Sen. Cory Booker is “inconsistently” anti-Semitic… but enough to worry us.

New Jersey’s junior United States Senator is breaking the rules of the Senate for the purposes of partisan politics.  Releasing confidential documents in the manner of a Chelsea Manning – except that he knows that he won’t be prosecuted for it because he is a powerful politician.  Which kinda makes him a pussy.

No amount of media ass-licking is going to change that.  No, Senator Booker is no “Spartacus” like in the movies or on cable TV.  That Spartacus was a slave, not a Roman Senator.  That said, he might be trying to fashion his own “Spartacus” movement.  Who and what was the Spartacus movement?


Officially called the Spartacus League, it was founded during the First World War by a group of Marxist revolutionaries.  They dropped the charade in 1919 and formally changed their name to the Communist Party of Germany.  Through violent street demonstrations (note the blood in the illustration above) they helped to bring down the Social Democrats and Centrists of the Weimar Republic and pave the way for the National Socialists of you know who…

Which brings us to one of the great inconsistencies of Senator Cory Booker.  That being, when he is in front of a Jewish audience, he couldn’t be more sympathetic and, in appearance, pro-Israel… but with anyone else, a different mask appears and you get antics like this…


Calling for the end to the border wall and other fortifications that protect Israel against terrorists is like calling for a second Holocaust.  It is not enough that Cory Booker’s international allies have driven Jews out of every country they control, now he wants to tear down Israel’s protective barrier and allow them to march in to commence a pogrom of terror, torture, rape, and murder.

And to make matters worse, thanks to the Philadelphia Inquirer, now we know that Booker's fellow Democrat - Bob Menendez - is allowing his campaign to be run by a lobbyist for the foreign government of Qatar, one of the worse anti-Jewish culprits in the world and a government criticized by the United Nations and Amnesty International for its relaxed attitude towards modern slavery - human trafficking and the exploitation of children. 

So why are Democrat congressional candidates Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, and Andy Kim silent on this?  Is their silence an indication that they fear offending leftwing anti-Semites like Linda Sarsour of the Women's March?  All three have posted positively about Sarsour, who has embraced the radicalism of Islamic extremists like Louis Farrakhan and Siraj Wahaj.  Sherrill, Malinowski, and Kim were silent too last year, when Linda Sarsour called  for "Jihad" against the elected government of the United States of America. 

Mikie Sherrill is running for Congress in District 11 (against Republican Jay Webber). 

Tom Malinowski is running in District 7 (against Republican Leonard Lance). 

Andy Kim is running in District 3 (against Republican Tom MacArthur).

We need to pay as much attention to what Sherrill, Malinowski, and Kim refuse to talk about as we do to what they talk about. 

As for Senator Booker.  The best way to understand him is to remember Jack Nicholson’s answer to this question…

Stay tuned...

Shame on Mikie Sherrill for trashing a Vietnam Vet

Is Mikie Sherrill full of shit or what?

She knew that Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen was getting up there in age and that his health was in decline.  She also knew that he was one of the most bi-partisan members of Congress… known for his mild, gentlemanly demeanor, respected by both parties, willing to work with all sides to find solutions.  

This was the man Mikie Sherrill set her Antifa hoodlums on.


They screamed and shouted down old Congressman Frelinghuysen – spat insults at him, called him vicious names, trashed his name and all the good works that he stood for.  Just as Rodney Frelinghuysen was about to secure mass transit service for Sussex County… Mikie Sherrill’s loudmouths tortured the old fellow, drove up his blood pressure, rattled his nerves, to the point that he quietly exited the stage. 

Good job, dirtbags. 

You lost New Jersey one of its most powerful advocates in Congress – no, not with press releases, but in his quiet way, he knew how to get things done in Congress. He secured the post of Chairman of the Appropriations Committee in 2017. In this powerful position, Rodney Frelinghuysen would have been able to accomplish so much for our state.  Now that’s all gone.  You killed the guy who was in the best position to serve our state and don’t think for one moment that some wet-behind-the-ears freshman is going to make a patch on Rodney’s arse. 

What got us to thinking about this was candidate Mikie Sherrill’s bullshit cable advertisement in which she poses in front of a helicopter that wasn’t in Vietnam and talks about how she wants to be a “bi-partisan” force for good. That’s bullshit.  You just killed off the most effective “bi-partisan” force for good in the state.   

These are just words to Mikie Sherrill.  She thinks she’ll get credit for saying them, even though her actions have rendered them meaningless.  She reminds us of the  clueless schoolgirl in that send-up from the 80’s. 

In her campaign advertisement, Mikie Sherrill spouts off some more bromides like this… “For decades the people of New Jersey have been footing the bill and paying the price of Congress’ inability to work in a bipartisan manner with input from both parties… That’s why I’m running for Congress.  We need new leadership in Congress and leaders who will put partisan politics aside to get the job done for families and the communities they serve – especially here in New Jersey.”  

