Reproductive Freedom Act: Killing Black and Brown Babies

Rev. Gregory Quinlan

On October 2, 2020 Governor Philip Murphy, State Senator Loretta Weinberg, and Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle published a YouTube promoting the hyper abortion bill "The Reproductive Freedom Act." You can read the Governors statement here.

The Governor made implicit mention of the upcoming appointment of a new Supreme Court Justice that could over turn Roe v. Wade. The legislation, S3030 was introduced October 8 and you can access the 47 page bill here.

Governor Phil Murphy announces his support for the Reproductive Freedom Act on October 2, 2020.

The Racism of Abortion

"Planned Parenthood and other abortion and so called 'family planning providers' put their clinics inside our communities. They target our young people. They take advantage of the circumstances woman of color find themselves in and make a profit. They’re not providing real solutions to the problems they face, they only compound them. " Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez- Renew Life Center

abortion promotes racism oppose s3030 A4848.png

Report: Abortion Accounts for 61%

of Black Deaths in America

Breitbart Report

ABORTION IS NOT HEALTH CARE. “For the first time in decades, it seems possible that the Supreme Court could overturn Roe v. Wade,” - Governor Murphy 

On October 2, 2020, the Murphy Administration, pro-abortion lobbyists and advocates along with pro-abortion New Jersey legislators have set precedence in following Governor Cuomo’s abortion law. Cuomo and (now Murphy) are seeing the writing on the wall where the possibility of Roe vs Wade can be overturned. They have sought measures to reinforce the abortion industry through a bill called the Reproduction Freedom Act.


The abortion industry encompasses many areas; it covers from sex-elective abortion to abortion pill to child sex trafficking cover-up and inhumane late term abortion. Out of these egregious areas, it is unfathomable to believe yet still the African-American and Hispanics bear the burden of making up 60% of reported New Jersey abortions.


Abortion is NOT HEALTH CARE. This is not a bill where you can seek assistance in becoming pregnant as the name of the bill deceitfully states. This bill unanimously voted by the NJ Board of Medical Examiners ruled abortions can be performed by non-physicians and permit abortions beyond the preborn of 14 weeks to be performed in an office setting. This means, anyone: physician assistants, certified midwives, and other nurses can deem the abortion as necessary and perform the abortions in any non – clinical setting.


According to Sheila Reynertson of New Jersey Policy Perspective, the “Reproductive Freedom Act” bill is an “anti-poverty measure.” It is not. "When someone is denied abortion care because they can’t cover the cost, research shows they are more likely to remain in poverty for years," said Sheila Reynertson from New Jersey Policy Perspective.

FACT: Many Hispanics and Afro-American women have been the target of racial disparity by Planned Parenthood. For many mothers –to-be, the cost for a medical exam and ultra-sounds are so astronomical, it is another pressure added onto, especially from women coming from a disadvantaged economic status. Planned Parenthood, despite their billion dollar industry under the guise of “your choice” and “reproductive freedom”; have targeted African –American and Hispanic women to bear the cost and be charged exorbitantly high costs while other demographic charges for abortion has been significantly lower.


Call, email, and meet up in person with legislators who are advocating for this bill. Inform them this bill can not pass. This bill kills black and brown babies.


Senator Loretta Weinberg 201-928-010

Senator Linda Greenstein 609-395-9911


Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle 201-541-1118

Assemblywoman Mila Jasey 973-762-1886

Valerie Huttle loses her mind (Is there nothing she won’t say?)

There is a great hubbub coming out of Trenton about the situation at America’s southern border.  People are illegally crossing the border and they are being detained for breaking the law.

Many people, Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle and Governor Phil Murphy among them, are angry because law enforcement separates family members when they are arrested for breaking the law.  Adult males are housed with adult males, adult females with adult females, and minors/children in juvenile facilities. 

It is an outrage… except that this is standard operating practice in New Jersey, and pretty much everywhere else.

