The Obvious Question No One Is Asking - unmasked and unvaccinated

Suggested Reading by Murray Sabrin

On May 16, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Meryl Nass, MD, on behalf of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), took a landmark step in the COVID crisis that has irrevocably changed billions of lives around the globe by filing a Citizen Petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to withdraw COVID-19 vaccines from the market.

Your comment now on the FDA petition is vital in preventing further injuries and deaths from these experimental medical products. Let your voice be heard!

The actions of the FDA affect global health policy. This filing allows all of us—not just those in the United States, but people from around the world—to speak directly to the U.S. government by commenting on the petition.

Specifically, the petition calls upon the FDA to:

  • Revoke the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for COVID vaccines

  • Refrain from licensing COVID vaccines

  • Disallow the participation of minors in COVID vaccine trials

  • Immediately revoke all EUAs permitting vaccination of minors

  • Revoke its tacit approval of pregnant women receiving COVID vaccines

  • Immediately amend its existing guidance for the use of chloroquine drugs, ivermectin, and any other safe and effective drugs against COVID.

The FDA petition was imperative as our government health agencies continue to ignore the astonishing numbers of deaths and injuries being reported to the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Updated each Friday, yesterday’s data release reports 227,805 adverse events and 4201 deaths following vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines from mid-December, 2020 through May 14, 2021. Alarmingly, a 2010 HHS study found that less than 1% of adverse events are ever reported to VAERS. Despite this, government agencies at local, state and national levels continue to promote uptake of these vaccines. These agencies are joined by mainstream media, celebrities, and even the White House in calling for people of all ages to just “get the shot” despite the very real risk of injury and death.

All COVID-19 vaccines currently being administered were rushed through the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) process even as doctors around the world are citing viable treatment options for COVID that are inexpensive and readily available. EUA status is intended for use only when effective treatment options can’t be found. Clearly, this is not the case with COVID.

We are asking you to comment on the FDA petition now and urge the government not to mandate or license COVID vaccines. Please forward this email to all of your friends and relatives so they can comment too. If some of them are still undecided regarding the safety of COVID vaccines, please share this crucial information with them:

The Warnings Are Clear: Vaccinating Kids for COVID Is a Dangerous Gamble

What Does a “Safe and Effective” Vaccine Look Like?

COVID Vaccine Secrets Resources

We need to immediately stop the push for mandates, especially those aimed at children. The experimental COVID vaccines are already being recommended for 12-15-year-olds. It is only a matter of time before they recommend or mandate this vaccine for even younger children—including infants.

Please add your comment to the FDA petition now.

Thank you.


The Children’s Health Defense Team

P.S. Read more about the FDA petition: “CHD Calls on FDA to Immediately Take COVID Vaccines Off the Market

Action Needed To Oppose the Reproductive Freedom Act in NJ!

Contact: Marie Tasy

Where and when will we hear GOP leaders not only denounce this mandated bill as illegitimate; but denounce it on the premise of it being unconstitutional and downright harmful to the very same demographic who are continuously targeted by the same advocacy groups and lobbyists fueling Planned Parenthood based on race, skin color and socio-economics status?

This isn’t the “same old fight”. There is more at stake, so much more than we realize. What is concerning is the absence of the GOP leadership’s voice on this specific matter.


Here are the facts:

The  NJ Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030/A4848) was introduced in the Senate and Assembly on October 8, 2020.  The purpose of the bill is to protect and expand access to abortion and contraceptives.    It is a radical abortion bill that places women's lives in jeopardy and is so extreme that it will allow abortions up until birth. 

Senate sponsors are Senator Lorretta Weinberg(D-37) and Linda Greenstein (D-14).   The Assembly bill was introduced on October 20th and referred to the Assembly Health Committee.   Sponsors are as follows:
Asw. Valerie Vanieri Huttle (D-37), Mila Jasey (D-27), Raj Mukherji (D-33), Annette Chaparro (D-33), Joann Downey (D-11), Angela McKnight (D-31), Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (D-15), Annette Quijano (D-20), Yvonne Lopez (D-19). Asm. Herb Conaway (D-7), Andrew Zwicker (D-16), Anthony Verelli (D-14), Joe Danielsen (D-17), Britnee Timberlake (D-34). 

Listed below are some of the provisions in the bill.  

Explicitly guarantee, to every individual, the fundamental right to reproductive autonomy, which includes the right to contraception, the right to abortion and the right to carry a pregnancy to term.” Codifies 1982 NJ Supreme Court Decision, Right to Choose v. Byrne which protects the right to abortion and exceeds protections established under the U.S. Constitution.  The bill will apply to all residents “and those who come to this state” including those who are incarcerated.

All abortions, including late term abortions will be allowed throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. Enshrines in law that living babies in the womb capable of feeling pain have no rights at any stage of pregnancy, even if they are viable and at full term.  The bill says “a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus shall not have independent rights under the laws of this state.” 

Invalidate existing laws and prohibits the future adoption of all laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, resolutions, policies, standards or parts thereof, that conflict with the provisions of the bill.  Expressly invalidates all rules and regulations promulgated by the NJ Board of Medical Examiners which regulate and apply exclusively to termination of pregnancy.  This will also invalidate NJ’s conscience clause which has been in effect since 1974 which protects the right of individuals to refuse to perform or assist in abortion procedures. 


Permits non- physicians to perform abortions.  Under the bill, qualified health care professionals licensed under Title 45 can provide abortions services in the state. Defines health care professional as “person who is licensed or otherwise authorized to provide health care services, including, but not limited to a physician, advance practice nurse, physician assistant, certified midwife or certified nurse midwife. “

Exempts prosecution for individuals “terminating or attempting to terminate the individual’s own pregnancy; or acting or failing to act in any manner, with respect to the individual’s own pregnancy, based on the potential or actual impact on the individual’s own health or pregnancy.”  It will essentially gut the NJ Safe Haven Infant Protection Act which has saved the lives of 77 precious newborns since its enactment.  The bill “eliminates the requirement that a medicolegal death investigation be conducted in a case where a fetal death occurs without medical attendance.”  This language will grant immunity from prosecution for cases, including, but not limited to the Prom Mom, where infants have been born alive and left to die, or through a deliberate act, are killed, therefore rendering the NJ Safe Haven Infant Protection Act obsolete.  

Mandates annual allocation of taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood under Title X in the state budget

Requires all insurance carriers to provide coverage for abortions and expands coverage for contraceptives to a long term (12 month) supply.    Religious employers could request an exclusion if the required coverage conflicts with the religious employer’s bona fide religious beliefs and practices.