Biden's medications? Where are the media investigations?

The Democrats Have Their Wish in a Mental Wreck Named Joe Biden

People joke about Joe Biden’s mental state and his ridiculous gaffes, but it isn’t funny when he could become the next president of the United States.

Democrats have been saying they would vote for anyone except Trump. Well, they have their anyone now.

Biden says he’s running against George Bush. At one point he seems to be saying he’s running for the senate. Then he utters a mouthful of indecipherable mush.

It says something about the Democrat Party—they are running a disabled old man with severe mental and motor deficits for the highest office in the land.

Is Joe taking this?

NJ Track My Ballot Breaks its Promise


The key promise of Track My Ballot is that if one’s ballot is rejected, then one can see that online, contact the board of elections, and fix it in time so that your right to vote is not infringed. But now we find out that whether one’s ballot is accepted or rejected will not be posted online until after the election result is certified by the state. This is betrayal.