Sussex Democrats go low… politicize Jersey City police officer’s death

Yes, they went there.  It’s what you do when you fail and fail again.

As the New Jersey Herald reported this morning, last night’s anti-Trump/ pro-Impeachment rally was a bust.  Nobody showed… but for a counter-rally of Trump supporters, organized last-minute by the redoubtable Bill Hayden.
Referring to the inclement weather, Hayden (who is probably the best conservative grassroots organizer in the state) laid this perfect line on the Democrats (we quote, from the Herald): “I guess the snowflakes don’t like ice.”
The rally-that-didn’t-happen was organized with the DC-insider group, which was originally called Censure and Move On and formed to oppose the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.  You can’t make this stuff up.  The hypocrisy of it all.  Does the sucking ever end?  No, it never ends… it just goes on and on.
So this morning’s lash-out by the Sussex County Democrat Committee surprised no one.  They always flip-out after a major screw-up.  Only this one was in exceedingly poor taste, somehow managing to equate hunters and owners of firearms in general with “far-right extremists” – while attacking Sussex County Republicans over the tragic death of a police officer in Jersey City, Hudson County.
Yep.  Real crazy.  And exceedingly poor taste. 
We won’t point out that the Democrats in Trenton did away with the death penalty for cop-killers.  Or that the political leanings of these cop-killers do not fit the Democrats’ narrative.  Or that the Sussex County Democrats supported the efforts of their party to hold a “criminal appreciation day” in Trenton, during which they passed laws to give convicted criminals voting rights and education aid (just months after cutting education funding to Sussex County’s school children).  What kind of message does this send?  Pushing criminals to the head of the line before school kids – if that isn’t proof that “crime pays” what is?
Not content with the level at which they disgraced themselves, Democrats ramped it up, attempting to link the GOP to anti-Semitism and terrorism.  Perhaps they were gazing into a mirror?
If any party has a problem with anti-Semitism, it is the Democrat Party.  As Democrat Congressman Josh Gottheimer has noted, there are members of the Democrat congressional caucus who are open supporters of the anti-Semitic BDS movement.  Sussex County Democrats even got an award from Linda Sarsour – who was dumped from the Women’s March because of her anti-Semitism.
The government of Israel and Jewish community leaders worldwide have noted the inexorable rise of anti-Semitism on the Left.  And it’s not just the Democrats in Washington, DC.  One of the causes for the defeat of the British Labour Party at the recent General Election was its open embrace of anti-Semitism.  It directly led to the worst defeat for the Left since 1935 – and the largest Conservative majority since the 1980’s era of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.
And as for terrorism…
The award those Sussex County Democrats got was in recognition of voter registration drives and other political campaigning done by Action Together New Jersey in coordination with a group called CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations.  Presenting the award was CAIR National Chairwoman, Roula Allouch, and CAIR-NJ Founder, Ahmed Al Shehab. 
One of America’s most important Islamic allies – the United Arab Emirates – has designated CAIR a terrorist organization.

Action Together New Jersey is in the forefront of the drive to push the Democrat Party in New Jersey to the far-Left.  They have joined CAIR in opposing the bi-partisan efforts of New Jersey Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-5) to push back on members of the so-called “Jihad Squad” (far-Left Democrats Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib) in their attempt to promote the anti-Semitic BDS movement
Entire county party organizations are being taken over by Action Together New Jersey.  In Sussex County, for instance, their members have thoroughly infiltrated the local Democrat committees and pushed the moderates out.  On the group’s website, they identify members of Action Together New Jersey who have taken over and occupied leadership positions in the Democrat Party. 
These include Katie Rotondi, the Chairwoman of the Sussex County Democrat Committee.  Also listed as members on the group’s website are Democrat State Committee members Michele Van Allen and Ben Silva, Stanhope Councilman Anthony Riccardi, Sparta Board of Education member Kate Matteson, as well as a number of Democrat County Committee members.  
The far-Left is on the march, taking over the Democrat Party, pushing out common sense and fiscal responsibility.  The hypocritical attempts by Sussex County Democrats to smear others are merely a cover for this takeover.

Is “White Extremism” the new “Satanic Panic” scare?

By Rubashov
On September 16, 1994, President Bill Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act into law. More than $30 billion was spent during the Clinton presidency to work with state and local law enforcement to drive down crime.  It worked, crime declined sharply during the 1990’s.  But President Clinton would later complain that voters’ perceptions continued to reflect concerns about the “high incidence” of crime, despite the empirical evidence of its decline.
Why?  Well, news coverage of crime had changed.  Facing an increasingly competitive environment, media outlets fought to attract more customers.  From Agatha Christie to True Detective, crime brings in an audience, so the media began to spend an enormous amount of time covering crimes that in the past would have been noted, if at all, by a line or two in the “police blotter”.  The media’s increased coverage of crime made people believe there was more of it, despite the evidence.
Democrats like Congressman Tom Malinowski would have us believe that there are “white extremist” cells in every town and neighborhood where average working class folk account for a significant portion of the population.  Of course, this is not the case within the precincts of those bubble lands inhabited by rich One-Percenters like Tom Malinowski.  There only good-will and tolerance abide, so says Malinowski.    
The New York Times, that bastion of unbiased journalism, supports the Democrat narrative of “white extremism” (aka “white supremacy”).  Of course they would.  Despite having plenty of opportunities to do so, the New York Times hasn’t endorsed a Republican for President since 1956.  If you voted that year based on the Times’ recommendation, you would be 84 years old today. 
The evidence suggests the New York Times has a record of bias that is surpassed only by the newspapers of the former Soviet Union.  And yet day by day we receive missives from the New York Times, begging for money, suggesting that by paying them money we are somehow performing a public good.  One recent appeal for money stated this bald faced lie: 
“The freedom of the press is essential to our democracy, and subscriber support is vital in helping journalists follow the facts wherever they lead and report without fear or favor.”
The sales flunky who penned that howler either doesn’t read the newspaper he’s shilling for – or he has a set of grapefruit-sized cojones.  Follow the facts wherever they lead… tell that to the millions of murdered Ukrainians defamed by the New York Times.  You can read all about the New York Times’ Pulitzer Prize winning genocide-denier here:

