The End of Love?

The late George Leonard was one of the founders of the human potential movement.  The author of more than a dozen books, he was also an editor and educator.  Leonard served as president of the Esalen Institute, the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and the ITP International.  He edited Look magazine. Leonard was a veteran of World War II, where he served as a U.S. Army Air Corps pilot.  He held a fifth degree black belt in aikido.

Leonard was a co-founder of the Aikido of Tamalpais dojo in Corte Madera, California. He also developed the Leonard Energy Training (LET) practice for centering the mind, body, and spirit.  Leonard died at his home in Mill Valley, California on January 6, 2010 after a long illness and was survived by his wife and three daughters. He was 86 years old. 

In December 1982, George Leonard reported his Sexual Attitude Restructuring (SAR) experience in Esquire magazine. [Esquire: The End of Sex, p. 24]   Noting that at the time, over 60,000 people had been "trained" using SAR, Leonard expects his experience is typical:

"The sensory overload culminated on Saturday night in a multi-media event called the F—korama ... in the darkness ... images of human beings - and some-times even animals — engaging in every conceivable sexual act, accompanied by wails, squeals, moans, shouts, and the first movement of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto.  Some seventeen simultaneous moving pictures ... Over a period of several hours, there came a moment when the four images on the wall were of a gay male couple, a straight couple, a lesbian couple, and a bestial group.  The subjects were nude,...I felt myself becoming disoriented ... was she kissing a man or a woman?  I struggled to force the acts I was watching into their proper boxes ... and now I couldn't remember which was which.  Wasn't I supposed to make these discriminations?  I searched for clues.  There were none.  I began to feel uncomfortable.  Soon I realized that to avoid vertigo and nausea I would have to give up the attempt to discriminate and simply surrender to the experience ... The differences for which lives have been ruined, were not only trivial, but invisible.  By the end ... Nothing was shocking .... But nothing was sacred either.  But as I drove home, I began to get a slightly uneasy feeling.  It was almost as if I had been conned ... by my own conditioned response of taking the most liberated position ... whatever my deeper feelings .... love had not been mentioned a single time during the entire weekend."

SAR has served as a critical tool to shape views of human sexuality.  Employing an orgy of public and variant sexual couplings on film and video, it is regularly utilized in academia to restructure "educated" sexual attitudes.  The mechanics of SAR works towards the desensitization and disinhibition of the human brain to allow the shift in pedagogical attitude and teaching.  SAR literallyscars the viewer's brain as it short circuits his and her conscience.

Evidence indicates that SAR's use of high resonance images can be employed to psychopharmacologically and neurochemically mold, coarsen and repattern viewer's brains, minds and memories.  Neuroscientist, Dr. Gary Lynch, says:

What we're saying here is that an event which lasts half a second, within five or ten minutes has produced a structural change that is in some ways as profound as the structural changes one sees in (brain) damage. [pp. 174 - 175, The Brain: Learning and Memory, The Annenberg, CPB Collection, Santa Barbara, CA., WNET, 1984.]

Here is a promotional video advertising SAR.  This video utilizes some recently brainwashed victims...

Three past participants of the Sexual Attitude Restructuring (SAR) workshop share their experiences and would encourage YOU to attend it! Sexual Attitude Restructuring (SAR) is run by certified sexologist, Dr. Martha Tara Lee of Eros Coaching ( in Singapore.

Do you need "restructuring"?