Ever hear of Rose Cleveland? You are about to.

By Rubashov

Billionaire Jeff Bezos is one of our new masters.  A global master.

Bezos owns Amazon.com, with its tentacles of business interests, and he owns mass media outlets like the Washington Post.  Jeff Bezos is an adherent of that modern preoccupation – the sex lives of other people. 

Of course, sex has always been an important tool for those trying to sell us something, but never has it been made so central to how we define ourselves.  As some borders go down, others go up, and the most ubiquitous border between us today is the one that tells us we are what we screw

Based on what you do to who, and how you do it, you will receive a marketing designation – in the form of a letter – and you will, from henceforth on, be defined by that letter primarily, and all the rest of you will be dragged along behind it.  

This is how marketers work.  This is how they sell you things and, more importantly, it is how they manipulate you into believing that you need to buy those things. 

But can the endless ways in which human beings order their lives really be bound and categorized by a half dozen letters – or indeed, a thousand?  And that is not the end of it.  The marketers  demand that we embrace their designation that they assign to us, as something springing from within us, in our blood and inescapable.  We are who they say we are… forever. 

And death offers no escape.  Rather like the Mormons, with their fondness for converting the dead, the marketers are intent on assigning designations to those who are past caring.  It’s a marketing tool to be used on those who are. 

And then we have the middlemen.  Those self-described “leaders” who set themselves up to speak for this letter or that – or indeed, a collection of letters.  They act as a kind of herdsmen, whippers-in, to corral and then to assign interests and behaviors.  “We are your leaders,” they tell us, “We know what you want.” 

And who thinks to question them?  We are sent to our silo, designated by a letter, and then piled in like so many ears of corn.  We need do nothing more.  Others will speak in our name. 

Quiet, in our designated silos, we will know what to buy, how to think, what to feel.  We will be “targeted” by marketing and do what is expected of us.  Ideally, we will forget that we were once human and with endless meaning, a multitude of possibilities.  We will be a letter – for their convenience.

Cheap politicians are always looking for a short-cut.  They love middlemen.  Why deal with many when you can deal with one?  So the middlemen are thus confirmed to speak for who they say they speak for.  And if there is a certain emptiness in what is done in our name, who is to know it? 

There is a pseudo-religious aspect to all this – in that it is based on faith, resistant to science and debate.  You accept it or you do not.  You are either good or you are bad.  If good, you are always good, good in all things, one of the Elect.  And if bad, then there is no hope for you, we should have nothing to do with you.

As with many pseudo-religions, it becomes all about the children.  Jim Jones, David Koresh, the “Children of God” cult… Did they not all operate under the banner than children be sexualized at the earliest possible moment?  Did they not preach endlessly about “Love”?  That “Love is the Answer”, “Love is Love”? 

And so they come for the children.  The marketers, their middlemen, the herders and stockers of silos.  And the cheap politicians hand over the children to them.  Sex is as addictive as tobacco and like the sellers of cigarettes (or narcotics) they like to get them while they’re young.

And so we have Rose Cleveland, sister to President Grover Cleveland., who served as a kind of “First Lady” to her bachelor brother.  A footnote in history… until now.  With the school curriculum in states like New Jersey mandating the teaching of people from history based on their alleged sexual practices (because, being dead, we cannot ask them), we can expect Rose Cleveland to become a household word.  As Jeff Bezos’ house organ called her – this “gay first lady” – should easily surpass her brother in pride of place in the textbooks.  After all, he was just the twice elected President of the United States, the only holder of that office to get elected, defeated, and then re-elected.  But what is that compared to allegedly having been gay? 

A long-ago President, the once-upon-a-time affairs of state, those are the real footnotes.  Such past things have no utility to the marketers.  But a lesson to living children in the here-and-now, to embrace a category chosen for them, to adopt a silo and pliantly comply, now that has a practical utility for the marketers. 

And so we are on the threshold of a new great forgetting.  When marketing removes the need for personal experience and pseudo-religion takes the place of knowledge.  Who needs the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights… when we have Rose Cleveland’s love letters? 

Study hard, children.  Be sure to get an “A”.  

Democrat Malinowski ignores genocide. Blames White Americans.

The oldest magazine in the English-speaking world – The Spectator – recently reminded its readers of the 2017 study conclusively reporting that 92 percent of all terrorism murders in the United States were the work of Islamist fanatics.  92 percent. 

Of course, both here and around the world, innocent Muslims have themselves been victims of terrorism perpetrated against them by Islamist fanatics.  The most notable outrage against innocent Muslims being perpetrated at the moment is in Burma and the perpetrators are not fellow Islamists, but rather…

Congressman Tom Malinowski would have you believe that it’s “White Americans” who are oppressing the innocent Muslim population of Burma, known as the Rohingya people.  That’s what Malinowski would have you believe, but it’s a lie.   

Leftist “new” Democrats like Tom Malinowski, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Abdullahi Omar say we need to “worry” about “White Americans”.  They claim that white Americans are the real terrorists.  In fact, Congressman Malinowski recently wrote an op-ed for Jeff Bezos’ newspaper, claiming that white Americans are the biggest terrorist threat. 

