Never Trust A Former FBI Agent Running For Congress- Especially a Republican One!

Russell Taub
Policy Advisor and Political Strategist

The 2022 election is coming rapidly, and we have a cast of character candidates running for office. From anti-Semites like Ilhan Omar to former FBI agents like Steve Gray and Benjamin Souther.

Steve Gray and Benjamin Souther should NOT be trusted at all. These two men are former FBI agents, and the FBI should never be trusted given everything that has transpired the past decade, especially against Republicans.

How do we know if the FBI didn’t purposely put them up to this? We know that the approval rating of the FBI is slowly going down to 44% from 57%, according to the GALLUP Poll. We know that the FBI lie, cheat, falsify reports, sexually assault other female agents and employees (based on the Inspector General Report), responsible for the January 6 riot, and protect their own. So, how can we trust a former FBI agent running for congress?

I asked Steve Gray and Benjamin Souther, 2 Republicans running, but they refused to answer this important question. The question was, do you believe the Jay Abbott and Michael Langeman whom falsified reports, which allowed Larry Nassar to rape seventy women should be arrested?

How can we trust a former FBI agent, who refuses to answer a very simple question of corrupt FBI agents? The answer is simple- YOU CAN’T.

I encourage all voters to remember this if anything. Who cares what they say about inflation, taxes, corruption in government, and the Biden Family. The real question you should ask is “Would they arrest a fellow FBI agent, if he is corrupt and guilty.”

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“The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered, perhaps, as deeply, as finally staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.”

George Washington, First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789