Oh, no! Now the AARP is using racist “hate font”!!!

As elected Democrats in Bergen County are caught on tape revealing their party’s true nature, the party of Jefferson and Jackson (and Jeff Davis) continues its crusade against “hate font”.  Look, we found more of it for you…


May 10, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C  – Vote now for AARP’s inaugural Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Hero Awards… “We’re thrilled with the caliber of all the nominees who were submitted for consideration by their colleagues, friends and family,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy.


My word!  Even the cookbook put out by the Chinese American Citizens Alliance uses “hate font”!!!

Owners of Star-Ledger/ NJ.com employ demeaning “hate font”

Advance Media is the union-busting, job-killing, working-class-family destroying private company that owns Conde Nast and a basket of newspapers that include the Star-Ledger and websites like NJ.com.  It’s the company that employs the writers that fill the pages of newspapers like the Star-Ledger.  These writers earn a fraction of what journalists once made but they are afraid to organize to stand up to the billionaires who own the Advance Media.  Conde Nast is their flagship enterprise.


What’s up with the stylized fonts?  Are the owners of the Star-Ledger and NJ.com employing racist “hate font”?   

Haven’t they argued that this kind of font is demeaning and an attempt to stereotype fellow human beings?

They don’t use Fraktur to sell Germany do they?  How about Cyrillic to sell Russia? 

And this private company is making lots and lots of money doing this.  Should they be monetizing stereotypes by using “hate font”?

Perhaps someone at Advance Media can explain?  Is this a job for Project Veritas or just some enterprising young maker of documentary shorts? 

Stay tuned…

Oh, by the way, seemingly right-on and woke Democrats have been using “hate font” too and have been doing so for years.   

You know who you are.

Get ready to be embarrassed.