Is Troy Singleton the most corrupt NJ Senator?

Is there anyone as casually corrupt as Senator Troy Singleton?  The first thing you need to know is that Senator Singleton is the former bagman for Assembly Speaker Joe Roberts – who has since retired and moved to a less taxed state than the one he ruled over and made the worst taxed in America. 

After that Singleton picked-up a union job for which he lacked any qualification at all… outside of his political connections.  And when he’s not picking the pockets of blue-collar union workers, Singleton adopts a nonchalance towards political corruption – oozing a partisanship that ignores the worst racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic tendencies within his own party.

Take Linda Sarsour for example.  Senator Singleton has practically crawled up the ass of Sarsour’s organization – the Women’s March – even as it has embraced open racists like Louis Farrahkan.  The Farrahkan movement has long referred to white-skinned people as “Devils” (reserving a particular hatred for women). 

Singleton’s jaws have been quick to flap whenever he has the chance to call a Republican a “racist” – even singling out Country & Western music artists and their fans as “racists”.  But when members of his own party openly behave like racists, Singleton gets a partisan version of lock-jaw.  Maybe he believes that racism towards some is an acceptable form?

As a member of the Assembly Democrats, Singleton was quite comfy with a fellow Democrat Assemblyman who had been convicted of a federal crime and who had been charged with stalking women.  Singleton obviously doesn’t get the #MeToo movement.

And when fellow Democrat Cory Booker came out with some Israel-hatred recently, Senator Singleton’s head merely bobbed in agreement.  He can’t quite figure out how to address a subject that involves a fellow partisan like Booker.  What’s up with the normally loud-mouthed, opinionated Singleton?  Either he’s too scared, too stupid, or too partisan to publicly disagree with Booker.


Here’s Singleton’s pal Booker, calling for the end to the border wall and other fortifications that protect Israel against terrorists.  This is like calling for a second Holocaust.  It is not enough that Cory Booker’s international allies have driven Jews out of every country they control, now he wants to tear down Israel’s protective barrier and allow them to march in to commence a pogrom of terror, torture, rape, and murder.

And to make matters worse, thanks to the Philadelphia Inquirer, now we know that Booker's fellow Democrat - Bob Menendez - is allowing his campaign to be run by a lobbyist for the foreign government of Qatar, one of the worse anti-Jewish culprits in the world and a government criticized by the United Nations and Amnesty International for its relaxed attitude towards modern slavery - human trafficking and the exploitation of children. 

Perhaps the best way to understand Senator Singleton is the way in which we understand Senator Booker?  That is, to remember Jack Nicholson’s answer to this question…

Stay tuned...