Monday’s Rallies were coordinated by a Pro-Venezuela dictator group (why did Dem candidates attend?)

It is no secret that the United States, along with much of the civilized world, has recognized the opposition leader in Venezuela as the new head of government, in an attempt to end the Socialist dictatorship that is literally starving the people of Venezuela to death.  Along with recognizing the new government of Venezuela, the civilized world has been pushing for the Socialist dictatorship to end and the dictator, President Nicolas Maduro, to resign. 

To end the suffering and starvation of the Venezuelan people, the Trump administration and other national governments around the world have sent food and other forms of aid to the people of Venezuela.  But there are others, here in America and elsewhere, who don’t want to admit that – once again – socialism has failed.  That the dictatorship in Venezuela is only the latest in a long chain of evidence that shows that their pet cause and childish dream doesn’t work.  From the Ukraine to China, people always end up starving to death because of it.

On Monday, an organization named CREDO Action coordinated more than 200 rallies across America against Donald Trump.  This came on the same day that Donald Trump asked Venezuelans and the Venezuelan military to dump the socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro.  A curious coincidence, isn’t it?

CREDO Action is a new creation, closely connected to a group called the Centre for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), which has been around for twenty years.  CEPR is a Leftist think tank based in Washington, DC.  One of CEPR’s core interests is Latin America policy.  According to Wikipedia…

CEPR has published at length about Venezuela and has been described as supporting Hugo Chávez and the Venezuelan government with some of the data presented by CEPR along with Weisbrot being accused of using slanted information to support the Venezuelan government. Staff members such as Mark Weisbrot, CEPR's founder, and Deborah James, the former director of the Venezuelan government's Venezuela Information Office, have attended pro-Venezuelan government events alongside other activists such as Daniel Kovalik, a pro-Bolivarian website, has also used CEPR as their only source of economic indicators for their website since 2007.

So why are Democrat Party legislators and legislative candidates shilling for a South American dictator who is starving his own people? 

State Senator Vin Gopal at a Socialist Rally in Monmouth County

State Senator Vin Gopal at a Socialist Rally in Monmouth County

Why are they bashing Donald Trump, when he is providing food and other aid to the starving people of Venezuela?  Do they oppose feeding the hungry?

Democrat Assembly candidate Deana Lykins at a Socialist Rally in Sussex County

Democrat Assembly candidate Deana Lykins at a Socialist Rally in Sussex County

Do they hate Donald Trump that much… or do they love the Socialist dictator Maduro?  Maduro would rather all Venezuela starve to death than to see his Socialist dictatorship lose power.  Local politics is going international… and getting weirder and weirder.

These local legislative candidates are supposed to be finding ways to cut property taxes and ways to better educate our children and instead they are out on the streets attacking the American government, doing the work of a South American dictator who is starving his own people to death.  These Democrats should be ashamed. 

Whose interests does erasing history serve?

Does the rise of a neo-Nazi movement in America indicate that we are failing to teach history in our schools?  Or are we teaching it in too simplistic a fashion, as a kind of sci-fi story with poorly-written characters that are too clearly good or evil?

We like our history served up to us plain and unequivocal.  Give us gods and monsters or give us no history at all!

But history is complex, and within each soul of us there exists the potential for both good and evil.  So beware of history served up like an old western -- with cardboard cutout figures wearing black or white hats.  It is too easy, and explains nothing.

Within the lifetimes of most Americans, the Taliban went from being "freedom fighters," battling the Soviet Union, to the enemy harboring Osama Bin Laden.  As always, Hollywood tried to shape history and made movies to glorify them...

But we forget this as we forget everything that is uncomfortable.  We want "goodies" and "baddies" -- gods and monsters -- and we want to leave it at that.

The Taliban provides an interesting lesson in the attempt to erase history.  They are monument destroyers.  They wish to forget the past, erase it, and behave as though it never was:

It seems they have something in common with this crowd:

Here in America, there are those who want to cleanse the past from memory too, as the Turks have attempted to do with regards to the Armenian Holocaust.  The difference between how the Turks and the Germans accept their respective pasts is instructive and should hold a lesson for America.

Last week, we wrote about the need to remember, when Assemblyman John Wisniewski joined Democrat candidates Kate Matteson and Gina Trish at the former Camp Nordland in Andover Township, New Jersey.  We noted that it was a member of the local political establishment back in the 1930's, Newton lawyer William Dolan, who handled the land transaction that granted an American Nazi group control of the land that became Camp Nordland.  Mr. Dolan was then the sitting State Senator of Sussex County, a Democrat, at a time when each county had one state senator. 

According to a scholar at the University of Michigan, "New Jersey Congressman J. Parnell Thomas, Republican of Sussex, noted that New Jersey State Senator William Dolan, a Democrat, had aided the Bund in buying Nordland and that the Democratic Township Committee of Andover had granted Nordland a liquor license." 

According to historian and author Warren Grover, Camp Nordland in Andover Township was incorporated in March 1937.  Fritz Kuhn, the American Fuehrer himself, was one of the eight trustees of Camp Nordland.  When the camp formally opened in July, State Senator Dolan was introduced by the American Nazi Bund's New Jersey Bundesleiter, and he greeted the "swastika waving" crowds. 

Dolan was a political enemy of Franklin's Alfred "Bike" Littell, who went on to take his place as State Senator and to serve as Senate President.  Littell, whose education at Princeton University had been interrupted for service in an artillery regiment in World War I, went to war with the American Nazis.   Alfred Littell was the father of Senator Bob Littell, father-in-law of NJ Republican Party Chairwoman Virginia Littell, and the grandfather of Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose.

Wikipedia notes:  "Camp Nordland was a 204-acre resort facility located in Andover Township, New Jersey. From 1937 to 1941, this site was owned and operated by the German American Bund, which sympathized with and propagandized for Nazi Germany in the United States. This resort camp was opened by the Bund on 18 July 1937.  In the years before the Second World War, the Bund held events at the facility to encourage pro-German, pro-Nazi values—many of these events attracting over 10,000 visitors. On 18 August 1940, it was the site of a joint rally with the Ku Klux Klan...  While much of its history and notoriety has faded over the last 70 years, many local residents of Sussex County still refer to the area as the 'bund camp.'"

Here is a short video that provides something of a history lesson for Assemblyman Wisniewski and the Democrats:

The writer Sinclair Lewis published a satirical novel in 1935 called, It Can't Happen Here, two years before it did happen here -- right here, in Andover Township, New Jersey.  It is high time for the Township to acknowledge that history -- as a warning against an ideology that sent so many millions to their deaths.

It was one heck of a venue for Assemblyman Wisniewski and the Democrats' to choose.  Especially given their party's history in establishing the camp.

Maybe the Assemblyman can propose a resolution to memorialize what happened in New Jersey and the attempt here to normalize Nazism?  Lest we forget...