Zwicker is an anti-faith, anti-average guy elitist

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When he first arrived in Trenton, Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker appeared to be something of a nice guy.  A little nerdy, a little too liberal, but earnest enough and appearing to want to do the best he could for the state and his constituency.

But wow did he change fast!  In less than one term, Zwicker went from it being about other people to it all being about him.  Instead of working with others to address the many problems faced by New Jersey residents, Assemblyman Zwicker behaves like one of the Kardashian sisters -- endlessly blathering about who he is and how he feels.

We thought we were electing a scientist and instead we got a celebrity.

We've all heard about the demeaning remarks that the Assemblyman made about his constituents who live outside the "holy city" of Princeton.  Zwicker publicly turned up his nose at the thought of all those "unenlightened" folk outside that Nirvana on earth that is Princeton.  Hey, does Princeton even have a good bookstore anymore?  Lots of she-she coffee houses at which to be seen, but reading... hey, this is celebrity culture disguised as intellectualism.  We no read, we virtue signal.

And if the people of Hunterdon County are too blue-collar for a white-collar science guy like Assemblyman Zwicker, then one can only wonder what he thinks about a genuinely working class hamlet.  I suppose, in Zwicker's eyes, "those people" would be scarcely human.

Politics involves communities and is a social undertaking.  Most successful people in politics look for commonality with their fellow man.  Not Assemblyman Zwicker.  Like the celebrity culture he embraces, he is always looking to show that he is smarter and better than all of us. 

As an example, let's go to the beginning, when he was being sworn into office.  While everyone else was going through the traditional ceremony, Zwicker took it as an opportunity to show us all how "special" he is. 

'Surrounded by family and friends, I took the oath of office with my hand on a copy of Sir Isaac Newton’s 'Principia,' published in 1805, and considered one of the great books of science. Tucked inside the book was a copy of the NJ Constitution, the US Constitution, and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. For me, it was a perfect way to respect both my background as a scientist and my new responsibilities as a Legislator,” said Andrew Zwicker in a newsletter .

About 21 minutes into the YouTube recording of the swearing in of the 217th NJ General Assembly you find Andrew Zwicker.  He is the guy refusing to say “so help me God” as he took the oath of office.  Every other Assemblyperson did but him.  You can view the youtube here:

Get it?  Andrew Zwicker is special -- and if you haven't heard already, he is from... Princeton.  And he has no time for those lower forms of life in places like Hunterdon County because... well, if you must ask then you will never understand, and how could you even hope to understand, because you are not... him.

Andrew Zwicker not only turns up his nose at average working people, he turns up his nose at God too -- and at everyone who believes in God.  But maybe he's not as smart as he thinks he is.

Sir Isaac Newton’s “Principia.”

Does the freshman Assemblyman know that Sir Isaac Newton was a devote Christian -- an Anglican who studied theology more than science?  Newton wrote that he was moved to study science because of his deep faith in God, who he viewed as his Creator.

How can a legislator with so little common sympathy with so many of his constituents understand their concerns and make laws to address those concerns?  Zwicker has got it all wrong by making it about him instead of them.

Zwicker takes his "no God" celebrity so seriously that he goes out of his way to make a fashion statement by refusing to say the words “One nation under God” every time he is someplace during the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States.  But then he is seen visiting places where they fly the "rainbow flag" talking about love and acceptance... as long as you are from Princeton, or at least aspire to working each day to become more like Princeton.   

We've all heard of something called the "scientific method."  It is the rational basis on which Science is founded and conducted.  It is all about observation, questioning, measurement, experimentation, and then fashioning theories -- explanations subject to change based on new information. 

What is so odd about Andrew Zwicker's statements as a legislator is his ideological certainty about everything.  It is especially odd because he is a trained scientist and they are supposed to keep open minds and ask questions.  But Assemblyman Zwicker never asks a question.  He just knows.  Because he is better than us.

And if you don't think so, just ask him.  He'll tell you so.