Could this be the tipping point?

Suggested reading Prof. Sabrin, Ph. D

In her Georgia complaint, Sidney Powell included the declaration of Navid Keshavarz-Nia, an expert witness who stated under oath that there was massive computer fraud in the 2020 election, all of it intended to secure a victory for Joe Biden.  Dr. Kershavarz-Nia's name may not mean a lot to you, but it's one of the weightiest names in the world when it comes to sniffing out cyber-security problems.

We know how important Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is because, just two and a half months ago, the New York Times ran one of its Sunday long-form articles about a massive, multi-million-dollar fraud that a talented grifter ran against the American intelligence and military communities.  Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is one of the few people who comes off looking good:

Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, "was always the smartest person in the room." In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots. After several months of working with Mr. Courtney, he began connecting those dots too. He did not like where they led.

Not only does Dr. Kershavarz-Nia have an innate intelligence, but he's also got extraordinary academic and practical skills in cyber-fraud detection and analysis.  The reason we know about his qualifications is that it takes seven paragraphs for him to list them in the declaration he signed to support the Georgia complaint.

His qualifications include a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in various areas of electrical and computer engineering.  In addition, "I have advanced trained from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), DHS office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A) and Massachusetts Institution of Technology (MIT)."

The Education of Joe Biden

“We are witnessing the failure of Reagan to keep his 1980 campaign promise to abolish the Dept. of Education--and the Dept. of Energy. In other words, Republicans talk a good game of limited government but have preserved the status quo--that's why they are conservatives and not radicals for liberty.

If Reagan or any of his GOP presidential successors had an ounce of limited government principles, one of them would have abolished the DOE, and there would be no angst over who would be the next Education Secretary. “

- Prof. Sabrin, Ph. D

Suggested reading:

Is he really going to nominate the head of a teachers union for his cabinet?

by William McGurn

Joe Biden at his election-night party in Wilmington, Del., Nov. 4. PHOTO:STEFANI REYNOLDS/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Joe Biden at his election-night party in Wilmington, Del., Nov. 4.


You might not know it today, but for much of his life Joe Biden was friendly to real, if modest, education reform. As a senator, he supported holding states and schools accountable for their students’ performance, expanding public-school choice and increasing federal funding for charter schools and their facilities. In 1997, he even gave a floor speech in which he said that the plight of children “presently caught in a failed public school” was leading him to reconsider his votes against private-school vouchers. As Barack Obama’s vice president, he loyally promoted an agenda that pushed teacher evaluations and charters.

All that went out the window when Mr. Biden entered the 2020 race. During his campaign, he promised to appoint a teacher as education secretary. Now the talk is that Mr. Biden will appoint not only a teacher but the head of a teachers union. The two names most often mentioned are American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and former National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen García. 

Everyone has understood that a Biden Education Department would mark a change of direction from the past four years. But to elevate to education secretary someone whose career has been spent fighting any reform aimed at relaxing the teachers unions’ stranglehold on the public schools would be an astonishingly bleak admission about whose interests come first.