As a journalist, InsiderNJ's Max Pizarro sucks.

We never complain about BlueJersey, because the blog advertises itself as a partisan opinion piece.  Sometimes it is too much with the corporate shilling that goes for being a mainstream Democrat these days, but by and large they say who they are and play it that way.

Not so Max Pizarro at InsiderNJ.  Max fashions himself a journalist, but he is clearly in bed with the Democrats and their agenda.  And with some Democrats, it's like he's crawled up their ass or something.  Even when these people get something grossly wrong, Pizarro still runs with the story and does the hit.  Now that is some kind of love, aint it?

Recently our old pal, Brother Eustace (aka Tim Eustace, Assemblyman Eustace, Major Eustace, The Kingfish, Great White, and so on) did a hit on Steve Lonegan and InsiderNJ ran it, even after Editor Max was given documentary proof that it was wrong.  No shit.

Brother Eustace filed a complaint against Lonegan with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).  Upon receiving it, the FEC dismissed it as an improper complaint.  Days after it was dismissed, Maxie Max published anyway and did not explain to his readers that the complaint had been dismissed, despite having the proof of that from the FEC (see below).  Instead, he included a rebuttal statement from the Lonegan campaign.  That is not the same thing.

Maxie Max lost track of the story.  The FEC said Brother Eustace's complaint was bullshit.  The FEC negated Eustace's complaint.  InsiderNJ went out of its way not to report that.  That kind of makes you a handjob, Max.

Now Max, we are sure glad that you have managed to get yourself a writing job after Kushner and company screwed you.  You are a good writer and we enjoy your work.  We don't know much about the folks who are currently funding your work, but heck, a writing job is a writing job and we salute anyone who can pull it off and keep body and soul together.

But really Max, if you are going to continue down this path, why don't you just call your blog InsideBlueNJ or DemocratInsiderNJ or some shit like that.  Truth in advertising.

Meanwhile, have you looked at the record of the pissbag this is in aid of?  No, we don't mean Brother Eustace and his bail bondsmen.  Maxie, have you examined the record of Josh "the breath monster" Gottheimer?  Well thank goodness someone on the Left did and she has his number.  Her name is Rachel Maddow, perhaps you've heard of her?

Before getting elected to Congress in 2016, Josh Gottheimer followed his buddy Mark Penn, the Clintons' polling guy, to take over an international public relations/lobbying corporation called Burson-Marsteller.  These folks are real pieces of work. 

Hey, don't take our word for it.  Here's what MSNBC's Rachel Maddow had to say about the firm where Josh Gottheimer held the number two position as International Vice President (his buddy Mark Penn was International President):

Yep, Josh Gottheimer and his pal Mark Penn ran the "PR Firm from Hell"!  And now you know what kind of shithouse you are shilling for.

Fat Norman's take on InsiderNJ's election predictions

Fat Norman is a comedian who says whatever pops into his mind.  Here is his take on InsiderNJ's "insiders" and their predictions.

JOSHUA HENNE, progressive communications wiz. “Unfortunately for Kim Guadagno, it’s not her name on the ballot. It’s Chris Christie and Donald Trump.   

Needs his eyes examined.   Where does he see "Christie" and "Trump" on this ballot?

SCOTT RUDDER, chair NJ Cannabusiness Association/former GOP lawmaker, “No matter who wins today, we will see cannabis decriminalized and medical cannabis more accessible. This happens in either a Guadagno or Murphy Administration. And that’s a good thing.  That being said, if Murphy wins, we expect to see a more aggressive approach towards correcting unjust cannabis laws. The expansion into the adult-use cannabis market will create tens of thousands of new jobs and help accelerate our economic recovery.”

Pothead.  An economic recovery based on getting stoned.  What an asshole.

JIM McGREEVY, former NJ Governor. “New Jersey reasserts true blue status; NJ as an alternate policy laboratory to DC as to training and education, jobs and the economy.”

Ass.  He sees NJ becoming a laboratory for fuckedupedness. 

ARLENE QUINONES PEREZ , chair Hundedon County Democrats.  “Low voter turnout. Phil Murphy  between 9-12%. One LD39 D wins. In LD 16, two Assembly D wins but by small numbers may not be called until Wednesday.”

Hundedon County?  One LD39 win???  How are things in Hundedon?

JOEY NOVICK, ACLU NJ/Former Flemington Councilman... Jay Lassiter continues to write clever and entertaining columns for InsiderNJ after Election Day.”

A handjob in love with the Man from Ass.

LYNDA HINKLE, Camden County Democratic Committee. “A Phil Murphy win is a win for legalization of cannabis which means a new revenue stream for the state. But I think Kim Guadagno comes closer than originally expected despite many in her party working against her or at least not for her.

How come she gets why the GOP loses but the GOP doesn't?

ALEX LAW, former Congressional candidate/anti-machine liberal. “As a huge believer in good old fashioned grassroots door knocking, I’ve been thrilled to see the Murphy campaign send thousands of people out to talk to voters one on one all across the state. I think his resoundingly progressive platform and his grassroots execution will carry him to a convincing victory.”

Good Guy... but it's called paid for astroturf.  Shameful is nothing to be thrilled about.

LOU MAGAZZU, former Cumberland Freeholder. “Bob Andrzejczak and Robert Bruce Land will win by historic margins for anyone not named Van Drew. They have done a great job as Assemblyman and candidates and the voters will reward them today.”

The wanker speaks!  WTF?  Did someone shit in his brain and forget to flush it?

CHRISTIAN FUSCARINO, chair Garden State Equality. “We trust that Phil Murphy, Sheila Oliver, Vin Gopal, and all the candidates that stand for equality and justice will trump their opponents by a landslide, sending a resounding message of hope across the nation.”

Ass.  And why did Jennifer Beck think it so important to kiss up to these phonies?  Why does any Republican kiss up to GSE?  


Who are you?

KATHY O’LEARY, Longhill Residents for Responsible Development.

Why should we know you?

BRANDON MCKOY Deputy Chapter Director of New Leaders Council – NJ

Another person known only to the Hand of Lassiter.


Blue Balls in Jersey... or why liberal ass bandits don't get any.