John McCann’s financial disclosure leaves unanswered questions

Congressional candidate John McCann finally got around to filing his required personal financial disclosure statement with the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives after his failure to do so on time was brought to the public’s attention by the New Jersey media. True to the halting and uncertain style of his campaign, McCann filed his twice… on the same day.

Of interest is the odd way in which he reported his own income.  First, McCann confused his reporting requirements with those of his spouse – and filed as if she were the candidate:


Later that same day, he filed his already late disclosure statement, only this time he included his income:


Hey Republicans!  Look how much John McCann made working for the Democrat Sheriff of Bergen County.  Doesn’t it make you a little queasy?

And what does “fees” mean?  How do you earn $498,545 in “fees” while working full-time on the Bergen County payroll?  Is this going to be one of those deals where this guy bills for more hours than there are in a day?

Under the source of income, McCann simply writes “Practice”.  What does that mean?  And is he even following the law?  The law and the instructions that accompany the financial statement are very clear on how to report income:


So what’s the deal?  Why has John McCann failed to fully disclose the source of nearly $700,000 in income?

And if “practice” refers to McCann’s law practice, why is it that earlier in the disclosure statement he reports its value as so little?


And why does he report that his law practice had no income?

None of it makes any sense, which is kind of the norm with John McCann.

The madness continues…

Candidate McCann faces accusations of bullying

The candidacy of John McCann is uncomfortable to watch.  Starting with the candidate.  McCann is obviously one of those politicians who thinks he is "good with people" -- a "people person" -- when his discomfort is all too apparent.  We'll let Mitchell and Webb take it from here... 

Apparently, when his overtures don't quite work out -- when a target doesn't swoon at his advances -- McCann can get a bit testy.  Well, that is what he is being accused of by two local Republican officials.  The officials -- Joseph Hakim and Mike Ghassali -- claim that John McCann threatened them with information he said he could obtain through the Democrat Sheriff of Bergen County.  The complaints appear below:

Of course, we offer to candidate McCann and/or his campaign the opportunity to address this matter and we will be happy to publish his side of the story.