3 years ago CNN ran this story about how easy it is to hack an election

By Rubashov

In 2017, CNN did a story on the ease with which an election machine could be hacked. It is a very different story from what is being presented today.

CNN covered a “hackers convention” called the DEF CON hacking conference, at which hackers were invited to try their hand at infiltrating the technology we rely on at every election, including voting machines. The conference was put together in the aftermath of the 2016 election by Jake Braun, a former Obama administration official at the Department of Homeland Security. The video below, produced and posted by CNN in 2017, is unsettling…

At the DEF CON hacking conference, hackers were invited to try their hand at infiltrating the technology we rely on every election, including voting machines...

According to the state website, New Jersey uses the controversial Dominion Voting Systems:

Voting Systems Certified by the State of New Jersey

AVANTE International Technology, Inc.
70 Washington Road Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
(609) 799-8896

Dominion Voting Systems
717 17th St., Ste 310 Denver, CO 80202
(416)762-1775; Ext 271

Elections Systems & Software
11208 John Galt Blvd Omaha, NE 68137
(800) 247-8683

Hart InterCivic
15500 Wells Port Drive Austin, TX 78728
(512) 252-6400
Last Updated: 04/28/20


The Legislature has a duty to do its job and not continue to allow one-man rule by the Governor. It needs to closely examine the election process and its machinery to ensure the system’s integrity.

To date, the Democrat majority has been too lazy to do the job it was elected to do (they still take full perks and pay, however). The most recent example was its party-line vote to table A-4147, legislation that would require the Governor to work with the elected Legislature by limiting his executive power to 14-day increments.

New Jersey voters now face the bizarre reality that the Governors of other states have input into the decision process that affects the economic and physical landscape of their state. And that these elected officials from other states have far more input than the men and women New Jersey voters elect to representative them in the Legislature.

It begs the question of just what the Legislature is for? Through the connivance of Governor Murphy and the Democrat Leadership, the Legislature is being turned into little more than a mid-level holding pen for Democrat patronage appointees waiting for the really big plums. Proving themselves by doing what they’re told.

This is a story that the Media should be reporting. But, as Professor Noam Chomsky wrote in Manufacturing Consent, that might not be something they do anymore…

Summary of Chomsky's analyses on how the corporate media functions. Excerpt from the documentary "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media" (1992). ...
“Institutional critiques such as we present in this book are commonly dismissed by establishment commentators as ‘conspiracy theories,’ but this is merely an evasion.We do not use any kind of ‘conspiracy’ hypothesis to explain mass-media performance. In fact, our treatment is much closer to a ‘free market’ analysis, with the results largely an outcome of the workings of market forces.Most biased choices in the media arise from the preselection right-thinking people, internalized preconceptions, and the adaptation of personnel to the constraints of ownership, organization, market, and political power. Censorship is largely self-censorship, by reporters and commentators who adjust to the realities of source and media organizational requirements, and by people at higher levels within media organizations who are chosen to implement, and have usually internalized, the constraints imposed by proprietary and other market and governmental centers of power.”

Noam Chomsky
(from Manufacturing Consent)

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at Marianna@JerseyConservative.org.