ATTACK ON PURIM 2021 - The Equality Act: Barbarism in the Name of Benevolence

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The Equality Act: Barbarism in the Name of Benevolence

Ta'anis Ester, 13 Adar, 5781 / Feb. 25, '21

By Binyomin Feinberg

To avoid duplication of what has already been said about the Equality Act, expected to come up shortly in the U.S. Congress, I would like to briefly mention just a few points to bear in mind regarding this and kindred pro-sodomy legislation.

This legislation is far worse than standard anti-semitic, anti-Jewish legislation. This bill ensconces hatred of adherents of the Torah beliefs about the abominable nature of the sin of sodomy (Lev. 18:22, 20:13) into federal law.

Now, we are officially to be branded as the legitimate targets of federal government hatred - not because our ancestors were Jewish, not simply because of our identification as Jews, but because of what we are commanded by G-d Almighty Himself to believe - with all of our heart, soul and might.

Thus, THIS is one of the most virulent strains of Jew-hatred that exists. We are hated because of what we stand for. We are to be hated by federal enforcement agencies for being who G-d commands us to be. We are to be hated because G-d is hated by evil people, and hatred towards us is an extension of their relentless hatred of G-d.

The world renowned Torah sage and Jewish leader, martyred by the Nazis, may their names be erased, Rav Elchonon Wasserman, HY"D (in his work "Kovetz He'oros" on tractate Yevamos, Aggadah, ch.10:1-6) elaborates on the essential qualities of Amalek. Amalek is the ancient national embodiment of the Ageless war against G-d Himself.

Inasmuch as this "Equality Act" wars against G-d by baiting His sincere adherents, Amalek would be proud of this legislation. And, believe me, they are. In fact, so proud that, presumably, some of them - or their spiritual descendants - may be outing themselves shortly, by their avid support for this particular legislation.

They are ALL on the losing side.

Have an uplifting and inspirational Purim.