Pastor Brad Winship on the Prophecy of Ezekiel & the Millennium

Rather than my typical commentary on the news, this week’s program is a flyover exposition on the prophecies of Ezekiel.  Ultimately we need to feed on the Word, not the media.  The media should just be a side illustration for truth.  It should probably take up less than five percent of our thoughts. 

This program is for die-hard Bible students – a good resource if you are planning to read through the book of Ezekiel.  The YouTube version concentrates on chapters 34-37.  At a future date, I will do a YouTube specifically addressing Gog and Magog and the temple (chapters 39-48).

  YouTube Program #41 -

Pastor Winship can be heard at the following times:

  Bridge Christian Radio - Sunday 9 pm
        89.7 FM - Monmouth / Ocean Counties, NJ
        91.9 FM - Middlesex/ Monmouth Counties, NJ
        95.1 FM - NYC
        103.1 FM - Metro New Jersey & NYC
        99.7 FM - Sullivan County, NY
        106.9 FM - Poughkeepsie, NY

WTTP-LP - Lima, Ohio  101.1. FM  - - Saturday 12:30 am; Sunday at 3:30 pm

KKMC in Monterey County, CA - Saturday 9 AM and 7 PM

Listen anytime at   * Click on Program (Left click - The audio should begin playing) (Right click - To save to your computer or device) 

Join Pastor Winship's online at

Pastor Brad Winship: Critical Theory in Leftist Evangelicalism

Many naïve evangelicals are falling for the ideology of Critical Theory (CT).  In that CT claims to be coming to the aid of the oppressed, unsuspecting Christians can easily mistake the tenets of CT as the goals of Christ; but at its core, CT defines oppression as God’s law and Western Christian values.  CT is the rebellion of the Kingdom of Satan masquerading under the guise of justice and compassion.  Left leaning evangelicals are using the language and principles of CT to criticize the political Right and to propagate a false Gospel.  

Consider sending this YouTube link to pastors and teachers who need to hear this warning.

 Scripture References: Jeremiah 44:18 ; 1 Timothy 4:1 ; Acts 20:30 ; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ; Colossians 2:8 ; 2 Corinthians 11:3 ; Ephesians 4:14 ; Matthew 7:21-23 ; Romans 16:17-18 ; Acts 8:23 ; John 8 ; 1 Corinthians 5:2

YouTube #37  Critical Theory in Leftist Evangelicalism  

Pastor Winship can be heard at the following times:

  Bridge Christian Radio - Sunday 9 pm
        89.7 FM - Monmouth / Ocean Counties, NJ
        91.9 FM - Middlesex/ Monmouth Counties, NJ
        95.1 FM - NYC
        103.1 FM - Metro New Jersey & NYC
        99.7 FM - Sullivan County, NY
        106.9 FM - Poughkeepsie, NY

WTTP-LP - Lima, Ohio  101.1. FM  - - Saturday 12:30 am; Sunday at 3:30 pm

KKMC in Monterey County, CA - Saturday 9 AM and 7 PM

Listen anytime at   * Click on Program (Left click - The audio should begin playing) (Right click - To save to your computer or device) 

Join Pastor Winship's online at

Pastor Brad Winship: Exposing Critical Theory

This week’s program explains the driving ideology of our age – Critical Theory! 

You may not be aware of its pervasive influence, but once you understand it, the lunacy in our culture is going to make a whole lot more sense.

In essence, it is a form of Marxism that divides the world into the oppressor and the oppressed.  That wouldn’t be so bad if rightly defined, but Critical Theory sees the oppressor as any value that is even tangentially Christian – patriarchy, family, gender, nationalism, morality, private property, etc.  The naïve think Critical theory is justice and virtue because it purports to be coming to the aid of the persecuted, but it is really the old lie of Satan that God’s ways are oppressing the world, and Satan’s lawlessness is liberation.  THIS PROGRAM IS A MUST SEE ! 

 Scripture References:  Romans 16:18 , 2 Thessalonians 2:10 ; 2 Corinthians 10:4 ; Titus 1:10 ; Matthew 12:43-45 ; Psalm 2:2-3 ; Isaiah 58:6 ; Zechariah 7:9-10 ; Luke 19:14 ; Jude 15-18 ; Ephesians 2:1 ; Titus 3:3 ; 2 Chronicles 28:14 ; Exodus 32:25 ; Proverbs 20 ; 8 ; 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 ; Galatians 6:15-16 ; Psalm 1

YouTube #36  “Exposing Critical Theory” 7-22-2018

Pastor Winship can be heard at the following times:

  Bridge Christian Radio - Sunday 9 pm
        89.7 FM - Monmouth / Ocean Counties, NJ
        91.9 FM - Middlesex/ Monmouth Counties, NJ
        95.1 FM - NYC
        103.1 FM - Metro New Jersey & NYC
        99.7 FM - Sullivan County, NY
        106.9 FM - Poughkeepsie, NY

WTTP-LP - Lima, Ohio  101.1. FM  - - Saturday 12:30 am; Sunday at 3:30 pm

KKMC in Monterey County, CA - Saturday 9 AM and 7 PM

Listen anytime at   * Click on Program (Left click - The audio should begin playing) (Right click - To save to your computer or device) 

Join Pastor Winship's online at

Pastor Brad Winship: A primer on Liberal language

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Pastor Brad Winship of God & Country Radio delivers a weekly message from his Monmouth County church.  This week, Pastor Winship discusses the language employed by the Left to limit freedom:
"Imagine being raised solely by the popular media and public education without ever darkening the doors of a church.  Not only would you have a one-sided view of the world, but you would think only in terms of a liberal vocabulary.  As George Orwell explained in his novel 1984,  'Newspeak' is designed to limit freedom of thought. 

