sages teach us in the Medrash Rabbah on Parshas Achrei Mos (Lev. 18:3) - that what triggered the physical destruction of the world via the Great Flood was the recognition of same-sex unions.

The illicit June 2015 US Supreme Court pronouncement celebrating sodomy as basis for marriage wasn't the end of the LGBT crusade against G-d and His Torah. Rather, it was just the beginning of the next stage of LGBT legislative terrorism, seeking to silence all opposition. This second wave is something which we can and must combat - especially on the local and state level, as is being done on the abortion issue around the US right now, with over 500 pro-life legislative initiatives reported this year.

Israeli society too must learn this lesson, and stand strong against an attempt to enable formation of any government with leftist icon Lapid. As bad as the very "un-Orthodox" Likud leader and current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been for moral values, a government with open leftist extremists like Lapid would threaten to gravely advance the LGBT and abortion agenda, thereby endangering the very existence of the Jewish People in the Holy Land (even more so than as perpetrated under the Netanyahu regime), as explicitly warned in VaYikra (Lev.), end of chapter 18; also see Ramban (Nachmanides) on 18:25.*

* Regarding abortion and the Israeli female military draft, please see last week's post:

May we merit the Final Redemption in the merit of standing up against those who seek to war against G-d Himself.

Pastor Phil Rizzo unloads on outgoing NJGOP Chairman Steinhardt

By Rubashov

Since launching Arise-NJ – an organization with a mission to improve education by identifying strong community leaders and providing educational information for those engaged in or considering service on local school boards – Pastor Phil Rizzo has been pulled into the fight to prevent New Jersey from becoming a hub for modern day slavery.  Trenton Democrats are pushing for passage of S-3030/ A-4848, what they call the Reproductive Freedom Act, which is simply the no-questions-asked taxpayer-funding of contraception, abortion, and sexual medical care that will be open to abuse by human traffickers and those who monetize the sexual exploitation of fellow human beings.

The Internet is used extensively by human traffickers to ensnare victims and then to monetize their degradation and suffering. The New York Times recently outed Pornhub, for its role in monetizing crimes like child rape. Two Fridays ago, the New York Times reported: “Facebook removed 12.4 million images related to child exploitation in a three-month period this year. Twitter closed 264,000 accounts in six months last year for engaging in sexual exploitation of children.”

Human trafficking is modern day slavery – and yet there are legislators in Trenton and their staffs who not only deny it but enable it by blocking legislation designed to stop human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children. Lawyer-lobbyist firms are some of the biggest supporters of the primarily Democrat legislators who react to any common sense restrictions on sexual exploitation as wanting to “take away my porn”.

As a genuine outsider fighting for change, it appears Pastor Phil Rizzo is outraged by the Trenton swamp’s behavior as enablers of human trafficking and the refusal of even many Republicans to get involved in the fight to at least push back on modern slavery and the sexual exploitation of children. Big money interests want to protect their investments in industries interconnected with the platforms that outfits like Pornhub exploit. Perhaps this is the reason for his rather hot reaction to the launch video of the Doug Steinhardt for Governor campaign. Below, you can read Pastor Rizzo’s letter, which was posted yesterday on InsiderNJ:

Fellow conservative activists:

To my way of thinking, when you begin something, you should begin it as honestly as possible. Your words should mean what they say. That’s why I was so disheartened when I watched the video accompanying NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt’s announcement that he is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor.

A lot of what Doug said appealed to me, but then soured with phrases like “I’m not a politician, at all”. Doug said that less than a minute into his campaign video and it’s not true. By any definition Doug is a politician and has been for decades.

Doug has been the state party chairman for three years, absent a governor, he’s the top Republican politician in the state. Instead of saying that, in his video, he says, “I’ve worked with conservative activists all across our state, we’ve built a Republican movement from the ground up.” Doug has worked with some conservative activists but has disappointed many. To be fair to Doug, those disappointments were often the result of the political handlers hired to represent him. Maybe the same people responsible for this video.