There’s been a genocide going on in the former Burma – now called Myanmar – since 2012, when the military started persecuting an ethnic minority called the Rohingya people, many of whom practice the Muslim faith in this majority Buddhist country.  Around the time that Tom Malinowski began his campaign for Congress – in August of 2017 – the government of Myanmar let loose its latest pogrom on the Rohingyas.  This included “atrocities” in the form of “looting and burning down Rohingya villages, mass killing of Rohingya civilians, gang rapes, and other sexual violence.”

Médecins Sans Frontières estimated in December 2017 that the violence claimed the lives of “at least 10,000 Rohingya people…  At least 392 Rohingya villages in Rakhine state were reported as burned down and destroyed…  as well as the looting of many Rohingya houses, and widespread gang rapes and other forms of sexual violence against the Rohingya Muslim women and girls.”

In September 2018, the United Nations reported that over 700,000 Rohingya people had been driven out of Rakhine state and had become refugees in neighboring Bangladesh.  Two Reuters journalists covering a massacre of innocent people at Inn Din were arrested and imprisoned by the Myanmar government.

Agencies of the United Nations and the International Criminal Court have termed these attacks as acts of “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide”.  In August 2018, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights declared that the leaders in Myanmar should face charges in the International Criminal Court for "crimes against humanity", including acts of "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide."

The leader of Myanmar, State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi has been strongly criticized for her inaction and silence in response to the military abuses. On September 27, 2018, the Canadian Parliament voted unanimously to dispossess Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi of her honorary Canadian citizenship for the atrocities against Rohingya Muslims.

Tom Malinowski personally knows State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and has, in the past, championed her.  Unfortunately, back when he was working for the State Department – during the administration of President Barack Obama – Malinowski had the opportunity to publicly say something about the genocide, instead, said nothing.  In 2014, the organization United to End Genocide reported: 

“The Burmese government has isolated and demonized the 1.3 million Rohingya in Burma as part of a plan to promote a singular nationalist and Buddhist identity. This was formalized in the 1982 Citizenship Act when they were declared ‘non-national’ or ‘foreign residents.’ Today, the Rohingya have become outsiders in a land they have occupied for generations. They are prohibited from marrying, having children, working, obtaining healthcare and going to school...

So who can the Rohingya rely on for protection? Instead of taking a hardline approach against Burma’s repressive government, much of the international community is fighting for the economic spoils of a resource-rich country that is now opening its economy to the world.

Eager to please the Burmese government, the international community is now honoring Burma’s request not even to mention the name Rohingya.

In August, when U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited Burma, he met with President Thein Sein and other leading officials, and did not use the word Rohingya. When questioned, a State Department representative said the name issue should be ‘set aside.’

Earlier this summer, Tom Malinowski, the U.S. Special Envoy for Human Rights, visited Burma and failed to say the word ‘Rohingya’. When giving a presentation on the status of the Rakhine state where the majority of the Rohingya live, he did not even acknowledge the group.”

Think about it for just a moment…

This is the same Tom Malinowski who weeps publicly because not enough taxpayer money is being spent on providing Sanctuary State services to illegal immigrants in New Jersey.  But then he does nothing – won’t even acknowledge – the plight of people who have been deemed “foreign” in their own country.

In Congress and in newspaper op-eds, Tom Malinowski has been blaming “White Americans” and labeling them the world’s worst terrorists.  But when an actual bricks and mortar government and its military commits institutional genocide and crimes against humanity… it’s crickets.  Tom Malinowski does nothing.

And remember these words from United to End Genocide… “Instead of taking a hardline approach against Burma’s repressive government, much of the international community is fighting for the economic spoils of a resource-rich country that is now opening its economy to the world.  Eager to please the Burmese government, the international community is now honoring Burma’s request not even to mention the name Rohingya.” 

So what did Tom Malinowski do in between leaving the Obama State Department and running for Congress?  Well, it was disclosed when he filed for Congress:

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You guessed it.  He tried to help the “international community” cash in on those “economic spoils” of “resource-rich” Myanmar/Burma.  Tom Malinowski became part of an entity called the Inle Advisory Group.  Who are they? Well, we’ll let them tell you themselves…

Uniting Myanmar’s Heritage With its Brightest Future.

Inle Advisory Group is a boutique firm focused on development opportunities in Myanmar. As Myanmar opens up to political and economic engagement from around the globe, Inle Advisory Group will be there to provide in-depth and comprehensive advisory services for clients across industries.  

Like the iconic fishermen using his distinctive rowing style to navigate the difficult waters of Inle Lake, Inle Advisory Group will utilize our unique knowhow and capabilities to steer our clients through the many investment challenges. The strength of Inle Advisory Group is unparalleled knowledge of Myanmar. This deep expertise equips us to provide clients looking to invest in the world’s newest emerging market with a tailored package of the best possible tools and strategies for long-term growth and desired results.  

Inle Advisory Group will ensure our clients are fully informed to invest successfully in a challenging environment, promoting the “gold standard” of business practices that will benefit U.S. companies and the people of Myanmar.

Something tells us that there was an Inle-type “advisory group” back in the 1930’s promoting a “gold standard” of business practices and enabling another regime set on genocide.  Hey Congressman, is trade really the right response to genocide and crimes against humanity? What point is made by making murderers rich?

Tom Malinowski trades real action to prevent genocide for fashion statements and virtue signaling.  Now it’s time to meet some of his victims…

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Tom Malinowski is a disgrace… as is everyone who votes for him.  You are all complicit.