Hey, now don’t get the idea that the New York Times is some wild radical or revolutionary media outlet.  Far from it.  The New York Times is the newspaper of record of the Corporate/Government/& Academic Establishment of these United States.  It supports all the wars, all the foreign interventions, all the big spending, all the government intrusions into private life, it is a champion for the slow decline of freedom in this country.  Just look at how the New York Times trashes Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard… 

In pushing the Democrats’ “white extremism” narrative, the New York Times seizes upon the affinity that some biker gangs have for WW2-style German military helmets, Nazi-insignia, and other pointedly non-conformist paraphernalia. Of course, such has been adopted and worn by anti-social delinquents since at least the 1950’s (as any of a number of popular “biker” movies from that and later eras will illustrate).

It would be monstrous for a serious newspaper to argue that the members of a criminal biker gang with ties to illegal narcotics represents a “political” force, or is representative of a specific community or region, or is somehow the face of a significant piece of the American working class – if it wasn’t so patently silly and ridiculous. Married up to this are the efforts of individual Democrats like Tom Malinowski – who is forever on the hunt for “evidence” of the “looming threat” of “white extremism” (too bad he forgets the role he played in selling out the Rohingya people to genocide).

All this puts us in mind of the Great Satanic Panic of the 1980s and 90s. The media went crazy reporting on every salacious detail, hundreds of suspected “witches” and “cultists” were investigated while politicians and prosecutors pontificated and made their careers, dozens were arrested, many of whom were convicted and spent years in jail – before the truth pushed through to reveal that it was all just media hype. A public circus of show trials and fake stoked fear.

Those convicted were eventually released. Instead of the media, the politicians, and prosecutors who convicted them being made to pay – the taxpayers paid out millions as some measure of restitution to the people whose lives were destroyed (for a story, a headline, a conviction). Writer Aja Romano wrote an interesting piece on the Satanic Panic a few years ago…

In 1980, a since-discredited memoir called Michelle Remembers became a scandalous bestseller based on its purported detailing of a childhood spent undergoing a wealth of shocking occult sexual abuse. Its co-authors were controversial psychologist Lawrence Pazder and his wife Michelle Smith, a former patient Pazder claimed to have regressed into childhood through hypnosis. Pazder purportedly helped Smith uncover memories of past abuse at the hands of members of the Church of Satan, which Pazder insisted was older than LaVey’s group by several centuries.

Almost from the moment of Michelle Remembers’ publication, its claims and allegations were repeatedly and thoroughly debunked. However, thanks to widespread and credulous media praise, Pazder and Smith were able to double down on their story, and Pazder became seen as an expert in the arena of what would come to be called satanic ritual abuse.

Despite the wild implausibility and unverifiable foundation of its stories of grisly abuse and sex orgies, Michelle Remembers was presented during the ’80s and early ’90s as a textbook for legal professionals and other authorities. It also spawned numerous copy-cat memoirs like 1988’s Satan’s Underground, all equally false, which embellished and mainstreamed the idea of a massive, intergenerational, clandestine satanic ritual sex abuse cult — one that could be occurring in your very own neighborhood.

“The devil worshippers could be anywhere,” writer Peter Berbergal said in summing up the zeitgeist. “They could be your next-door neighbor. They could be your child's caregiver."

The false narrative of Michelle Remembers would directly impact the nation for over a decade. Its dark occult fantasies helped to spark the rash of wildly dramatic, highly unfounded accusations of satanic ritual abuse that were attached to a string of daycare centers throughout the 1980s…

This fear would ravage communities and ruin multiple lives before it finally subsided — and lead to two of the most notorious criminal trials in US history.

…In 1980 in Bakersfield, California, social workers had been reading the just-published Michelle Remembers as part of their training when a number of children came forward to declare that they had been molested as part of a clandestine local occult sex ring. Two of the girls had been coached by a grandparent who was believed to have a history of mental illness. Over the coming months, their story of strange occult sex acts would grow more and more bizarre, as they claimed to have been hung from hooks in their family’s living room, forced to drink blood and watch ritual baby sacrifices, and much more.

Between 1984 and 1986, the investigation into these labyrinthine claims of satanic ritual abuse would send at least 26 people to jail in interrelated convictions, despite a complete lack of corroborative physical evidence for any of the claims.

Nearly all of those convictions have since been overturned, including that of a local carpenter named John Stoll, who spent 20 years of his 40-year sentence in jail. Parents Scott and Brenda Kniffen were each sentenced to 240 years in jail after their own sons were coached, through coercive investigative techniques and overeager therapists, to accuse them of child molestation. Both children later recanted and the Kniffens were released after serving 12 years in prison. As adults, several of the children involved in the trials professed to have been traumatized by their own earlier false testimony and the subsequent damage it caused.

But these children weren’t alone; the Kern County abuse case was the first, but would not be the last, to spiral hopelessly out of control.

