RANDOLPH HIGH SCHOOL UPDATE: What Happens When Patriots Get Involved


In a surprising moving, the Randolph Board of Ed reversed course in their decision making of removing all Judeo -Christian holidays and all other holidays all together. This occurred due to the majority of citizens, parents and legislators who came to support and defend American Exceptionalism.

The decision was an 8 to 1 decision. Thanks to many parents and citizens who love this country and its founding principles. Again, this is thanks to many parents and citizens who took action, either called, emailed and became involved to ensure their rights as parents, as well as, rights as citizens were recognized and upheld.

While this is a win, a couple of concerning questions to ask. A main one was why was there a need for police presence inside and outside the meeting. Were they concerned that the parents were going to throw milk and cookies at the Board of Ed members? This is insulting to the Randolph residents, but demarks something profound: should you respectfully under the Constitution voice your concern, the state government run police will now turn on you.

Please note, we totally understand this is their (the Democrats) subliminal message. Indirectly attempt to link January 6th event and tarnish the patriot name now with any citizens wishing to “dare” to voice or identify themselves as “patriots” or “MAGA” or “PRO-American”.

See what they just did? It’s the old Cuban / German marxist/communist style character assassination. Shame/degrade a particular group based on their religion, nationality…..until they comply…Oh wait, isn’t that called discrimination, worse, yet segregation? No? (Spanish accent for emphasis)

While there were no arrested at this meeting, their presence does send out that message. What the Randolph Board of Ed try to do, essentially was to pit Pro-hating Americans with Pro-loving Americans.

Those who are for American, American Exceptionalism understand why these holidays are important. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Martin Luther King and yes Columbus Day, all have a common denominator. They are all founded on Judeo Christian doctrine. Again, as I state, those who are Pro-loving Americans understand this, and what is the foundation, our core of our Constitution? The Judeo-Christian faith.

There are many “indigenous Latinos” who portray themselves so “offended”, but wouldn’t you if you were getting paid by top Democrat leaders to harrass and cause riots all for the sake of destroying America? No, we have common sense.

We will expand on this further in our next series of writings.

We have seen what Pro-American loving citizens can do for good. We have just witnessed the first of many to offset and ward of the evil of communism/marxist about to take over. We know, the Democrats went back to regather themselves to see how they can try again. In the meantime, we will continue to be vigilant and defend our beloved republic.

American Exceptionalism only survives when patriots decide to defend and honor its founding prinicples. We know, the libs are attempting to create a pseudo founding principle under the guise of “equity” (which again, we know that whenever that term is used, you are basically saying you are for segregation); but they will fail, just like all the other countries who tried this philosophy.

To all the parents and citizens who attended and made their voices heard. Thank you. Our nation thanks you. We all thank you. This is a great way to start the Fourth of July.

God bless America. Happy Fourth!

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