Malinowski’s dilemma: One school shooter a Democrat. The other is Transgendered.

The couple involved in the Colorado school shooting are a modern Bonnie & Clyde… well, sort of.

It is reported that “she” is Maya Elizabeth McKinney – except that her public defender said on Wednesday that his client uses male pronouns and goes by the name Alec.

And our modern day “Clyde” is a fellow (still, as of this printing) reportedly called Devon Erickson, described as an “actor and musician.”  According to published reports, Mr. Erickson “shared two posts about politics – one criticizing President Donald Trump and one praising Barack Obama. Erickson is a registered Democrat.”

Ray Lesniak will be glad to know that Mr. Erickson lists paintball (along with videogames and skateboard) as an activity.  So maybe that deadly paintball assault weapon that Lesniak warned us about is germane after all.  No word yet on whether or not he used it in the school shooting.

Both suspects are “white” – so maybe Tom Malinowski will be emboldened to continue arguing that the biggest terrorists on earth are White Americans.  But somehow we don’t think these two were what he had in mind. 

This is what happens when you conflate juvenile attention seekers and the mentally deficient with genuine terrorists.  As our erstwhile “Bonnie” wrote in a social media post… “I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu. In the history of China. In the history of sucking.”

These are not the words of a terrorist group, taking credit for an act of terror. 

Tom Malinowski should take note and remember the difference.