…Among the many failed prosecutions of satanic ritual abuse in daycares was the McMartin trial, which became the largest, longest, and most expensive trial in California history. This massive investigation began in 1983, when one parent accused one of the staff members at the McMartin pre-school in Manhattan Beach, California, of abuse. During the police investigation into the abuse claims, a child-service nonprofit group known as the Children’s Institute conducted examinations of 400 children who attended the daycare. The examinations were run by a woman named Kee MacFarlane, who was an unlicensed psychotherapist.

MacFarlane had no psychological or medical training, and boasted a welding certificate as her highest academic credential; still, she and two other unqualified assistants were allowed to conduct the investigations, famously using “anatomically correct” dolls and other questionable methods of interrogation. These extremely coercive interview processes led to false memories among children, which then led to highly fantastic claims of abuse directed at even more staff members. Out of 400 children, the interviewers determined that 359 of them had been abused.

The accusations collected by the Children’s Institute resulted in a staggering 321 counts of child abuse being leveled at seven daycare staff members by 41 children. (Pazder, now considered an “expert” in satanic ritual abuse, was among the consultants in the case.) Among the litany of outlandish claims children made in the case were that daycare owners would flush them down toilets, that they had built secret underground tunnels to transport them to ritual ceremonies, that they had ritually sacrificed a baby, and that they could turn into witches and fly.

After six years of investigation and litigation of a five-year trial, the case ultimately essentially evaporated due to an utter lack of evidence. The original accusing parent in the case was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, the investigative techniques used by the Children’s Institute were thoroughly discredited by the psychological community, and one by one, all charges against the daycare staffers were dropped due to insufficient evidence.

Due to the over-the-top nature of the allegations in the McMartin case, the public gradually became skeptical of claims of satanic ritual abuse. “After scouring the country, we found no evidence for large-scale cults that sexually abuse children,” Dr. Gail Goodman, a psychologist who conducted a wide-scale survey of US case workers about the hysteria, told The New York Times in 1994. What criminal allegations were made had generally come about due to a mix of mental illness, false memories implanted during therapy and witness investigations, and, most frequently, reports from people who were being influenced by histrionic media reports of satanic ritual abuse — a pattern very similar to the current outbreak of clown scares.

The writer goes on to outline a dozen or so similar prosecutions. All built on literally insane allegations. All debunked in time – but not after causing a remarkable degree of harm on those who were falsely accused.

Perhaps the New York Times writers are too young to remember the 1980s and 90s. Perhaps they failed to study it at journalism school. Perhaps it wasn’t offered. In any event, let’s hope the Times and its political fellow-travelers are not heading down this well-beaten road again… only this time the accused, the victims, will be whole communities, regions, a whole class of working people, or anyone from anywhere not likely to believe the New York Times.

Malinowski ignores genocide in Burma. Makes fashion statement against White people.

Poor Tom Malinowski.  He can’t help it that he’s white… and rich.  A member of one of New Jersey’s liberal blue-blood families. 

He seems to feel he must do a form of public penance.  Sure it’s medieval, but self-flagellation is the thing with some liberals.  

Tom Malinowski is becoming the incredible shrinking Congressman… taking aim at anything that might earn him a pat on the back from those more woke “new” Democrats – like the Bronx's very own La Pasionaria, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  And so, on Monday, the Congressman took aim at “White Supremacy” in the form of a resolution condemning two nut cases responsible for the mass murder of congregants at houses of worship in Pittsburgh and in New Zealand.  

That is a pretty easy lift. It isn’t controversial to point out that a celebrity-worshipping society as steeped in violence-as-entertainment as is the post-modern West today, has given rise to quite a few mentally-unstable creatures craving the inevitable attention that starring in their own real-life video game will grant them.  That the feeble-minded connect with a juvenile concept like group supremacy should surprise nobody.  With these sick bastards it is a case of life imitating “art” (if that’s what you want to call the murder-based-gaming that so many children and adolescents are trained on these days). 

After all, it was the Democrat “centrist” President Bill Clinton who commissioned a study that produced scientific evidence, every bit compelling as that invoked on global warming, illustrating how the consumption of tens of thousands of ersatz violent acts twists young minds and alters “responsible” behavior.  President Clinton’s people uncovered the fact that the entertainment industry was purposely marketing violence to children, and that children become addicted to violence.  This study is now twenty years old and it remains unacted upon, drowned in a sea of campaign contributions by the entertainment industry and its lobbyists.

What isn’t an easy lift is taking on governments that allow or promote the murder of innocent people. Yep, taking on institutional genocide is a bit tougher than making a fashion statement about the race of a couple sicko ciphers who society would be better served by erasing the memory of them ever existing.

Once upon a time, a liberal like Tom Malinowski would have understood this.  Once upon a time, Tom Malinowski did some heavy lifting.  But then he went establishment, traded in his beliefs for a cushy Washington job, with a nice title and a pension, and lost his balls.

There’s been a genocide going on in the former Burma – now called Myanmar – since 2012, when the military started persecuting an ethnic minority called the Rohingya people, many of whom practice the Muslim faith in this majority Buddhist country.  Around the time that Tom Malinowski began his campaign for Congress – in August of 2017 – the government of Myanmar let loose its latest pogrom on the Rohingyas.  This included “atrocities” in the form of “looting and burning down Rohingya villages, mass killing of Rohingya civilians, gang rapes, and other sexual violence.”

Médecins Sans Frontières estimated in December 2017 that the violence claimed the lives of “at least 10,000 Rohingya people…  At least 392 Rohingya villages in Rakhine state were reported as burned down and destroyed…  as well as the looting of many Rohingya houses, and widespread gang rapes and other forms of sexual violence against the Rohingya Muslim women and girls.”

