Democrats use Antifa tactics to disrupt Sussex County meeting.

On Wednesday evening, August 14th, the Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders held a scheduled meeting to discuss placing a public question on the November ballot to address the Murphy administration’s illegal Sanctuary State directive.  A ballot question was proposed.  It passed with every vote. 

This was representative democracy at work… in an open public meeting…

Except that the so-called “Democrats” were there to stop the vote from ever happening.  At the direction of the same State Democrats who strong armed Jersey City Mayor Michael Fulop out of the gubernatorial primary in 2017, Sussex County Democrats tried to shut down the meeting and stop the vote from ever happening.

Sussex Democrats were instructed to use the occupancy code to try to have the Freeholders meeting cancelled until after the August 16th deadline for public questions to appear on the November ballot.  They contacted local officials and had them come to the Freeholders meeting to do an occupancy count.  The Democrats were more than matched in turnout and their plans were stymied by Skylands Tea Party President Bill Hayden, who had his people leave the meeting.  The Sussex Democrat coordinating the operation was heard reporting back on her cell phone:  “Our plan failed.”

These tactics are right out of the Antifa handbook and disgusted citizens who had come to the meeting to participate in democracy and open government.  Some went to social media to comment on what they saw, including the gentleman below:

 “I was shocked to see the way the democrat operatives used phony issues and outrages to basically try to shut down the vote. The way they pretended they couldn’t hear, the way they sabotaged the audio system before the meeting, the way they pretended their (sic) was a fire code violation and the hearing had to be shut down...we aren’t just fighting for issues here, we are fighting for our constitution, our way of life. The democrats are really Bolshevik thugs.”

Now the Democrats have been provided with another opportunity to obstruct due process and the rule of law.  This time it is courtesy of the Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College (SCCC). 

The politicization of the SCCC is very troubling and runs contrary to the rules governing the college.  The lobbying by Democrats and the coordination with the Board raises serious concerns. 

These issues will be addressed in the weeks and months ahead.

Bhimani and Draeger: Mikie Sherrill’s sore winners.

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What a couple of cretins!  

Okay, you did your weekly Antifa routine in front of his office and upset the old guy so much that his doctor told him to give it up.  Hoorah! You tormented a man whose public service began in the jungles of Vietnam and drove him out of office.

Then you beat his party’s nominee with a candidate who masqueraded as a suburban Republican – a veteran, tough on crime prosecutor, and all American mom (hey, where’s that slice of apple pie?).  But that wasn’t good enough for the kind of Antifa gals who enjoy pulling the wings off flies.

You had to show up to his office on his last day open – and act like assholes.  Well good for you. You showed all the world what measure of class and grace you possess.  

Meet some of the victims of the Sanctuary State movement…

The Democratic Socialist movement that includes the Women’s March, Antifa, Rise Stronger, Indivisible, Action Together… and who support candidates like Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill have all lined up behind Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to make New Jersey a Sanctuary State.  Yes, the whole state.

In doing so – wittingly or unwittingly – they have become allies of modern day slavery, the traffickers in human beings and especially those who deal in the trafficking of women and children for America’s booming (and often illegal) sex industry.  The porous border that Kim, Malinowski, and Sherrill advocate serves the needs of criminal traffickers of illegal narcotics and opioids – and illegal firearms – as well.

This isn’t a victimless position to take.  You aren’t helping people when you help those who kidnap them and bring them to America to sell.  A United Nations study estimated that the criminal cartels who control the trafficking of human beings and illegal narcotics into the United States collect $6.6 billion annually. 

And who is being trafficked?  Here, meet some of the victims…

Now let’s ask Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill… do you feel better about your movement… or do you feel worse?

Rasmussen Polling: Voters think “Socialist” sucks

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Forget that a few “Democratic Socialists” have achieved victory in some fringe districts… forget that they and the Women’s March/ Action Together/ Indivisible/ Antifa crowd are trying to drag their party into embracing the word “Socialist” and all that comes with it (think Venezuela)… 

Rasmussen Reports issued polling today that shows that to be a bad plan… a very bad plan:

“When it comes to political labels, moderate and conservative are best for candidates, socialist the worst. 

Rasmussen Reports in its latest national telephone and online survey asked Likely U.S. Voters about five major political labels and whether they would be considered a positive description of a candidate, a negative one on somewhere in between. Moderate is viewed as a positive by 39%, and just as many (38%) say the same of conservative. Thirty-three percent (33%) consider progressive a positive political description, followed closely by liberal (31%). Moderate is a negative description for a candidate for 14%; 26% feel that way about conservative. Thirty-three percent (33%) regard both liberal and progressive as negative descriptions.

The newcomer in this year’s survey is socialist, and it’s a label to avoid, voters say. Just 16% think it’s a positive description if a candidate is described as politically socialist. Nearly half (48%) view it as a negative description, while 30% say it’s somewhere in between the two.”

Just 24% of Democrats, 23% of younger voters, 19% of Black voters, and 31% of self-described Liberals view the word “Socialist” in a positive way. 

There are the toplines, here is the wording… 

National Survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters

Conducted September 13 and 16, 2018
By Rasmussen Reports

1* Suppose a candidate was described to you as politically liberal. Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

2* What if a candidate was described to you as politically conservative? Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

3* What about a candidate who was described to you as politically moderate? Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

4* Suppose a candidate was described to you as politically progressive. Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

5* Suppose a candidate was described to you as politically socialist. Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.