ELECTION ALERT: BLM advocate seeking re-election in Essex County School Board

by Deborah

It is election year in Essex County. It’s interesting to see how the Democratic party has embraced their profound love for everything ANTIFA and BLM, (two groups which according to the legal definition of domestic terrorism, under the 18 U.S. Code, 2331 states what domestic terrorism is “ …where involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violate if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State…” ( I can go on..).

These groups are domestic terrorists groups as they fall within the category of doing harm to businesses and citizens through rioting, looting and murdering.

The New Jersey Democratic Party embraces this domestic terrorist group, so much so, they have decided to place on the Newark’s school board, a BLM advocate. (A BLM advocate is one who lives, breathes and (crucial to understand), believes the violence, riots and murders are a way to attain ‘justice’ (their justice means it only benefits them at the expense of someone’s livelihood to even their very lives).

Who is this candidate the Board decided to re-elect? Her name is Vereliz Santana.

Her previous Facebook profile before Friday, March 19, 2021 is shown below:

Vereliz Santana, Legislative Director for State Senator Teresa Ruiz seeking closed door re-election

Vereliz Santana, Legislative Director for State Senator Teresa Ruiz seeking closed door re-election

This is Ms. Santana’s updated Facebook profile as of March 19, 2021:

Vereliz Santana, Legislative Director to Senator Teresa Ruiz

Vereliz Santana, Legislative Director to Senator Teresa Ruiz

Nice way to clean up right? No one would know that she’s a staunch BLM advocate, right? Someone who believes in violence is ok is a legislative director for one of the most notorious Senator in New Jersey, Teresa Ruiz. Senator Ruiz rushed Santana in to be appointed onto the Newark School Board to make sure all bases are covered and not allow any opportunity for anyone other than her political clique to acquire the seat.

Vereliz Santana, shown here on newark, chalkbeat.org

Vereliz Santana, shown here on newark, chalkbeat.org

Why would anyone want to appoint on the school board or in any position anyone promoting violence ?Again, let me remind you, BLM is a well-known and extremely, organized domestic terrorist group that advocates for violence, rioting and murder.

Why hasn’t anyone in the Board mentioned this to the public’? Surely, the parents want to know. They have a right to know . It is within their right according to the New Jersey’s Open Public Meetings Act.

Miss Santana was appointed to the board on January 28th, 2021 replacing the late Tave Padilla, who had suddenly passed away. She was immediately positioned as an “at-large member of the Newark Public Schools Advisory Board in New Jersey”, pushed by, Senator Teresa Ruiz, again, in a closed door session, with no invitation to the public and not allowed to be questioned, at all period.

Now, you would say, what is so significant about replacing a vacant seat? Previously, if we follow our Constitution, our election process for any position beit school board, county committee or a senate seat, the process honored the voice of the public.

The standard process would be making an announcement to advise the general public a vacant seat has become available, the public would then apply for the seat/position, the Board, then would decide which candidate would best fit the position and explain to the public their why and reason they selected the desired candidate. The public was always involved.

That did not happen at all in this selection process. The school board chose not to publicly discuss nor disclose their decision for selecting Ms. Santana, nor even attempted to provide a reason why the public was not informed.. Secondly, Vereliz Santana’s nomination was announced few days before the Thursday’s, January 28, 2021 vote. Voting in for the people or for the political cliques in power ruining NJ?

Noting this was a closed –door selection process, where the public was not even invited nor informed, a very prominent member in the community expressed her concern on how our elected officials continue to abuse their position and their power by working for the politically connected and not for We The People.

This prominent figure is Ms. Yolanda Johnson. Ms. Johnson, is an education advocate and founder of Parents Educating Parents, Inc., who currently is seeking to run for Newark’s School Board , A6 seat, to fight for the parents’ voice which has been dwindling to almost becoming unheard under these elected officials.

She has stated “the community actively attends Newark school board meetings where we often express our concerns, make suggestions for improvements, and often advocate for transparency to assist the board in governance of our school district,” PEP CEO Yolanda Johnson said.

“We, the community, feel disenfranchised, hurt, and traumatized by the board’s chairperson, Josephine Garcia, condescending and demeaning remark toward the public,’ notes Ms. Johnson. She continued to state PEP is "inclined to ask Josephine Garcia to step down."

The remark, Ms. Johnson is referring to is Ms. Josephine Garcia stating: “HERE COMES THE BULL SH@#!” This comment was made right before the general public (parents and grandparents who were eagerly waiting to initiate their questions to the board) on the January 28th meeting where supposedly the voice of the people matter.

More on Ms. Garcia and why she must not hold her position any longer, but lets get back to Ms. Vereliz Santana. We would need to ask the legislators who took an oath to defend the Constitution, not from a human secular atheistic religious belief (as that is how they have been passing all of their unconstitutional bills one after another; but they were sworn in to upheld the Constitution, the Judeo Christian principled foundational Constitution.

Where are the conservative, freedom fighter Hispanics? Why hasn’t the NJGOP condemned and put a stop in re-electing a BLM advocate onto the school board but to continue to hold an esteemed and powerful position in government. Could this be this is equivalent of stating a KKK member/advocate works in the NJ legislation?

Could it be because Newark isn’t Princeton? We must demand Ms. Santana’s nomination to be rescinded from the School Board, but most importantly to be stripped and removed from government role immediately.

more unfolding…