In September 2018, the United Nations reported that over 700,000 Rohingya people had been driven out of Rakhine state and had become refugees in neighboring Bangladesh.  Two Reuters journalists covering a massacre of innocent people at Inn Din were arrested and imprisoned by the Myanmar government.

Agencies of the United Nations and the International Criminal Court have termed these attacks as acts of “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide”.  In August 2018, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights declared that the leaders in Myanmar should face charges in the International Criminal Court for "crimes against humanity", including acts of "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide." 

The leader of Myanmar, State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi has been strongly criticized for her inaction and silence in response to the military abuses. On September 27, 2018, the Canadian Parliament voted unanimously to dispossess Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi of her honorary Canadian citizenship for the atrocities against Rohingya Muslims.

Tom Malinowski personally knows State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and has, in the past, championed her.  Unfortunately, back when he was working for the State Department – during the administration of President Barack Obama – Malinowski had the opportunity to publicly say something about the genocide, instead, said nothing.  In 2014, the organization United to End Genocide reported:

“The Burmese government has isolated and demonized the 1.3 million Rohingya in Burma as part of a plan to promote a singular nationalist and Buddhist identity. This was formalized in the 1982 Citizenship Act when they were declared ‘non-national’ or ‘foreign residents.’ Today, the Rohingya have become outsiders in a land they have occupied for generations. They are prohibited from marrying, having children, working, obtaining healthcare and going to school...

So who can the Rohingya rely on for protection? Instead of taking a hardline approach against Burma’s repressive government, much of the international community is fighting for the economic spoils of a resource-rich country that is now opening its economy to the world.

Eager to please the Burmese government, the international community is now honoring Burma’s request not even to mention the name Rohingya.

In August, when U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited Burma, he met with President Thein Sein and other leading officials, and did not use the word Rohingya. When questioned, a State Department representative said the name issue should be ‘set aside.’

Earlier this summer, Tom Malinowski, the U.S. Special Envoy for Human Rights, visited Burma and failed to say the word ‘Rohingya’. When giving a presentation on the status of the Rakhine state where the majority of the Rohingya live, he did not even acknowledge the group.”

Think about it for just a moment…

This is the same Tom Malinowski who weeps publicly because not enough taxpayer money is being spent on providing Sanctuary State services to illegal immigrants in New Jersey.  But then he does nothing – won’t even acknowledge – the plight of people who have been deemed “foreign” in their own country.

In Congress, Tom Malinowski was quick to capitalize on two recent well-reported events in Pittsburgh and New Zealand – and propose a resolution condemning group supremacy as if it were something more than a silly idea, the province of idiot luft men.  But when an actual bricks and mortar government and its military commits institutional genocide and crimes against humanity… it’s crickets.  Tom Malinowski does nothing.

And remember these words from United to End Genocide… “Instead of taking a hardline approach against Burma’s repressive government, much of the international community is fighting for the economic spoils of a resource-rich country that is now opening its economy to the world.  Eager to please the Burmese government, the international community is now honoring Burma’s request not even to mention the name Rohingya.”

So what did Tom Malinowski do in between leaving the Obama State Department and running for Congress?  Well, it was disclosed when he filed for Congress:

You guessed it.  He tried to help the “international community” cash in on those “economic spoils” of “resource-rich” Myanmar/Burma.  Tom Malinowski became part of an entity called the Inle Advisory Group.  Who are they? Well, we’ll let them tell you themselves…

Uniting Myanmar’s Heritage With its Brightest Future.

Inle Advisory Group is a boutique firm focused on development opportunities in Myanmar. As Myanmar opens up to political and economic engagement from around the globe, Inle Advisory Group will be there to provide in-depth and comprehensive advisory services for clients across industries.  

Like the iconic fishermen using his distinctive rowing style to navigate the difficult waters of Inle Lake, Inle Advisory Group will utilize our unique knowhow and capabilities to steer our clients through the many investment challenges. The strength of Inle Advisory Group is unparalleled knowledge of Myanmar. This deep expertise equips us to provide clients looking to invest in the world’s newest emerging market with a tailored package of the best possible tools and strategies for long-term growth and desired results.  

Inle Advisory Group will ensure our clients are fully informed to invest successfully in a challenging environment, promoting the “gold standard” of business practices that will benefit U.S. companies and the people of Myanmar.

Something tells us that there was an Inle-type “advisory group” back in the 1930’s promoting a “gold standard” of business practices and enabling another regime set on genocide.  Hey Congressman, is trade really the right response to genocide and crimes against humanity?  What point is made by making murderers rich?

Tom Malinowski… once upon a time you had balls. Now… just stick to your fashion statements and virtue signaling.  

Are all Hollywood “makers of our culture” rapists and molesters?

Liberal Hollywood runs on money.  The “art” of imagining what will hook both investors and consumers.  Hollywood is what makes our culture – has made our culture – for nearly a century.  This November we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the end of the what was built on hard work and “manifest destiny” and the beginning of the culture of modern make-believe. 

It is no surprise that Hollywood is liberal.  That the “entertainment” industry and its media sidekicks are the Democrat Party’s most consistent donors. 

From that perfectly “sincere” smile to his well-manicured toenails, Senator Cory Booker is a media darling.  Hollywood sees nothing wrong in the importation of women (“for a friend”) or in exchanging luxuries for “help” (“for a friend”)… and so Hollywood sees nothing wrong with Senator Bob Menendez.

