Sussex Democrats use Commissioners’ meeting to bash “white” people

The top brass of the Sussex County Democrats were drafted in to divert attention from the tragic COVID deaths that occurred under Governor Murphy’s watch in Sussex nursing homes. The Democrat State Committeewoman, former county Chairwoman, and county candidates like Kristy Lavin all did their best to take the focus off Murphy’s dead and place it on… wait for it… white racism!

Yes, politics at its worst. Politics tarted up to look like activism. Except the face paint wasn’t right, the garb soiled, inside and out.

The message of the Democrats and their followers was clear at last evening’s meeting of Sussex County’s Board of Commissioners: If you are white, you are the problem. They pushed hard to change the subject. Even brought in a speech by an impassioned member of Black Lives Matter.

Again and again, using highly charged and emotional arguments, the Democrats explained why whiteness was the number one problem in America – and especially in Sussex County. It was described as a bigger problem than COVID.

White children appeared to be a special problem for the Democrats. It seems the Democrats believe white kids to be rather blood-thirsty, relentlessly stalking children “of color”. What these children need, it was suggested, was a form of detention and re-education. The Democrats already have a camp in Andover – mothballed, of course – but one that could be reopened for their purposes in short order.

This assault on children is of particular concern because of the effect it could have on their emotional and mental wellbeing. Telling innocent children that they are the carriers of “systemic racism” and guilty of all manner of horrible things based merely on the color of their skin is quite a wicked thing to do. We wonder how this jives with Democrat Lavin’s day job as a state licensed social worker? Sounds like child abuse to us. She should do a better job of setting boundaries for her party’s acolytes.

But it doesn’t stop with children. The Democrats hate the police as well. One Democrat activist flat out told Commissioners that “Blue Lives don’t Matter.” That’s right. The Sussex Democrats believe that if you are a police officer, or the family member of a police officer, your life doesn’t matter. And the woman who said that was a real sweetheart.

We intend to make a transcription of the meeting with all its high notes and turn it into a kind of spoken word poem about the madness of a kind of certainty that comes from feeling so good about yourself, so righteous, that you think you get to destroy other people who don’t fit into your ideological framework… like Pol Pot did in Cambodia. Apparently, the madness is all around us, as this video makes clear…

Demanding polite behavior is something necessary for a democratic society. But demanding that people think a certain way – and that you have the right of access into their brains to train them how to think – that is the very embodiment of a totalitarian dystopia. If you love liberal democracy – you must resist these people.

The Sussex County Commissioners placed a draft resolution up for discussion that took clear aim at Governor Phil Murphy’s nearly year long rule by edict. While giving praise to Murphy, the resolution was promptly attacked by someone who looked like Democrat State Committeewoman Michelle Van Allen. Although it could have been Michael Schnackenberg made up to look like Van Allen. She does get her identities confused. The resolution reads:

Whereas, Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 222 on February 17, 2021; and

Whereas, Executive Order No. 222 extends the Public Health Emergency that was declared on March 9, 2020 through Executive Order No. 103, which was previously extended in 2020 on April 7, May 6, June 4, July 2, August 1, August 27, September 25, October 24, November 22, and December 21, and again in 2021 on January 19; and

Whereas, under the Emergency Health Powers Act, a declared public health emergency expires after 30 days unless renewed; and

Whereas, Executive Order No. 222 extends all Executive Orders issued under the Governor's authority under the Emergency Health Powers Act. It also extends all actions taken by any Executive Branch departments and agencies in response to the Public Health Emergency presented by the COVID-19 outbreak; and

Whereas, the Executive is designed to be just one of three co-equal branches of government in the State of New Jersey; and

Whereas, this continued rule by Executive Order has undermined the representative Legislature and denigrated the democratic process; and

Whereas, the results of this rule by Executive Order are clear have been injurious to the wellbeing of our State and its people; including:

- Over 7,000 deaths in nursing and veterans' homes attributable to Executive Order 103;

- The economic fallout from the closure of main street businesses;

- The loss of jobs and income without the creation of a temporary safety net to address the basic needs of the people, like food, housing, and health care;

- The effects of these Executive Orders on our God-given freedoms contained within the Bill of Rights.

Be It Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Sussex County, New Jersey:

1. This Board asks that the Governor sign no further extension of the Emergency Health Powers Act and immediately takes steps to return the State to constitutional government and democratic ideals.

2. Copies of this resolution, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the Board to the Governor, the Lt. Governor, the Attorney General, and to the Leadership of both Chambers of the New Jersey Legislature.

The madness that comes with the certainty that you are both right and good. The banishment of scruples, so that whatever you do to another human being – however you injure them – is covered by that certainty. This is what we heard in the earnest, choked voices of last evening.

