Towards a post-Trump-era moral resurgence


Towards a Post-Trump-Era Moral Resurgence

By Binyomin Feinberg

The following are a few suggestions for advancing towards a post-Trump-Era Moral Resurgence:

1. The disenfranchised Right can keep relevant by refocusing on crux moral issues, not persona debate.

2 Exposing evil by calling it what it actually is will help in overcoming some of the formidable technical barriers we face. That's how the abortion opposition movement survived so long, regardless of who held sway in DC.

3. Let us never underestimate the power of intelligent speech. See what Yehuda did vis-a-vis Josef in Gen. 44:14-45:1; he almost instigated a riot, against one of the most powerful rulers in the world, on behalf of the youngest brother, Binyomin - all from a position of being highly disadvantaged.

4. Victory depends not only on how much power you have, but how well you utilize what you have, while you have it. That's including leveraging disadvantages (in ample supply) to your advantage.

5. If the LGBT activists got people duped into fake marriage by fake sob stories, we can use storytelling for Truth. This holds true on LGBT issues, as well as in regard to fighting NJ's A3030 - especially if we address its human-trafficking enabling elements. One example of how potent telling a story can be appears here, in regards to a different (although releted) issue.

6. By getting back to genuine, central moral issues - rather than fighting over the persona of leadership - we'll avoid being baited by agents provocateur seeking a pretext for martial law.

G-d willing, to be continued.