Memo to the Dems: Think... before using the "H" word.

You hear the word "hate" a lot these days.  It's the go-to jibe that the corporate Democrats and virtue-signaling liberals use to tar anyone who disagrees with them.  Expect to hear a lot of it at those upcoming "Women's Marches" planned for New Jersey -- and at the State House later this week -- and from the Murphy Administration (and its new First Lady).

The use of the word "hate" has a history -- having been used again and again by various governments and establishment elements in order to dehumanize opponents... in preparation for killing them.  A case in point is imperial Britain's reaction to the unofficial "Christmas truce" of 1914, early in the Great War (WWI). 

Large numbers of British soldiers freely fraternized with their German counterparts and it horrified the London establishment.  In some sectors, the unofficial "truce" lasted beyond the New Year.   The sentiment behind the truce was well expressed by the poet David Jones, who dedicated his book, In Parenthesis, in part "to the enemy front-fighters who shared our pains against whom we found ourselves by misadventure."  And by the French sobriquet:  "Nos amis les ennemis." (Our friends the enemy.)

The recognition that the other side are people too is never welcome for those who place ideology or cause before humanity.  As the well-worn pages of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals attest, you must strip the humanity from your opponent and make him or her a caricature -- the better to hate them.  Of course, you do not admit to what you are doing but rather, as Josef Goebbels counseled, accuse them of hatred and absolve your actions as simply a defense against hate.

And so the British government got together the comics, the cartoonists, the writers of skits -- and asked them, for King & Country -- to cooperate by churning out propaganda that accused the other side of being "haters".  And not just the soldiers, but their wives and children and parents too.  The better to starve them when the time came.  "Hate" is a magic word.  It absolves the doer of all the hateful things one does against the "haters".  


Perhaps the Democrats, the Women's Marchers, and all the holier-than-thou people who readily absolve themselves of any human responsibility by assuring themselves that those they hate are "haters" unworthy of human consideration, can find it within themselves to start thinking of those who disagree with them as fellow human beings, who just happen to disagree with them.  Make it your New Year's resolution.  Try.