Sussex DEMOCRAT Chair shuts down Twitter page

After making the boast that she was holier-than-thou, the Sussex County Democrat Chair shut down her Twitter page after a tweet mocking a Disabled American Veteran was found on it.  How bad was her page and how many more “offensive” tweets were there that she had to shut her page down rather than simply clean it up?

Former Democrat Chair Leslie Huhn, who was brought in by the Murphy administration to stalk through GOP Chairman Jerry Scanlan’s Twitter pages, also made a holier-than-thou boast a day before a racial comment was made on social media by one of her county committee members.  Commenting on a photograph of an interracial couple, the Democrat wrote that he found it “creepy”. 

In a “tweet” from February 5, 2019, the Chair of the Sussex County Democrat Committee wrote that she was watching the State of the Union address, when she caught sight of Congressman Dan Crenshaw and tweeted… “who’s the pirate?”

You can view the Democrat’s offensive tweet here…


Congressman Crenshaw of Texas is a former United States Navy SEAL.  He served with the SEALs for ten years – including five tours of duty – reaching the rank of Lt. Commander.  He served with SEAL Team Three in Iraq.  He was wounded in Afghanistan and became a “pirate” – losing his right eye.  Emergency surgery saved the vision in his left eye. 

Crenshaw earned two Bronze Stars, the Purple Heart, and the Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Valor.  That is some “pirate”. 

Democrat leaders like Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver, and New Jersey Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie have been rooting through the drawers of their political opponents.  They have been quick to condemn others… but what about the dirt in their own cupboard?

Does Congresswoman Sherrill, by her silence, give her assent to the mockery thrown at a fellow Naval officer?  Are her loyalties more to the venial politicians of her party?

Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver – a supporter of the anti-Semitic BDS Movement – also claimed she was offended.  As a member of the Assembly, Democrat Oliver was one of just three legislators to oppose a resolution that prohibited investment of state pension and annuity funds in anti-Jewish companies that followed the BDS Movement boycott of the Jewish State and Jewish businesses.  We would like to know if the Lt. Governor has changed her position on the BDS Movement since taking that vote?  We think that should interest the Democrat Party as well.

As for New Jersey Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie, a venial politician himself, we can hardly expect him to care about someone mocking a disabled American veteran.  After all, he didn’t care when one of his own Democrat Party workers was raped by a Murphy higher-up.  To Currie, a tweet by an opponent is a greater cause than the rape of one of your own, by one of your own.  No wonder voters are disgusted.

The Chair of the Sussex County Democrat Committee has some explaining to do.  So do the people who support her.

Analysis: Murphy uses “tweets” to distract from illegal Sanctuary scheme.

By Rubashov

Leslie Huhn is a former Democrat county chairperson and candidate for the state Legislature.  She got her start in politics as an activist protesting Republican Governor Chris Christie’s cuts to school funding in his first budget.   It is a measure of Huhn’s hypocrisy that she did nothing to protest the more drastic cuts imposed by Democrat Governor Phil Murphy on rural and suburban school districts.

But then, Leslie Huhn is a fan of Phil Murphy…


Similar women are heavy in the ranks of the Left – which has come to dominate the formerly centrist Democratic Party.  Unlucky in human relationships, frustrated in their attempts to embrace another soul, they embrace the world.  But they are not very clever, and need the “world” explained to them.  Enter Phil Murphy.  Billionaire Guru.

We have had the opportunity to observe the men who are drawn to the Left, which increasingly has come to include the Democratic Party.  There are a fair number of “opportunists” – there because they smell possibility.  Some are predators even, in the way of an Al Alvarez.  This emotional cauldron of boiling, disillusioned sexuality is evidenced in the irrationality the movement exhibits.  The emotional madness.  Marriage counselors and divorce attorneys will know what we mean. 

Of course, the media depends on this cesspit of emotion when it fashions its click bait.  After all, the commercial media must pull eyes to a page in order to perform its real mission (the one it gets paid for) and that is the advertising that accompanies the click bait.  Unless you are NPR, the purpose of newspapers and other media is to sell advertising – used cars, insurance schemes, miracle drugs, suppositories – the “content” is only the bait.  One of the underlaying benefits of the bait is that the consumer gets the pleasure of a better self-image, because they believe they are “informed”.  

