by Devorah

Atlantic City at one point was the envy of many cities in New Jersey. It had it all. Prosperous economy, a surplus of employment, and many communities of all nationalities thriving for the American dream.

Then came the Democrats. In 2021, Atlantic City is now a shambles.  A city once known for its nightlife.  If you take a look at any of the towns governed by Democrats (ex. Baltimore), it’s a cookie-cutter image of those cities – depressing atmosphere, runned-down abandoned buildings and empty streets which were once filled with vibrant street merchants and excited tourists waiting to explore the once well cared for city. 

There is a candidate who is looking to restore Atlantic City again. We can say Make Atlantic City Great again. His name is Seth Grossman. A product of Atlantic City, his goal is to ensure every citizen in Atlantic County has that right to start living again and pursuing their happiness.

The concept of rising through achievement based on work, talent and initiative is the American Dream, says Grossman.

“I remember a city where it was multi-racial; and everyone got along -- African Americans with Italians, Irish, Puerto Ricans, Jews, we all respected each other. It was safe to walk out in the streets day or night. It was a wonderful place to have grown up in, said Grossman.

“It’s ridiculous how now they are attacking Hispanics who decided to vote for American values, who would have thought that choosing self-dependency and hard work was something to be ashamed of”.

What happened? Why is it gone?  “For whatever reason, the teachers, the media, and Hollywood culture began ridiculing and attacking America -- making it evil, racist and oppressive. If you are aware, the Constitution is founded on individual achievements,” he further states.

A lawyer for over 25 years, he has his fair share of seeing the good and the bad in Atlantic County. He owns his own practice.  Grossman's law firm is respected by the community and he runs a weekly Liberty and Prosperity group meeting where anyone interested in civil discussion on American values and our Constitution can converse with other people.

“I’ve seen where the silent majority is being persecuted for simply standing for true American values that made this nation great. Many of my age are being treated the way the Jews were treated by Nazis”

 “That’s why I decided to run for New Jersey State Senate in District 2. That’s why I ran for Congress three years ago. I was attacked by Democrats and establishment Republicans because I exposed both of them for not doing their job”.

When asked what he thought about the cancellation of the State Senate Primary Debate which was to be held yesterday, May 11th, 2021 by Stockton University, due to his  opponent, former Assemblyman Vince Polistina declining to participate in the debate, Grossman expressed “it was a mistake.”

When contacting Stockton University, they responded stating Polistina chose not to participate, but they hope to have one before or close to the primary”. 

“We need a real  Republican who  can fight “woke” Democrats and force established Republicans to recognize change or it will be a disaster for Republicans and most importantly for our New Jersey citizens.”

Grossman recognized that Stockton University and the League of Women Voters are heavily biased in favor of Democrats.  He went on to release a statement saying,

“That means that most questions will almost certainly be based on Democrat talking points. However, there are three good reasons to be in this biased debates anyway.


  1. In my debate against Jeff Van Drew three years ago (when VanDrew was a Democrat), I showed how Republicans can win by using even biased questions to talk about the real issues that matter to most voters.

  2. Stockton University and the League of Women Voters give us a platform to reach independent and undecided voters we cannot reach any other way.

  3. If Democrats bring up ugly issues in this early debate, they give us Republicans extra to research, prepare, and deliver responses to them before the November election–the election that counts the most.

I am disappointed that whoever wins on June 8 will miss those three opportunities.

However, there is a silver lining. By avoiding this debate, is my opponent admitting that I am the stronger candidate at forums like this?  Is he showing that he is not as prepared and willing as I to fight “woke” Democrats?

Currently right now, early voting is taking place and hopefully we will hear of a future debate before the primary. Election day is June 8th 2021

Seth Grossman - candidate running for NJ Senate LD2 in Atlantic County

Seth Grossman - candidate running for NJ Senate LD2 in Atlantic County