Hey, in fairness to Huttle and Murphy, the madness is widespread.  Senators Booker and Menendez have the madness, as do the rest of their Democrat colleagues.  But hold on tight, because Assemblywoman Huttle is on the way to the rescue with Assembly Resolution No. 175.  In it, the Assemblywoman makes the claim that the policy of separating those accused of criminal behavior from their children is “sanctioned child abuse” and worse… it causes cancer in children.

No kidding.





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District 37 (Bergen)


     Condemns federal government’s policy of separating immigrant families and contends that federal government’s actions are sanctioned child abuse.


     As introduced.

Whereas, Experts find this policy is detrimental to the health of young children causing short-term developmental delays and long-term health concerns such as heart disease, cancer, and morbid obesity; and

Yep… cancer.

Look out DYFS (now called Child Protective Services) – those lawsuits are coming!  The State of New Jersey gave me CANCER when they arrested mom for something illegal and shipped me off to a foster home.  I got CANCER and the State Legislature said it was because of what the State did.  Here it is… in black and white.  They say so.

The docket backlog for lawsuits will be measured in decades.  The state will need to double the size of its courts to handle it.  And the taxpayers will pay dearly for Assemblywoman Huttle's insanity.

Thursday: NJ Assembly votes on abortion

On Thursday, the New Jersey Assembly will vote to celebrate abortion in this country.  Yes, SCR-78 is a Loretta Weinberg special -- sponsored in the Assembly as ACR-119 by her ever faithful "me-too" Valerie Vainieri Huttle. 

Abortion is sad.  It is about emotional anguish and death.  Celebrating abortion is like celebrating war for its own sake.   How many ex-military pen testimonials about how much they liked killing?  Or how it was a great "life choice" to take an entrenching tool and shred another man's face until he was dead.

We may debate the ends, but the means of war and the means of abortion turn our stomachs.  It is a dark time informed by darker means. 

Nobody should lightly dismiss what a woman goes through when she finds herself unexpectedly pregnant.  Life is shockingly altered.  You are different, often ill and uncomfortable. Something is growing inside you that you cannot escape and if you don't take to it, find you cannot accept it, you want to claw it out of you and go back to how you were. 

Then the decision to terminate the pregnancy.  The knowledge that whatever that something is that you cannot accept inside you, it is real.  Those are human cells with a human potential. "It might have been a girl with hazel eyes like my mother."  "She might have loved music and walks at the shore and the cool touch of the wind."  But none of that will be.  This will remain a book unwritten. 

In the debate over humanity and viability, one thing is certain:  Abortion ends a human story.

We have recently seen a campaign to normalize the ending of these stories, by some, in what they self-describe as the "pro-choice" community.  Some actress gets up and talks about how great her abortion was.  Is she acting -- or just a psychopath?  How would we react to a military leader who stood up and told us how much he enjoyed roasting people with napalm?    

We need to be honest about abortion, as we do about war.  We should not "celebrate" either or defend it with chants -- whether they be "choice for women" or "USA, USA."  Like war, abortion is a terrible business.  A matter for adult contemplation -- not juvenile celebration.

The old Left knew a thing or two about educating people as to the truth of a thing.  A hundred  years ago, Europe was engaged in what became known as the Great War, and later, as World War One.  That war began with cheering crowds, celebrating.  After it was over, a triumphant parade was organized in Paris, with all the allies there to participate.  Soldiers from every winning nation were formed to march.  A wise soul suggested that a contingent of wounded soldiers be placed up front, which ended up being an enormous assemblage of many horribly wounded veterans -- les mutiles -- the mutilated.  It placed things into context and turned a juvenile celebration into an adult consideration.

As followers of the New Left's Herbert Marcuse, Weinberg and Huttle flit between "summer of love" rhetoric and an intolerant "tolerance" that they adopt when making laws.  And they are absolute ghouls on the subject of abortion.  Seeking to "celebrate" something that, like war, cannot really, with any sanity, be celebrated.

But then, there are the profits.  There is a business of abortion, like the business of war, and it is about market-share, and monopoly, and cashing in.  Oh all those New Lefties who grew up to be Wall Streeters. . . and members of the New Jersey Legislature!