And Hollywood just adores that weasel class of ex-bureaucrats with Hollywood manufactured “back stories” who now menace New Jersey’s voters… Andy “winner of the hot cross bun, with bar” Kim, Tommy (him pretty) Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill.  BTW, “Mikie” is Hollywood for “Rebecca Michelle”.  Aside from the ubiquitous “AKAs” employed by the criminal class, apparently the two careers for which a change of name is accepted practice are Hollywood and politics. 

weinstein clinton paltrow.jpg

Among the latest Hollywood icons felled by the #MeToo movement is one of its prominent feminist leaders (who is alleged to have seduced a teenaged boy).  No, it wasn’t her student and she isn’t a member of the NEA. 

Then there are the two LGBT activists who drugged and raped another man.  Prior to this they were famous for having been “married” by no less than far-Left U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  According to the New York media, the rape was “violent”.  One of those names came up as a contributor to our old pal Andy Kim, a candidate for Congress in South Jersey.  You need to check it out Andy and make sure it’s not the guy accused of rape.  See buddy, we’re giving you a heads-up (that’s the kind of sob’s we are). 

We kid with Andy about him winning the “hot cross bun, with bar” because he got a civilian award from a famous general.  No, it wasn’t as important an award as the one the general’s mistress got… or as big a deal as the one the general gave to his other gal pal.  But hey, that shit probably wasn’t worth it anyway, so we’re just happy you got your handshake and photograph.  It’s all cool.

As the list of fat donors to the Democrat Party and its candidates felled by the #MeToo movement has rotted and eaten through the Democrats’ hegemony in Hollywood, their sidekicks in the media have largely looked the other way.  The Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran has, once again yesterday, used his newspaper’s editorial pages as an in-kind contribution to Democrats on the ballot this year. 


“Impeach, condemn, then execute” seems to be Tom Moran’s and the Star-Ledger’s message – for both the President and congressional Republicans – but that’s not how it used to be.  We remember finding stuff like this in the Ledger…

Kenneth Starr, meat-ax in hand, is entering the critical and, let's hope, final stages of his rugged surgery to transform Bill Clinton's image from cut-up to criminal. He must also change the country's mind-set from so-what shrugs to gasps of begone. It may take some doing.”


Most members of Congress from New Jersey would like to hear more facts and less speculation in judging the allegations facing President Clinton, but U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) said he's heard enough. Lautenberg, the state's senior Democrat, said he was satisfied with Clinton's denials… ‘I believe him,’ he said.”

Ah, now that was journalism.  Not what you get today…

“Dramatic, split-screen findings of criminality by President Trump's ex-lawyer and his former campaign chair this week… Both will probably go to prison, and testimony also implicates Trump in a serious crime… two women who said they had affairs with Trump… it's a felony, a final insult from a man who rose to power on a promise to drain the swamp, but instead gave it over to even bigger gang of grifters, including himself.”

“Robert Mueller, whose job it is to sort through all this stink, is pursuing his own investigation of potential collusion by the Trump administration in Russia's hacking of our 2016 election… But if the president committed election fraud, it rises to the level of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors,’ and is therefore an impeachable offense.”

“Once again, the focus turns to our own squirming GOP representatives, and we hear crickets. None would say on Wednesday what they will do to ensure that Congress investigates this; not even two newcomers running for office… Not only have they done absolutely nothing to curb Trump's swampy behavior, as he brazenly profits off his public office and invites serious conflicts of interest; all five -- including three seeking re-election -- helped to cover up any crimes…”


Wow… Trump is a criminal, all Republicans are criminals… even the ones not yet in office!

This is certainly a change in tune for a newspaper that defended Hillary Clinton’s monetization of the Office of the Secretary of State, or that never asked how Bill Clinton, who entered national office a rather economically challenged man, left office decidedly well-off and who has gone on to amass a fortune worth more than $100 million.  Grifters?  Conflicts of interest?  Crickets, Mr. Moran… crickets?

In fairness to Tom Moran, this editorial came out after a particularly eventful lunch (one with which his very white gut couldn’t cope) leading to a three hour long stream of consciousness, during which his screed was composed.  In future, remember this, and don’t fault the man.  Fault his bowels.

To close on an up-note, the Star-Ledger suggested we look to the leadership of the great and the good… that godfather of a family of saints – priests even – the incorruptible Pascrells.  So what did godfather, Congressman Bill Pascrell, have to tell us about President Trump?  That his family was part of the swamp?  Too close to bad people?  Conflicted?  A crook?  “I’m the face of Democrat Party reform,” says the godfather.  Indeed.  A monograph is long overdue, charting that family’s financial progress, as godfather made his way up the greasy pole of political advancement.  The face of sweetness and light.  Indeed.

We appreciated him more when he was a little less full of shit, considering the fate of President Clinton…

“Democrat Bill Pascrell Jr. said Clinton's admissions were ‘painful to all of us,’ and added he hoped ‘we can soon put this behind us.’  But he said he could not second guess what Starr would eventually report to Congress. ‘I'll keep an open mind if I'm called to make a decision in my official capacity.’”

Yes, “an open mind” – good idea.  You do that.  Keep an open mind.

General Majority PAC and NJ Democrats should give back Melgen money

Great work by the I-Team at NBC News 4 New York.  They are pushing politicians you took money from crook Salomon Melgen to give it to charity.  And they are getting results:

"New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez said his campaign has given away $19,700 in donations it received from convicted Medicare cheat Dr. Salomon Melgen. Melgen was sentenced last month to 17 years in prison after prosecutors said he stole nearly $100 million from Medicare over the years."

But two organizations that haven't given the money back are the New Jersey Democrat State Committee and the General Majority PAC run by Sue McCue.  You remember Sue, don't you?  She's the far-left Democrat whose SuperPAC gave Republican legislators so much trouble the last few cycles.