Far too often, when the grassroots mobilizes, the state Republican Party is AWOL. Maybe this wouldn’t be a concern if the core mission of the state party, which is to elect more Republicans, had been successful, but by any measure we have lost elected officials, congressional districts, and counties over the last three years. Many of us don’t see this as satisfactory.

In his video, Doug claims to be “different” from “the same Trenton insider politicians who run for governor” when he is the quintessential Trenton insider, who built a law practice with a former governor, Democrat Jim Florio. Their firm has deep connections with Democratic Party machines across New Jersey, the firm lobbies in Trenton, and has had millions in government contracts.

I am sure all of this can be explained, all of it justified. This video doesn’t do that. A few seconds later in this video, Doug says that the “closest I’ve come to the Trenton swamp” was serving as mayor of his hometown. Who is he talking about? Because it’s not him. Instead of providing honest information, this video creates fog.

Doug goes on to attack every elected official in the state for being “part of the same club” that he’s a ranking member in, and for doing “the easy thing, for them”. Does he include not being honest as “the easy thing”?

Doug finishes up the video by reminding viewers that he is “an outsider” (he is not) and that the “Trenton insiders” won’t like him (even though he his one of them). If you know anything about Doug at all, this video isn’t believable.

As a pastor, I counsel people to accept the reality of the situation and then, with God’s help, to become better. Doug Steinhardt is a political insider. His insider perspective is a plus if he acknowledges it, identifies what is wrong, and then proposes how to correct it. Insiders can be great agents of change. They are sometimes referred to as “whistleblowers”.

Whoever convinced Doug Steinhardt to make this video thought dishonesty the easiest policy but they passed up a greater opportunity offered by honesty. Let’s pray it is a lesson learned and that, from here forward, the candidate will be more comfortable with who he is.

Meanwhile, a lot of us “conservative activists” are engaged in battling the Democrats who want to pass S-3030 and A-4848, a radical pro-abortion, pro-human trafficking bill also known as “The Reproductive Freedom Act”. The NJGOP has been silent on it. Maybe now we can get some help.


Pastor Philip Rizzo,
President of AriseNJ

Doug Steinhardt is stepping down as Chairman of the NJGOP to seek the Republican nomination for Governor. While we have no idea on where either of the two candidates to replace him – Mike Lavery or Bob Hugin – stand on S-3030/ A-4848, as a candidate for the United States Senate, Bob Hugin did attend an event in Trenton in support of the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act. Hugin strongly supported passage of the legislation.

We think it would be helpful if both candidates for NJGOP Chairman took public positions on S-3030/ A-4848 and on the Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation Prevention Act before today’s vote. Transparency is not the only issue here. It is important that the New Jersey Republican Party take a stand and do the right thing
Instagram: traffickinghub.comHelp Fund the Fight Against Trafficking:

Activists can’t do it alone, the entire party should stand up for victims of slavery and sexual exploitation…

What is Pornhub? The New York Times points out details that would shock all but the most hardened Democrat legislators and their staffs:

“Its site is infested with rape videos. It monetizes child rapes, revenge pornography, spy cam videos of women showering, racist and misogynist content, and footage of women being asphyxiated in plastic bags. A search for ‘girls under18’ (no space) or ‘14yo’ leads in each case to more than 100,000 videos. Most aren’t of children being assaulted, but too many are.”

How does Pornhub monetize the rape of children? Again, from the New York Times:

“After a 15-year-old girl went missing in Florida, her mother found her on Pornhub — in 58 sex videos., Sexual assaults on a 14-year-old California girl were posted on Pornhub and were reported to the authorities not by the company but by a classmate who saw the videos. In each case, offenders were arrested for the assaults, but Pornhub escaped responsibility for sharing the videos and profiting from them.”

A 23-year-old university student says that “Pornhub became my trafficker.” She was trafficked when she was 9 years-old and is now studying to be an attorney. She told the New York Times: “I’m still getting sold… I may never be able to get away from this. I may be 40 with eight kids, and people are still masturbating to my photos.”

“This is 2020. Centuries have passed since the end of the transatlantic slave trade. Yet more than 40.3 million people remain victims of modern slavery — 5 in every 1,000 people in the world… Modern slavery is a blight in our world that we must eradicate.”

UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed