Self-described “Dixiecrat” running in Sussex County

Here are the opening paragraphs from the InsiderNJ puff peace, commissioned by her Trenton insider friends and penned by Fred Snowflake:

“Deana Lykins says her new hometown of rural Green Township in Sussex County looks a lot like her native Kentucky.  But the picture changes quickly when it comes to politics. Lykins says that when she grew up in Owen, Ky.,  her home county was more than 90 percent Democratic.”

Well, it’s still registered Democrat… there are over 4,400 Democrats to 2,300 Republicans, with 400 Independents… but Donald Trump carried the county with 75% of the vote in 2016.  Throughout the 1980’s and 90’s, Democrats generally carried the county (with the exception of 1984, when Ronald Reagan won the county with 52%), but after 2000, the county became reliably Republican.  

Owens County is 96.6% white, which makes it whiter than Sussex County (93.4%) but it’s a lot poorer.  The per capita income in Owens County is just $22,633 and 16% of the population live below the poverty line.  Yes, these are the white working class people who have been discarded by the global economy and the new economic elite.  They are part of a larger working class – of all races and ethnicities – who for twenty or more years have increasingly found themselves on the losing end, economically.  

$22,633 is a significant number for another reason.  We don’t know what her social strata was back in Kentucky, but when she moved east to New Jersey, lawyer-lobbyist Lykins became part of an elite than pocketed in one month what the average guy in her home county lived off for a whole year.  We know this because Deana Lykins told a federal bankruptcy judge in New Jersey that her monthly income was $23,576.

Candidate Lykins has a big house, fancy automobiles, and a wealthy lifestyle… but that didn’t stop her from spending herself into bankruptcy court.  And now she’s running for the Assembly – as a Phil Murphy Democrat.

In August of 2014, the candidate filed for bankruptcy (case #14-26076) in federal court and reported a monthly household income of $23,576.  From the court records, the debt appears to be consumer or lifestyle based… with a number of credit card companies listed as creditors, as well as tax authorities.  Property listed included a large, well-appointed house, as well as a BMW, Land Rover, and a Chrysler Sebring.

Candidate Lykins is well-known in Trenton, where she worked for the Democrats in the Legislature before turning into a lobbyist for the insurance industry.  What skills she has to offer are ominous – especially in the area of keeping spending in check and balancing budgets – but Lykins would be a safe vote in support of the spending and debt agenda of Democrat Governor Phil Murphy and the rest of the Trenton Democrats.  

But here’s where her candidacy gets really interesting.  

On her first video she made public for her current campaign for the New Jersey Legislature, Deana Lykins describes herself as a “Dixiecrat”.  Yes, you heard that right… she said she was a “Dixiecrat” on a campaign video meant for public distribution and then posted that video and distributed it through her campaign.

So just what is a “Dixiecrat”?

Well, let us for the moment turn to that well-known source of definitions, Wikipedia, for further enlightenment.  Here is what they have written to define the term “Dixiecrat”:

The States' Rights Democratic Party (usually called the Dixiecrats) was a short-lived segregationist political party in the United States. It originated in 1948 as a breakaway faction of the Democratic Party determined to protect states' rights to legislate racial segregation from what its members regarded as an oppressive federal government.

Supporters assumed control of the state Democratic parties in part or in full in several Southern states. The Party opposed racial integration and wanted to retain Jim Crow laws and white supremacy in the face of possible federal intervention. Its members were referred to as "Dixiecrats", a portmanteau of "Dixie", referring to the Southern United States, and "Democrat".


And we have news for old Fred Snowflake… Dixiecrats really did fly Confederate Battle Flags, real ones.  Not Hank Williams Jr. Country & Western Band banners.

In the weeks ahead, we’ll have more entertaining background from Ole Kentucky and Owens County “Dixiecrats”.  So stay tuned… it is going to be fun.

Liar Mikie Sherrill is no Josh Gottheimer. Newcomer goes back on her word. Twice.

What’s wrong with Democrat Mikie Sherrill?

First, she told the voters of the 11th District that she wouldn’t support the deeply unpopular Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.  

Now, the media is reporting that Mikie Sherrill is going back on her word.  According to Roll Call, less than two weeks after being elected, she was already playing politics:

Democrats Who Ran Anti-Pelosi Campaigns Show Signs of Cracking

Some of the newly elected Democratic House members who said on the campaign trail they would not support Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for speaker have already shown signs of cracking as Pelosi ramps up the pressure for them not to divide the party before it even takes control of the chamber in January.

Rep.-elect Mikie Sherrill, a New Jersey Democrat who said during her campaign that the party needs “new leadership, and it starts at the top,” declined to affirm that statement after meeting with Pelosi on Friday.

“I’m sorry, I got to go,” Sherrill told reporters waiting outside the minority leader’s office. She directed reporters to her press aide.

In an interview on Oct. 11 on local TV, Sherrill blasted her Republican opponent for trying to tie her to Pelosi at a debate.

“I don’t support Nancy Pelosi. I put out a commercial saying that I don’t support Nancy Pelosi,” Sherrill said.

The New Jersey Democrat is one of a handful of freshman Democrats who have softened their opposition to the caucus’s likely choice for speaker in January.

Remember those expensive political advertisements Mike Sherrill used to win over voters?  

That’s Mikie Sherrill promising to “stop the partisan politics” – but once again, she’s gone back on her word.  The ink isn’t dry on her election victory, and she is already targeting a local Republican legislator she should be looking to work with to get the job done for her constituents.

Instead of working across party lines, Mikie Sherrill is heading up a political campaign for the state Legislature.  It was announced last week that Sherrill will serve as the Chairman of the campaign of two Democrat candidates for the state Legislature.  How is that ending partisan politics?

From: Lisa Bhimani
Date: November 19, 2018 at 1:08:22 PM EST
Subject: Our campaign kickoff Monday 11/26!

Hi friend -

Darcy Draeger and I would like to invite you to the formal launch of our campaign for Assembly in the 25th Legislative District. We are thrilled that Mikie Sherrill, Congresswoman-elect from NJ’s 11th District, will be attending as a special guest and has agreed to chair of our campaign. 

Please join us Monday, November 26th at 1:30pm at the Brookside Community Center in Mendham. Please see the below for more information. 

We'd love to see you there. 


Lisa and Darcy

More and more it looks like Mikie Sherrill won her seat dishonestly – by lying to the voters and deceiving them as to her real intentions.  

That should come as no surprise to NJTV’s top journalist Michael Aron.  During the campaign, Aron asked Sherrill’s spokesperson to give the media a little more on Mikie Sherrill than the “Navy pilot – Prosecutor – Mom” routine.  Sherrill’s spokesperson smiled at Aron and said: “That’s all you’re ever going to get to know.” Well maybe during the campaign, but now that she’s in office, the bark is going to get peeled off that tree.  It can’t help but be.

Mikie Sherrill’s failure to keep her word on bi-partisanship is in stark contrast to the record of fellow Democrat Josh Gottheimer, who has maintained the gold standard of bi-partisanship in the neighboring 5th congressional district.  You wouldn’t catch Congressman Gottheimer pulling a stunt like Sherrill’s in LD25 – and that’s after he’s been re-elected!  

Of course, this didn’t stop the vendor owned InsiderNJ’s Fred Snowflake from engaging in the usual handjob snark about whether Sherrill should be endorsing a Republican instead of Bhimani and Draeger.  If bi-partisan is really and truly your thing, why endorse anyone? Just work with what is. But trust a handjob not to get it (everything is either/or, black/white with them… very anal).