For screwing over and defeating Republican legislators, McCue was rewarded by Governor Christie with an appointment to the Rutgers Board of Governors.  That's right, the two-party paradigm is an illusion in New Jersey.  Christie made the appointment as a genuflection to Democrat party super-boss George Norcross.

According to sworn statements she made to the federal government, Rutgers Governor Sue McCue did political consulting work for such decidedly un-progressive corporations as Walmart and the American Gaming Association, a national lobby group for the casino gambling industry.  McCue provided "consulting services" for Walmart and "public relations and policy consulting" for the gambling industry.  Both are described as ongoing "clients" of "Message Global" which is, according to McCue sworn statement, a company formed in 2009 that she owns in its entirety.

McCue was also pocketed consulting fees from the notorious lobby group that advocates for continued and unrestrained violence in entertainment, the Motion Picture Association of America.  McCue provides "consulting services" to this ongoing client of Message Global.

McCue also runs the Rutgers SuperPAC (AKA General Majority PAC) that inflicted serious damage on Republican legislators in Monmouth, Somerset, and Cape May counties.  One attack leveled at these legislators was their position on the Second Amendment.  It is deeply dishonest to not address the issue of gun control in its context of violence in our culture.

Think about it.  France passed legislation a few years ago that bans overly thin models from the fashion industry because studies show that young women are influenced by the sight of these models to develop eating disorders.  Britain is banning the consumption of alcohol on broadcasts because government studies show that it leads to alcohol-related disorders.  Here in America, we have long banned tobacco commercials for the same reason.  But DC party gal McCue and her Rutgers SuperPAC would have us believe that subjecting an average child to 8,000 murders on TV before finishing elementary school and, by age eighteen, 200,000 acts of violence on TV, including 40,000 murders, has no effect on his or her development at all.

We've known that violent-content acts like a drug on childhood development since President Bill Clinton first highlighted the problem in the aftermath of the Columbine shootings.  He pointed to study after study and the marketing documents of the entertainment industry itself.  All the evidence was there.  Then he went further and ordered a study by the Federal Trade Commission.  The study, released on September 11, 2000, can be accessed below:

In response, the entertainment industry increased its campaign contributions by 1,000 percent and spent hundreds of millions on lobbying and soft money to convince Congress to forget every study it had read.  Then September 11, 2001, occurred and concerns over media violence were ignored in the run-up to war.

We are sick of watching self-righteous drug and violence advocates like Senator Loretta "Mother Roach" Weinberg happily allowing grandchildren to watch a Tarantino bloodbath on TV, while they strip single moms of the right to defend themselves and their children.  "Rely on the police," they are told when -- because of the economy people like the Senator has bestowed on them -- they must live and work in dangerous areas and police response times are simply too long.  You and your children can not hide for that long a time and expect to survive. 

Of course, the Senator and her colleagues have money and live in low crime areas with good police protection.  And although they work in Trenton, they work in buildings protected by dozens and dozens of men with guns.  Thick, burly, well-trained men who know how to kill if the need arises.  Politicians value their lives, even as they devalue the lives of everyone else.  As do the rich "activists" like the billionaire Bloomberg and all those Hollywood people and New York celebrities from the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY.

In 2019, Sue McCue and the Rutgers SuperPAC will again want to make a fashion statement that overturns the Bill of Rights and leaves the poor, working, and middle classes defenseless -- while she lobbies for an industry that makes wheelbarrows full of money feeding the culture of violence.  We need to be ready for her -- and make sure that she gags on her own attacks.

Congressman Gottheimer's dilemma

Newly elected Democrat congressman Josh Gottheimer is in one heck of a pickle. 

Gottheimer represents a Republican-leaning district in which Donald Trump got more votes than he did.  And the economy in his district -- as well as the whole state -- has lagged behind much of the country, with persistent unemployment and underemployment, a high rate of foreclosure, record child poverty, and low job creation.  It is exactly the kind of district that will benefit from President Trump's plans to create jobs -- good, well-paid, union jobs -- rebuilding the nation's infrastructure. 

Unfortunately for Congressman Gottheimer, his base has gone nuts.  They demand that Democrats like Gottheimer reject EVERYTHING Trump.  They want leaders who sound like this:

But aside from the bad poetry, what is the policy agenda here?  Where are the jobs?  With an estimated net worth of $22 million, jobs for working class Americans isn't a concern that keeps Ms. Judd up at night.

Then there's the violence.  Just one example:  Pollster Frank Luntz was attacked by members of Congressman Gottheimer's base on Friday and he talked about the incident on Sunday’s Fox & Friends:

“A woman walked up to me in the Marriott Marquis and she shouted, ‘You fascist --’ and then two other words that would get me fired from your network [as Luntz tweeted later, the words were "mother f*cker"]. And she threw this red confetti glitter right in my eyes and she picked up another handful and she was no more than 6 inches away and I was covered with this stuff.” 

“Since when do you have the right or just the ability to attack people in a private setting, in a private matter?” Luntz asked the Fox hosts rhetorically. “I'm gonna tell you something. These protests are out of control. The language is out of control. There are 8-, 9-, 10-year-olds watching this, they read these horrible words from these signs... And to have to face this personally? 

"I never thought this would be America," he concluded. "I never thought this would happen in this country.”

Instead of calling out the juvenile antics of these super-rich "activists" (like Michael Moore, estimated net worth $50 million and Madonna, estimated net worth $560 million), the new congressman sounded apologetic when he recently explained to an audience at Ramapo College that he was attending the inauguration out of "respect for the office" as opposed to the man chosen to serve as President.  This is a hypocritical position for a fellow like Gottheimer who, after all, is someone who worked for President Bill Clinton -- and who has never been known to criticize his former boss for the disrespect he heaped upon the office.

