Concerned about “incivility”? Did you catch DeNiro?

Another day, another lecture from New Jersey’s corporate media about the need for common, ordinary people to mind their language.  This time the lecture was delivered by Messrs. James M. O’Neill and Dustin Racioppi of what was, before the all the corporate hanky panky, the Bergen Record. 

Good points all, good points all.  Yes, human beings should be nicer to one another and should treat people as they themselves would like to be treated.

But come on fellows, people don’t learn how to behave at church (they don’t fill the pews anymore), they get their morality from television, the Internet, and the entertainment industry.  And that said, a fish rots from the head. 

This is something our media lecturers kind of ignored. 

Hey, take a look at that crowd… check out all those tuxedos and gowns. 

Why do the stinking rich still dress the same way they did back during the Great Depression?  Why do they still wear clothes that nobody else owns or can afford?

They look like they were made up for some Three Stooges comedy skit… only, they dressed themselves this way.

Memo to would be Hollywood Marxists:  If you want to show solidarity with the unwashed masses, don’t wear clothing that would cost the average family a year’s income. 

If you want to show off your wealth, okay, but be cool about it.  Carrying on dressed that way is just rich folks doing what comes natural to them… behaving badly.  Very badly.