Wow, Mikie Sherrill has certainly strung a lot of meaningless platitudes together for that one.   

How can anyone who plays at being a member of the French Resistance while pretending that 2018 America is 1942 France under Nazi occupation even bring up the word “bi-partisan” and keep a straight face?  Mikie Sherrill and her ilk are living in a historical action video game come to life… and they are acting it out.

Some are worse than others. A mixed-race couple having breakfast at a café were set upon in Philadelphia because they happen to hold free-market ideas on economics and somebody recognized them.  Racial epithets were shouted at them by enlightened members of the “Resistance”.  

The Antifa “resistance” smashed up a United States Marine Corps recruiting office and attacked police because… heck, who needs a reason these days?  Because it is there?   

Same reason they went after Vietnam Vet Rodney Frelinghuysen… because he was there, in the way, somebody wanted the cool title or somebody wanted to do the job it took him twenty years to be in a position to do… but that’s all over now.  Freshmen congresspersons don’t get to chair the Appropriations Committee.  That’s all over now, for New Jersey, our loss… because Mikie wanted a cool title. 


Ask Assembly Democrats where they stand on cop-killer

Along with many statewide Democrat Party leaders, Democrat Assembly candidates have been big supporters of the Women's March organization, which is co-chaired by Linda Sarsour a self-proclaimed advocate of "jihad" against the democratically elected American government.

Yes, the co-chair of the Women's March actually called for "jihad" against the government of the United States of America.  And Democrats have mostly remained politically-correct silent about it.  Even a party luminary like Assemblyman John McKeon -- the Chair of the Assembly's Judiciary Committee, a candidate for Congress in the 11th District, and a strong supporter of the Women's March -- has been afraid to comment on these threats of "jihad".

Earlier this month, Linda Sarsour -- a prominent Democrat Party activist and co-chair of the Women's March -- called for a "jihad" against the American government.  You can catch her act here:

This was first reported on by Real Clear Politics and The Associated Press:

During a speech to the Islamic Society of North America convention in Chicago last weekend, Sarsour, a delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention who is an anti-Israel and pro-Sharia activist, made the startling call and also urged against "assimilation." 

"I hope that we when we stand up to those who oppress our communities that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad," she said. "That we are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad in the Middle East or in the other side of the world, but here in these United States of America, where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House."

"Our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our community, it is not to assimilate and please any other people and authority," she said.

"Our obligation is to our young people, is to our women, to make sure our women are protected in our community. Our top priority and even higher than all those other priorities is to please Allah and only Allah," she said.

Sarsour started off her call for "jihad" by praising Siraj Wahaj, who she described as her "favorite person in the room."  Wahaj is a controversial New York imam who has attracted the attention of American authorities for years.  Federal prosecutors included him on a 3½-page list of people they said "may be alleged as co-conspirators" in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, though he was never charged, the Associated Press reported.

Since the election of Donald Trump as President, some Democrats appear to have gone completely loopy.  We believe that dissent is an American right, but "dissent" isn't "jihad".  When did the democratic concept of a "loyal opposition" morph into "jihad" -- a "holy war" to be waged by all means necessary?  And why is Assemblyman McKeon, the Chair of Assembly's Judiciary Committee, too afraid to talk about it?

And here is another thing that the Judiciary Committee Chair is afraid to comment on.   It was reported extensively in the media this week that the Women's March "honored" cop-killer Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur). 

Referring to the notorious cop-killer, who murdered a New Jersey State Trooper in cold blood, as a "revolutionary" whose words "inspire us to keep resisting", the far-left Women' March organization issued a statement "celebrating" Ms. Chesimard's birthday.

The Save Jersey blog reported on this:

Joanne Chesimard, the Black Liberation Army member hiding in Cuba after murdering New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster on the New Jersey Turnpike in 1973, has long eluded American justice and vexed New Jersey public officials as well as the public at large.

Donald Trump made headlines in June by spiking the Obama-era Cuba deal and citing the case of Chesimard (a/k/a Assata Shakur) as one of the reasons.

Eyebrows were therefore raised on Sunday when the far-left Women’s March’s social media accounts CELEBRATED the notorious cop-killing fugitive’s birthday:

 “I think you guys accidentally left out the part where she shot a police officer in the face, escaped from prison, then fled to Cuba in this post,” responded one Facebook user.

We know where Republicans like Assemblymen Ron Dancer and Parker Space stand on cop-killer Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur).  They want her extradited back to the United States to face trial for the murder of a police officer.  They backed that up by sponsoring a legislative resolution (AR-111) to urge Congress and the Administration to make that happen.

We haven't heard from the Assembly Democrats.  We haven't heard from Judiciary Committee Chair McKeon.

Why don't Assemblyman McKeon and the other Assembly Democrats appear to mind associating with radicals calling for "jihad" and cop-killers?  Do they consider these legitimate forms of "dissent"?  We are very interested in hearing what McKeon and other Democrats have to say about a group, that they strongly support, honoring a cop-killer.