BDS Mapping Project-Targeting the Jewish Community for violence - CALL TO ACTION

by Russell Taub
Policy Advisor and Political Strategist

A BDS group called the Mapping Project, headquartered in Boston took its anti-Israel efforts to a whole new effort by publishing a map that shows the location of Jewish institutions throughout Massachusetts, effectively making every one of them a target for attack.

With the rise of anti-semitism reported by Anti- Defamation League audit. The BDS Mapping Project will increase anti-semitism and attacks on the Jewish community.

We know from history that evil will prevail if we do nothing. Therefore, I encourage and ask everyone to take immediate action . Please call your elected officials and ask them to do what is necessary to protect Jewish individuals and institutions in the face of this very real threat to their safety. In addition, ask them to issue a public statement condemning the BDS movement and the Mapping Project.

The ADL audit and now the BDS Mapping Project should be a wakeup call and a call to action.. We can't wait for the Biden Administration or the Department of Justice to act.

Please act now.
Call your elected officials.

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