Some Forgotten Truths About America For Your Family Today.

Three Thanksgiving Lessons:


Lesson #1: America became the "Land of Boundless Opportunities" only after the Pilgrims rejected socialism. Before then, the Pilgrims found only hunger, resentment, and death in America.

Shortly after the Pilgrims arrived, they were befriended by Squanto. Squanto was an American Indian of the Patuxet tribe . (“American Indian” was the term used for 400 years before leftists invented “Native American” to delegitimize everyone else born in America). Squanto spent years away from his home for many years and miraculously survived disease and famine that wiped out most of his tribe several years before. He taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn and other American crops, and where to find fish. The Pilgrims also used fertile fields that had previously been cleared and fertilized with fishheads for farming by Squanto’s tribe.

However, in spite of Squanto’s help, the Pilgrims struggled. They barely produced enough food to feed themselves during their first two years in America.  That is because they ran their settlement as a socialist commune. . .

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Lesson #2: Roughly 90% to 95% of American Indians died from disease. Very few were killed by attacks or wars with European settlers.

In particular, almost all Indians near Plymouth, Massachusetts died from a mysterious plague several years before the Pilgrims arrived. In 1605, Tisquantum (Squanto), a young man from the Patuxet tribe was brought to England, where he learned English, but was later kidnapped and sold into slavery. Later he escaped, and was brought back to Massachusetts in 1619, one year before the Pilgrims arrived. There he learned that his entire tribe had died of disease and hunger, and that all the fields and houses in his village were empty. Squanto then went to live with the nearby Wampanoag tribe until the Pilgrims came.
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Lesson #3: There were many brutal and often genocidal wars between American Indian tribes long before Europeans arrived.

In Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina, Indians led by Chief Powhatan were also brutal and aggressive to neighboring tribes long before the English arrived. In 1585 English scholar Thomas Harriot came to Virginia with settlers of the “lost” colony of Roanoke. Before leaving in 1586, Harriot learned the Algonkian Indian language and took detailed notes of his many conversations with Indians from that area. Harriot included them in the book he later published called “A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia”.  See In it, he included these descriptions of wars between Indian tribes long before the English arrived:

“The most successful chieftains were wily and deceitful and thought nothing of using subterfuge to destroy their enemies. One tribe invited all the leading families of a nearby village to a feast, and when they were altogether merrie and praying before their idol, the captaine or lorde of the town came suddenly upn them and slew them every one. Such cruell and bloodie violence and drastically reduced the population and the people are marvelously wasted, and in some places the country is desolate. . .”
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Click here for the words and music of "Yankee Doodle". And how this slur and insult became a term of honor and pride.

Multiple Choice Question: How Did Democrat Joe Biden Get More Votes Than Republican President Trump?

Choose the most appropriate answer below:

1.ABC,NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, Washington Post, New York and LA Times, Associated Press and every daily newspaper in America did not publish stories of any failures, mistakes, or provable crimes by President Obama or other Democrats, while repeatedly posting every negative statement or action of President Trump--including unproven gossip of things supposedly said privately, and outright lies. They did this non-stop for 5 years.

2. Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, Microsoft "News", Yahoo "News" and other Big Tech companies amplified the above "mainstream" news sources by prominently posting and sharing only positive articles about Democrats, and negative articles about Trump, Republicans, conservatives, and Christians.

3. Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, Microsoft "News", Yahoo "News" and other Big Tech used sophisticated algorithms to systematically block, restrict and ban every individual and organization who tried to use their platforms to present facts or opinions that in any way challenged or contradicted Democrat talking points or agendas. Until last March, Liberty and Prosperity posts consistently reached more than 80,000 people each week. By June, Facebook reduced our audience to 3,500 per week. Twitter did the same. This was done to every conservative individual and group including President Trump, Marc Levin, Prager University, etc.

4. Since 1989, Democrats and Bush-McCain Republicans systematically brought more than 1.2 million legal immigrants plus hundreds of thousands of "refugees" to America from countries that taught them hate-America, hate-Christian doctrines since child. They also allowed roughly 20 million to 30 million additional foreigners from these countries enter and remain in America illegally. Many were deliberately settled in "battleground" or "swing" states like Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia, and Virginia. There were no safeguards or procedures to prevent non-citizens from voting, and many did vote.

5. President Trump needlessly lost hundreds of thousands of votes during the September 29 First Debate in Cleveland by attacking Biden, rather his time speaking to 75 million voters without the media filter to effectively refute Democrat talking points used against him during the past 5 years.

6. Democrat Biden gained 99% of the vote in sections of key swing states by simply saying the Arabic word "inshallah". See Biden's 'Inshallah' Islamopandering (

7. Democrats and Bush-McCain Republicans since 2001 turned Election Day into a six week vote harvest that favors Democrats who have an army of government and "charity" funded "community organizers" who dispense government benefits year round and have six weeks to "harvest" votes.

8. Democrats and Bush-McCain Republicans since 1990's replaced tamper-proof Shoup and Myers "lever mechanical" voting machines with electronic voting machines that are easily "hacked". It appears that results from many of those electronic voting machines were in fact "hacked".

9. Many states mailed hundreds of thousands of ballots to voters who had died or moved, and thousands of duplicate ballots to people who changed their names or were automatically registered through driver license and motor vehicle applications. It appears that many of these ballots ended up in the hands of Democrat "ballot harvesters", and were completed and dropped in mail boxes and "lock boxes". It also appears that many of these ballots were opened and counted without being checked to see if they were submitted by genuine qualified voters.

10. All of the Above.

11.. None of the Above.

(In spite of all this, more than 74 million qualified American voters cast ballots for President Trump. This surprised and frightened Democrats who are now demanding that even more action be taken against us.)

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Somers Point, NJ 08244
(609) 927-7333 (personal email)