We have been warned about this before, in another context, by that good liberal, Mrs. Lillian Smith. A Southern writer, she was a pioneer in the battle to end segregation. We recommend her book, The Winner Names the Age. In it, you will find this passage she wrote when she accepted the Charles S. Johnson Award for her work:

“It is his millions of relationships that will give man his humanity… It is not our ideological rights that are important but the quality of our relationships with each other, with all men, with knowledge and art and God that count.

The civil rights movement has done a magnificent job but it is now faced with the ancient choice between good and evil, between love for all men and lust for a group’s power.”

“Every group on earth that has put ideology before human relations has failed; always disaster and bitterness and bloodshed have come. This movement, too, may fail. If it does, it will be because it aroused in men more hate than love, more concern for their own group than for all people, more lust for power than compassion for human need.”

“We must avoid the trap of totalism which lures a man into thinking there is only one way, one answer, one option, and that others must be forced into this One Way, and forced into it Now.”

Lillian Smith
author and civil rights pioneer
(on accepting the Charles S. Johnson Award for her work)

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Will investigation derail Eustace's appointment?

Word comes to us that the Doyen of the LGBT caucus -- Tim Eustace (AKA Brother Eustace, Major Eustace, the Kingfish, Great White...) -- shouldn't get too comfy in that new six-figure job of his.  Eustace's new job puts him in charge of water supplies in northern New Jersey. 

Eustace -- an ally of Sussex Democrats Kate Matteson and Gina Trish, and friend to Bergen politicos like Josh Gottheimer and John McCann -- was appointed by Governor Murphy as the deputy director of North Jersey District Water Supply Commission.  The appointment was considered by many as a "consolation prize" for his being blocked for the State Senate, after a vacancy opened.  Just why he was blocked is still unclear.

Sources confirm that multiple ethics violations are being prepared -- and perhaps a New Jersey Election Law Enforcement (NJELEC) violation as well.   Some of this appears to involve the former Assemblyman's use of money raised for his re-election campaign to send a staffer to Nepal with a stop-over in Dubai.  It appears that Eustace accompanied the staffer on the far-east excursion. 

Dinner in Dubai?
What's up with these Democrats?
Now take a look at this...


So let's get this straight.  Democrat Assemblyman Tim Eustace collects money from special interests, so that he and his legislative aide can fly around the world to do what?  You are a state legislator, not a congressman.  New Jersey doesn't have a foreign policy.

It looks like the former Democrat Assemblyman has some explaining to do. 

Are these Democrats aware that Nepal is one of the worst centers for human trafficking and modern slavery in the world?  While dining with some bigwigs there did they know that, according to the U.S. State Department, "the government of Nepal does not fully comply with minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking"?  Here is more, from Wikipedia:

"Human trafficking in Nepal is a growing criminal industry affecting multiple other countries beyond Nepal, primarily across Asia and the Middle East.   Nepal is mainly a source country for men, women and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking... Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, second to drug dealing and tied with arms dealing."

"Trafficking victims often are taken to locations within Nepal, often from rural areas to the urban centers. Mainly young girls and women are trafficked for sexual exploitation in places such as cabin/dance restaurants, massage parlors, and other places within tourism sector... Within Nepal, labor trafficking is also common: victims often end up in carpet and garment factories, embroidering sweatshops, brick-kilns, and others." 

"The trafficking of girls from Nepal into India for forced prostitution is perhaps one of the busiest slave trafficking routes anywhere in the world, with estimated 5,000-10,000 Nepali women and girls trafficked to India each year.   An estimated 100,000-200,000 Nepali trafficked persons are in India.   Nepali girls are especially desirable as prostitutes in India because they are considered more attractive due to their lighter skin color, and because Nepali virgins are believed to be able to cure AIDS.   Victims are also trafficked for labor in circuses, agriculture, and other manufacturing sectors.   The 1850 kilometers of open, porous border between Nepal and India make trafficking simple and difficult to catch.   In addition, there is no immigration control for Nepalese migrating to India or Indians coming in Nepal under the 1950 Peace and Friendship Treaty between India and Nepal.   In addition to being a destination, India is also a transit country for Nepalese and Bangladeshi women trafficked to Pakistan, Western Asia, and the Middle East and for women trafficked from the Russian Federation to Thailand."  

"Victims, especially girls and women, are trafficked to Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Russia, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf states.   Experts believe China is also becoming an emerging hub for Nepali victims.   Many victims who end up overseas are passed through India first before their final destinations... Girls are sold to brothels at prices ranging from 50,000 to 70,000 Indian rupees.   The younger the girl, the higher the price she will be sold for.   Once sold, the girls are property of the brothel owner until they can pay back the amount that was paid for them... One study reported that girls were forced to serve an average of 14 clients per day, with a minimum of three and a maximum of 40 men."

It is a very sad thing to see members of New Jersey's political class -- rich, liberal, and fortunate-to-have-been-born-in-America -- turn a blind eye to their impoverished sisters overseas.  Very sad indeed.