We all tend to see the world through the words and ideas that have been given to us.  If you are surrounded with vocabulary such as victimhood, racism, privilege, intersectionality, social justice, discrimination, culturally appropriate, trigger warnings, safe spaces, social justice, etc., you will interpret the world through the ideas reflected in those words.  If your mind is filled with Biblical vocabulary such as salvation, sin, redemption, justification, atonement, accountability, etc., you will see the world accordingly.  

This week’s program is about how the world controls the narrative by creating a new pagan vocabulary and by excluding the Biblical vocabulary  - the vocabulary that was a prominent part of our culture just a generation ago.  As the Apostle John described, 'They speak as from the world and the world listens to them' ( 1 John 4:5 ).  Therefore, it is no surprise that in urging Christians to contend for the faith, Paul taught the church to defend not only sound doctrine but sound words.  'Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus' ( 2 Timothy 1:13 ).  There cannot be right ideas without right words. 

In 25 minutes I am certainly not able to cover the breadth of this subject; but I introduce this topic to help you see that not only are the ideas of the left all messed up, but their very vocabulary blinds their minds and suppresses the truth."

Scripture references:  2 Corinthians 2:11 ; Psalm 12:2 , 17:10 , 73:8-9 , 94:4 ; 1 John 4:5 ; 2 Timothy 1:13 ; 1 Corinthians 2:13-14 ; Isaiah 5:20 ; Hosea 2:16-17 ; Ezekiel 18:1-4 ; 2 Timothy 1:13 ; Matthew 12:35-37
Pastor Winship can be heard at the following times:
  Bridge Christian Radio - Sunday 9 pm
        89.7 FM - Monmouth / Ocean Counties, NJ
        91.9 FM - Middlesex/ Monmouth Counties, NJ
        95.1 FM - NYC
        103.1 FM - Metro New Jersey & NYC
        99.7 FM - Sullivan County, NY
        106.9 FM - Poughkeepsie, NY

WTTP-LP - Lima, Ohio  101.1. FM  - - Saturday 12:30 am; Sunday at 3:30 pm 

KKMC in Monterey County, CA - Saturday 9 AM and 7 PM
Listen anytime at   * Click on Program (Left click - The audio should begin playing) (Right click - To save to your computer or device) 
Join Pastor Winship's online at

Pastor Brad Winship: "Racism Revisited"

We live in an era when some people want to remove a memorial to President George Washington -- yes, the same General Washington without whom our Republic would have not been achieved -- while others accuse the abolitionist President, Abraham Lincoln, of "owning slaves."  Yes, there is a lot of misinformation out there.  Here is Pastor Winship to provide his biblical perspective.

Pastor Brad Winship of God & Country Radio delivers a weekly message from his Monmouth County church.  This week, Pastor Winship discusses differing perspectives on racism:

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This week’s program is part one in a two-part series about racism.  The reason for taking up this subject again is because the secular left in America currently sees everything through the lens of racism.  I begin by explaining how we have just as much racism today as in the past (It is not as if Americans are more godly today than 50 years ago.), but now the practice of racism has changed.  More than ever, the ungodly are trying to find identity in skin color.

I go on to explain the reason for the recent resurgence of racial grievances – the unsolved economic and social disparities between the black and white communities.   I then give three explanations:  (1) the explanation given by the Liberal Left, (2) the explanation given by the Conservative Right,  (3) the Biblical Christian explanation. 

My understanding of this topic has improved over the years, and I believe the insights I share in this program will help you better understand the spiritual warfare in our day.

Scripture References:  Deuteronomy 12:49; Proverbs 16:26 ; Matthew 23:2-3 ; Luke 6:43-45 ; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ; Colossians 3:11

Pastor Winship can be heard at the following times:

  Bridge Christian Radio - Sunday 9 pm
        89.7 FM - Monmouth / Ocean Counties, NJ
        91.9 FM - Middlesex/ Monmouth Counties, NJ
        95.1 FM - NYC
        103.1 FM - Metro New Jersey & NYC
        99.7 FM - Sullivan County, NY
        106.9 FM - Poughkeepsie, NY

WTTP-LP - Lima, Ohio  101.1. FM  - - Saturday 12:30 am; Sunday at 3:30 pm

KKMC in Monterey County, CA - Saturday 9 AM and 7 PM

Listen anytime at   * Click on Program (Left click - The audio should begin playing) (Right click - To save to your computer or device) 

Join Pastor Winship's online at