No kidding: Democrats oppose “Golden Rule” of do unto others.

By Rubashov

It’s kind of sad to watch the Sussex County Democrats turn into shills for the corporate establishment, but maybe that’s all we can expect from an organization run by a troika that has been described as “bourgeois princesses”. We are coming up on a year since Governor Phil Murphy shut down the state’s economy – which has a doubling effect in Sussex County, where the Highlands Act limits the ways in which local governments and small business can respond to an economic crisis.

Apparently, Murphy didn’t quite understand that here – in this country – the availability of health care for most Americans depends on their ability to pay a for-profit insurance company a monthly premium. That’s why we applaud the leadership of the true Left – the honest Left – people like Chris Hedges and Jimmy Dore and Professor Cornel West in pushing for a vote for Medicare for all, at least for the duration of the pandemic.

Democrats – like the party organization in Sussex County – should be working across party lines to find solutions to the problems created by government’s response to the COVID pandemic. Sussex County is suffering from unacceptable levels of unemployment and underemployment – with the pressure of likely foreclosures now well into the thousands and the county food pantry working overtime.

What is happening is something entirely different. Instead of trying to work together to help people, the Democrats in Sussex County are displaying a species of depraved indifference to human suffering, and instead of helping, turning recent meetings of the Board of County Commissioners into a sad exercise in virtue-signaling and name-calling.

Nowadays, these meetings are held on Zoom and are recorded. They are bizarre in the extreme, with legions recruited by the “bourgeois princesses” for an exercise that mirrors Roman Catholic confession – only in reverse. In this case, you profess your lack of sin – while condemning the sin of others. No wonder it is so popular amongst the delusional and with those a little short in the self-awareness department.

The first Democrat up was a fellow who seems intent on playing Jabba the Hutt – with Commissioner Director Dawn Fantasia as his imaginary Princess Leia. The threats this critter makes towards her and his unnatural fascination with her seems a bit weird and inappropriate. We can only wonder what Democrat Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg would make of it.

Next was a Democrat who objected to the mention of the Golden Rule in an anti-hate resolution. No, we’re not kidding. This knucklehead actually asked that the following line be removed from the resolution: “In addition, this Board strongly recommends to all its constituents to abide by the timeless values expressed in the ‘Golden Rule’ (Matthew 7:12), that we ‘do unto others as we would have them do unto us’.”

We’re looking for the right word here… How about Ass Clown? Hands up for Ass Clown!

The next Democrat – one of the “bourgeois princesses” who runs the Democrats’ show in Sussex County – used all her time to chastise the Board for its work on addressing mental health, drug addiction, and suicide. She contends that the mere mention of such things leads to the thing mentioned actually happening. By extension, should the nation’s medical libraries (physical and on-line) be viewed as dangerous “triggers” of the diseases and conditions they provide the knowledge to address? Yes, this is a crazy superstition – and the book burners would have a field day – but this is the kind of thing the Democrats go on and on about.

Up next was yet another of the “bourgeois princesses” – a defeated candidate for the very Board she was addressing.  This Democrat’s beef was that the Board wasn’t using the anti-hate resolution that she drafted.  Instead, the Board was discussing an anti-hate resolution drafted by someone who was democratically elected in a landslide by the voters of Sussex County.  Some ego on that princess, huh?  
What has happened to decency and humility?  You were rejected by the voters.  They did not trust you to draft such resolutions.  They chose someone else.  You should have the humility to accept it. 
An event page was organized on social media by one of the princesses to get Democrats to call in to support this defeated candidate’s resolution.  Some Democrats claimed that the “threat” of “white nationalism” had been around for decades.  We found this statement curious, because a search of the database of New Jersey newspapers reveals the following:

  • no hits for the term “white nationalism” in the 1980s,

  • six hits in the 1990s,

  • eleven in the 2000s,

  • eight hits covering from 2010 through 2015,

  • in excess of 4,000 hits since 2016.

Could politics have anything to do with the meteoric rise in the use of that term?

Other Democrats actually claimed that the threat posed by their white neighbors was more important than ongoing genocides – like the government-backed, anti-Muslim genocides in Myanmar and China. It seems they view a country rock band banner that incorporates a rebel flag as a more menacing symbol than the Marxist clenched fist. If these followers of the “bourgeois princesses” knew just a little history, they would understand that the ideology represented by the latter has killed far more human beings than the ideology they mistakenly believe is represented by the banner of some rock band. The ideology of rock, if there is one, is best summed up as beer and sex. Is it the sex they find objectionable?

A Democrat from Vernon Township brought up the former Camp Nordland in Andover Township, a Nazi camp that was opened with a speech by the last Democrat State Senator from Sussex County. He was also the Nazis’ lawyer and helped obtain the liquor license to fuel their rallies. This hapless person was obviously unaware that it was the Republican Littell family who shut the Nazis down. Bike Littell, a veteran of the First World War, sent that Democrat State Senator packing along with his Nazi allies.

Is a formal apology by the Sussex County Democrat Committee in order? These were actual, real Hitler-saluting Nazis, not some word thrown around at someone on Facebook. Some might say an apology by the Democrats is overdue.

As much as we hate to report this, Sussex County Democrats (under the leadership of the bourgeois princesses) appear to be fully on-board for the process of dehumanizing the people they live with. Before supposedly intelligent people like lawyer Ann Pompelio continue down this path, they should read Chris Hedges’ coverage of the meltdown in Yugoslavia – to what happens when you dehumanize your neighbor, make him or her a bogeyman and an object of fear.

At the very least, lawyer Pompelio and the “bourgeois princesses” should listen to Jimmy Dore’s warning…

Jimmy Dore looks at the Democrats’ War-on-every-other-American and sees it for what it is: A corporate Establishment effort to keep Americans divided and unorganized.

The honest Left – the real Left – is calling out the cosmetic Left. These are folks like our “bourgeois princesses” – corporate shills who play at being Leftist but who are really servants of the One Percenter Establishment. Jimmy Dore famously drew a line in the sand when he asked so-called “Leftists” in Congress to force a vote on Medicare for all – to have their voting records reflect their rhetoric. Most congressional Democrats failed. They were too busy with their “symbolic” impeachment to worry about health-care-for-all in the midst of a pandemic.

“That’s what they’re doing now in the United States. They want to make it toxic. They want to make you afraid to fraternize with other Americans. Because it helps their political agenda.

That’s the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party wants you to keep thinking half the country is your enemy."

Jimmy Dore
on Medicare for all

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