Congressman Gottheimer was reckless when he recently told the media that he would fight against "President-elect Trump, the alt-right, or anyone else for that matter."  Linking President Trump to the so-called "Alt-Right" will only serve to inflame the passions of some of the nutcases we saw carrying on last Friday. 

Warren County Freeholder Jason Sarnoski, a conservative Republican, noted: 

"Congressman Gottheimer claims to understand why his fellow Democrats aren’t going to the Inauguration and says he respects their decision to peacefully protest.  Understanding and respecting this choice is tantamount to agreeing with it and taking part in it.

Last night I was dismayed to see a young boy on the news starting a fire in the middle of a riot on a street because, using his words, 'Screw the President.'  This is far from peaceful and far from constructive protesting.  When leaders such as Josh Gottheimer support and encourage this type of protest, it undermines the foundation on which this country was built."

The Congressman's rhetoric about Trump and the Alt-Right plays directly to the most violent elements within Gottheimer's base.  After all -- if you reallyreally do believe that Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler -- there is a logical course of action that is both chilling and insane (as well as illegal).  And that is why Congressman Gottheimer needs to stop beating around the bush.  That is why he needs to tell the members of his base who are prone to violence that they are over-the-line.

If he truly wants to be part of the Problem Solver's Caucus then he needs to ditch the rhetoric of hate.  Quit feeding the base and focus on the district.

Gottheimer caught taking blood money from J & J

We caught the culprits in action!  Thanks to the investigative reporting of Herb Jackson, the Washington Correspondent for the Bergen Record, we caught the Johnson & Johnson corporation's political action committee in the act of buying congressional candidate Josh Gottheimer.  From the Record (March 2, 2016): 

The political action committee of health products giant Johnson & Johnson hosted a Washington fund-raiser on Wednesday for Josh Gottheimer, the Democrat challenging Rep. Scott Garrett, according to an invitation obtained by The Record.

...It does not appear New Brunswick-based Johnson & Johnson’s PAC made any contributions to congressional challengers in the 2014 election, according data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. J&J’s committee did not give to Garrett in that election, either, and does not appear to have given to him so far in this cycle either, Federal Election Commission records show...

An aide confirmed Pallone, the top-ranking Democrat on the House Energy & Commerce Committee, which oversees a significant part of health insurance policy, was a featured guest at the J&J event for Gottheimer. According to the invitation, “suggested contribution levels” were $2,500 for PAC co-hosts, $1,000 for PAC supporters and $500 for individuals.

There was no immediate response to a message seeking comment from Johnson & Johnson. Amounts raised will be disclosed in quarterly reports due in April.

Gottheimer, a one-time speech writer for President Bill Clinton who recently stepped down from his job as a corporate strategist at Microsoft to focus on the campaign full-time, had $1.3 million in his campaign account on Dec. 31, the second-highest amount of any House challenger in the country.

The Johnson & Johnson money event for candidate Gottheimer comes just one week after the corporate giant lost a $72 million lawsuit to a woman who died from ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson baby talc for feminine hygiene.  Time Magazine (March 2, 2016) takes up the story from here:

Many parents were shocked to learn that a Missouri jury recently ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $72 million to the family of Jacqueline Fox, whose death by ovarian cancer was linked to her daily use of talcum-based Johnson’s Baby Powder and Shower to Shower products. You know the product—that sweet baby scent, the soft puff of powder.

For decades, Fox used these talc powders on her most sensitive body parts. And for decades, according to the case, Johnson & Johnson knew about the cancer link but failed to warn consumers.

Did we read that right?  Johnson & Johnson has known "for decades" that their BABY POWDER (yes, the stuff we put on infants) causes cancer "but failed to warn customers."  What corporate dirtball scumbags!

And Josh Dirtheimer, eh Gottheimer, is down with that? 

The same day Dirtheimer was trousering big sweaty wads of cash from the dirtball lobbyists for these corporate scumbags, a brave woman was on the front page of the New York Post(March 2, 2016) telling how she turned down a million dollar bribe from Johnson & Johnson to hush up her story:

I turned down $1M from Johnson & Johnson, and blew the whistle instead

Cosmetics giant Johnson & Johnson was last week ordered by a Missouri jury to pay $72 million in damages to the family of a woman whose death from ovarian cancer was linked to her decades-long use of the company’s talc-based Baby Powder and Shower to Shower products. Ovarian cancer survivor Deane Berg, 58, a physician’s assistant from Sioux Falls, SD, believes the judgment is a great victory. Here, Berg tells The Post’s Jane Ridley her story.

When I first noticed spotting between my periods in the fall of 2006 at the age of 49, I chalked it up to impending menopause. But my instinct as a physician’s assistant told me to get a second opinion from a gynecologist after my family practitioner told me I was fine.

So, that December, I went to Sanford Medical Center in Sioux Falls for an ultrasound. The technician was chatting away happily, but suddenly went quiet. “We’ll finish this up, and the nurse practitioner will come in to talk to you,” she said.

I got dressed, and the NP arrived. She put her hand on my knee. “Deane, I’m afraid something is wrong,” she said. “You’ve got a hemorrhagic ovary. We’re going to have one of the doctors review it.”

The next few days were a haze. I had both ovaries removed — the non-hemorrhagic one as a precaution. I was desperately upset but, after having two daughters, now ages 30 and 27, my child-bearing years were over.

