Nick DeGregorio: The New Face of the Same Old Team

by KellyAnn Hart

Year after year, the same insider consultants who dominate the GOP in New Jersey produce the same results: They lose.

They failed to pick-up legislative seats while Chris Christie was Governor. They’ve lost Republican strongholds like Burlington and Somerset Counties. They’ve lost every Republican congressman in New Jersey except one. And they’ve failed to win back congressional seats that voted for Donald Trump in both 2016 and 2020.

They instigate primaries for the revenue it produces and then fail to win those primaries. Just ask former Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce.

Like the RINOs they are, whenever they are confronted with the disparity between their profits and their losses, they blame Donald Trump. It is his fault, not their fault, ignoring the fact that they started losing long before Trump ran for President. This is Nick DeGregorio’s team. Their words in his mouth.

They are never held to account for their losses, because the institutions that should hold them to account – like the NJGOP – are revolving doors used by the insider consultant cabal as places to warehouse their friends and relations. Meanwhile, New Jersey Republicans just keep losing.

There was a time when a surging Republican tide would have carried both Virginia and New Jersey. No longer. Now, while Virginia surged to capture three statewide offices and the Legislature, New Jersey managed a few seats, some by accident. Half the gains for Republicans in the State Senate came from a race in which the insider consultants played no part. It was all down to the surge, a surge they failed to expand.

Nick DeGregorio is the latest offering by that team.

Already, DeGregorio’s handlers are using the same cookie-cutter language employed in their failed Hugin for Senate campaign. In common with the Hugin race, instead of policies the campaign is leaning heavily on the candidate’s biography. 

Instead of a platform of ideas and solutions, DeGregorio is offering the same tired old gimmicks that have been employed for a decade. DeGregorio’s website is big on image but void of policy specifics. It doesn’t even have an issues page, just a biography and a way to send money.

A lot of this isn’t Nick DeGregorio’s fault. He’s been recruited by the team that’s been digging the grave of New Jersey Republicans for the better part of a decade. It doesn’t look like they’ll stop until they hit rock bottom.

“Nearly all men can stand adversity,

but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” ~ Lincoln

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