That is how the scam works.  It is why a “re-tweet” of someone else’s naughty word or tasteless image is covered more extensively than an anti-Semitic vote cast in the United States Congress.  It is bullshit over substance.

A few days after Leslie Huhn began “following” Sussex County GOP Chairman Jerry Scanlan’s Twitter account, the Democrats began efforts to change the narrative in Sussex County from Governor Murphy’s illegal Sanctuary scheme, which was clearly not going well for them, to Jerry Scanlan’s re-tweets.

The Democrats put considerable resources into the effort.  From “spin doctors” associated with the Murphy administration, to the state Democratic Party, the Lt. Governor, and Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill – a great many Democrats and/or people of the Left worked on aspects of this. 

Scanlan’s employment was contacted, in an attempt to have him fired.  Yes, the modern equivalent of capital punishment, for we all need to eat – and who but someone claiming to be “compassionate” and “liberal” would seek to deny a fellow human being the ability to feed his family, to provide a roof over their head?  The self-righteous have no conscience.  No mercy.

They chose their timing carefully, when Scanlan was out-of-state, vacationing with his family.  As their mouth pieces, they selected one from within the Democratic Party, with the other a self-identified “anarchist”.

They focused on a single tweet that had been used successfully in Illinois.  This was a movie poster trope that featured four very far-Left – and by degrees anti-Semitic – members of Congress.  Three are members of the anti-Semitic BDS Movement, decried by Democrat Congressman Josh Gottheimer, who represents Sussex County.  The co-chair of the Bipartisan Task Force on Combatting Anti-Semitism said that the BDS movement “demonizes Israel and Jews.” It is said that the next genocide will be caused by people in pussy hats – not jackboots and brownshirts.   

The tweet referred to the four members of Congress as “The Jihad Squad” and was clearly a satirical treatment of their public statements and the votes they have cast in Congress.  When this was noted, the Left changed course and focused on language that was ungentlemanly towards women.  There is a wonderful Victorian aspect to this, and the Left clearly hit its target, because traditional conservatives are not modernists and do not like women referred to as “whores” – even women with whom they disagree. 

The county GOP’s women were not going to stand for such language, so they stepped in and took Chairman Scanlan’s tweeter away.  But instead of claiming victory, the Democrats – in the person of Sussex County Democratic Chair Katie Rotondi – promptly attacked the Republican women.  Of course she would, because this was never about “tweets” it is about keeping the focus away from Governor Murphy’s illegal Sanctuary scheme.

Meanwhile, Democrat Rotondi managed an own-goal when it turned out that she had “tweeted” an offensive comment about a disabled American veteran.  And the Left did one better, rolling out the state chapter of CAIR (the Council on Islamic-American Relations) to bash Scanlan, and apparently forgetting that one of America’s closest Islamic allies in the middle east had designated CAIR a “terrorist organization.”  Having lost 715 New Jersey residents on September 11, 2001, most reasonable people believe terrorism to be more important than tweets.

The Sussex County GOP is conducting its own review of Chairman Scanlan’s actions and will undoubtedly produce a report of some kind and some public statement on the matter.  What they do from there is their internal business, but it should be noted that the word that got Scanlan into trouble was part of a long chain of images and language, re-tweeted over and over again.  From our cursory review of the tweets and re-tweets (there are more than 20,000 of them) we could find no original content from Chairman Scanlan that could be considered by traditional standards “offensive”.  That said, we do live at a time when just using the words “sir” or “ma’am” is problematic.  The presence of a penis does not mean what it has meant since the beginning of time.  One can give offense quite easily today.

One final point.  In many of the news reports, the phrase “deemed offensive” was used.  Who is doing the deeming?  In a nation that allows its flag to be burned as an act of speech or a Crucifix to be placed in a vat of urine as an act of art, what is offensive?  Now we have Katie Rotondi, joining with the designated “terrorist organization” CAIR, joining with anti-Semitic BDS legislators… and setting the bar for all of us as to what is or isn’t “offensive”.  We find that offensive.