But that was the least of my concerns. The results of the biopsy in January 2007 were devastating. As a health-care professional, I saw the words “bilateral carcinoma” on the pathology report, and my heart sank. I had stage 3 ovarian cancer, which had metastasized to some of my lymph nodes. The prognosis was not good, and I was facing a life expectancy of less than five years. I had a full hysterectomy within a week and prepared to undergo six months of painful chemotherapy.

Just a couple days after the surgery, I read some literature from my oncologist that included information from Gilda’s Club, the foundation created by friends of the late actress Gilda Radner. To my astonishment, it said that use of talcum powder has been implicated in the development of ovarian cancer.

There was no ovarian cancer in my family. I didn’t smoke. I wasn’t overweight. The one risk factor that stood out was my use of talcum powder...

Jurors found Johnson & Johnson liable for fraud, negligence and conspiracy after lawyers argued that the company knew about the dangers but did nothing to inform customers.

I’m so relieved that the issue is finally getting the attention it deserves. In 2013, I, too, sued Johnson & Johnson, and a federal jury found that its body powder products were a factor in my condition. Although I was surprised that the jury awarded me zero damages — South Dakota is a very conservative state, and there had to be a unanimous verdict on whether any compensation should be paid — it was never about the money. Earlier I had turned down a $1.3 million out-of-court settlement because I didn’t want to sign a confidentiality clause.

I believe that talc can cause ovarian cancer in women. Many apply it to their private parts, and talc particles travel to the ovaries through the cervix and line the uterus and fallopian tubes, resulting in toxic effects on the ovaries. In my opinion, talcum powder products should be withdrawn from the market and, until then, be clearly labeled indicating the risk.

No woman should have to go through what Mrs. Fox and I endured, along with thousands of other ovarian cancer sufferers. My life was consumed by chemotherapy and hospital visits. I had two ports put in my chest and abdomen for the IVs. Getting the chemo in my abdomen was the worst pain I’d ever experienced, even worse than childbirth. I suffered from hair loss, nausea, lack of appetite, and I would frequently throw up. I became anemic and could barely walk. Off work for sickness for six months, I couldn’t go out in public in case my immunity was compromised. Then my hearing started to go bad, a side effect of the chemotherapy. It was a living hell, but mercifully, about a year later, in 2008, I was told my cancer went into remission.

And my case paved the way for plaintiff lawyers to bring claims for hundreds of women who blame their ovarian cancer on exposure to talcum powder. As my lawyer said, I’m the equivalent of the first smokers who sued tobacco companies because of their lung cancer. The pioneers didn’t receive compensation, but the dangers and the conspiracy were finally exposed.

Now that Josh "lady-killer" Gottheimer has taken his (under current law) "legal" bribe from Johnson & Johnson, we have no doubt that he will try to use the money to attack his Republican opponent on "women's issues."  Well we have some news for you Dirtheimer, ovarian cancer IS a women's issue.  It's a big one. 

So give it back.  Return the "legal" bribe.  Don't take their money and you won't be indebted to the corporate pigs if you get to Congress.  Give it back.

Bernie Sanders vs. Sue McCue (Rutgers Super PAC)

If you want to bring down the levels of violence in New Jersey don't hold your breath.  The Rutgers Super PAC hobnobs with the entertainment industry and there is money in violence.

Think about it.  France passed legislation a few years ago that bans overly thin models from the fashion industry because studies show that young women are influenced by the sight of these models to develop eating disorders.  Britain is looking to ban the consumption of alcohol on broadcasts because government studies show that it leads to alcohol-related disorders.  Here in America, we have long banned tobacco commercials for the same reason.  But politicians tell us to believe that subjecting an average child to 8,000 murders on TV before finishing elementary school and, by age eighteen, 200,000 acts of violence on TV, including 40,000 murders, will have no effect on his or her development at all.

We've known that violent-content acts like a drug on childhood development since President Bill Clinton first highlighted the problem in the 1990's.  He pointed to study after study and the marketing documents of the entertainment industry itself.  All the evidence was there.  And then the entertainment industry increased its campaign contributions by 1,000 percent and spent hundreds of millions on lobbying and soft money to convince Congress to forget every study it had read.

Bathed in this new-found ignorance, members of the New Jersey Senate happily allow their grandchildren to watch a Tarantino bloodbath on TV, while they strip single moms of the right to defend themselves and their children.  "Rely on the police," they are told when -- because of the economy people like the Senators have bestowed on them -- they must live and work in dangerous areas and police response times are simply too long.  You and your children can not hide for that long a time and expect to survive. 

Of course, the Senators have money and live in low crime areas with good police protection.  And although they work in Trenton, they work in buildings protected by dozens and dozens of men with guns.  Thick, burly, well-trained men who know how to kill if the need arises.  The Senators value their lives, even as they devalue the lives of everyone else.  As do the rich "activists" like the billionaire Bloomberg and all those Hollywood people and New York celebrities from the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY.

Their message is simple:  We want to make a fashion statement that overturns the Bill of Rights and leaves the poor, working, and middle classes defenseless -- while we make wheelbarrows full of money feeding the culture of violence.

Now Bernie Sanders, the Senator from Vermont (where the Second Amendment is alive and well), is calling out the legal bribery that allows the entertainment industry and others to buy politicians and give us laws nobody wants, while blocking laws everybody is asking for.  Bernie Sanders is coming after Sue McCue and the Rutgers Super PAC.  And if he has his way, the process of legal bribery will become illegal again.

Here is an instructive video featuring Professor Elizabeth Warren, the Senator from Massachusetts.  In it, Mrs. Warren dispels forever the myth that donors simply pay for "access."