Even More Fascist “Gleich-schaltung”* At Stockton U.: “We Are Infusing Race And ‘Racial Justice’ Throughout Our Curriculum”


Last month, Stockton University President Harvey Kesselman spoke at its “Black History Month” march and rally. Kesselman said, “We proclaim our commitment to the dismantling of ‘systemic racism’. . . We are infusing race and racial justice throughout our curriculum”. This technique of promoting a political agenda through every course, class and activity in every school and college was called “gleich-schaltung” by Hitler’s “National Socialists (called NAZIonalsozialisti or Nazis in Mussolini’s Italy) in 1930s Germany.


Excerpt from Wikipedia article on “Gleichschaltung”  Click here for full article.

Donnetrice Allison, a professor of “Africana Studies” and member of the university’s “Council of Black Faculty and Staff” then gave details.  Allison announced that she had sent a proposal to the New Jersey State Senate requiring that “The R Attribute” become a required course needed to graduate in all fields.  The new course would “examine the role of ‘racism’ within each field because ‘racism’ “is in every field.”  Allison said “Every major that you have,  you need to spend some time talking about how racism is at play within this major”.

Allison also touched on the importance of Black students seeking out Black teachers, and Black teachers seeking out Black students “to connect with them”.  She recalled that when she was a student years ago, she was a member of the “Black Student Union”.  She said that when a black teacher was hired to teach “African-American literature”, all members of the Black Student registered for the course.

Click here for full article published by The Press of Atlantic City on February 27, 2021. 


In 2017, a statue of Richard Stockton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and namesake of the University, was removed after the Student Senate held a trial and ruled that Stockton was a slaveowner.  That charge is dubious, as Richard Stockton and his family were Quakers with a long history of fighting to end slavery.  However, Stockton’s Student Senate did not let anyone defend Richard Stockton or speak on his behalf at its “trial” which was more like a lynching.  In 2017, Stockton also called for an investigation by campus police and the Atlantic County prosecutor when it found three flyers for “Identity Evropa” posted on a public bulletin board “without permission”.

“Identity Evropa” is an organization that claims it its website that it wants “all ethnic and racial groups to have somewhere in the world to call home” and that there should be such a home for “people of European heritage”.

This is certainly a racist idea.  However, is it any more racist than Stockton’s “Africana Studies” program.  “Black History Month”, Black Lives Matter, “Council of Black Faculty and Staff” or “Black Students Union” which systematically exclude or discriminate against whites, yet are permitted and funded by the University?  Would Stockton permit a white professor to urge white students to “seek out white teachers and for white teachers to seek out white students”?  Aren’t these all examples of “systemic racism”.

Last June, Stockton’s Campus Police and its “Director of Care and Community Standards” investigated a graduate student who not only had a poster of President Trump as his background for a Zoom meeting, but claimed he was willing to fight for his right to freely express his opinions.  Stockton then set up a hearing to determine whether that student should be punished with suspension or forced attendance at a “Social Justice Workshop.:.  Click here for details.

Black History” began in the 1920’s. Its purpose then was to refute the hateful lies and ugly stereotypes against blacks contained in the 1915 Hollywood movie “Birth of a Nation”. That movie was used by Democrats to revive the long dead KKK and terrorize blacks out of voting in the 1916 elections against “progressive” Democratic President Woodrow Wilson. Blacks at that time voted overwhelmingly for Republicans, and Wilson was narrowly re-elected. Click here for details.