Bill Spadea Should Stop Attacking Republicans (it only helps Murphy)

By Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein

Whomever wins the GOP Gubernatorial nominations, the party, and most importantly the grassroots, will need to rally behind that person to defeat Phil Murphy. This candidate will have to both energize the base (including Trump lovers such as myself) and reach Independents and moderate Democrats (such as many of my family and friends) to take the governor’s mansion and start our state down the right path.

While a primary campaign is a great way to show the policy and stylistic differences between candidates for our party’s nomination, it need stop at personal attacks and the unloading of decades of vendetta’s if the GOP is going to grow after the primary and expand its voter base to win the general election. Failing to do so fundamentally hurts Republican odds of winning against Governor Feckless Phil Murphy.

Bill Spadea recently published an op-ed entitled “Why the NJ Republican Party Continues to Fail.” It begins as it pretends to be, as an unbiased analysis of the long-term problems of the NJ GOP (of which there is no shortage). However, any good the letter might have done quickly dissipates as it becomes a transparent hit piece on one gubernatorial primary candidate in particular - Jack Ciattarelli.

Of course, what Spadea fails to mention anytime he is attacking Ciattarelli is that his axe to grind began years ago in 2012 when Spadea failed to get GOP county committee support in New Jersey Legislative District 16 for a special appointment which would have made him future running mates with then Assemblyman Ciattarelli.

Spadea also fails to define his terms. He claims to be “very critical of the GOP establishment” but by virtue of the fact that he was once National Chairman of the College Republicans, worked in the re-election campaign for President Bush (Sr), a candidate for Congress, a candidate for Assembly, and a long-time media commentator on all things GOP, is he not part of the very GOP establishment he now bemoans? Spadea may try to paint himself as such, but he is anything other than an outsider.

As a consistent critic of complacency with the GOP and of those who hold party positions and titles just to have them (as if they were the Grand Poobah of a social club), I understand the frustration my fellow grassroots Republicans have with GOP party institutions. I did not run for New Jersey Republican State Committeeman from Hudson County off the county line roughly 4 years ago because I was satisfied with the status quo. I did it to amplify the voices of grassroots Republicans of all types who want to expand the big tent by preaching our values in areas where they have not heard from Republicans in years, take on the insane policies of the left that have for too long hurt our state, and defend our constitutional rights.

Regardless of which ever candidate one supports, calling a candidate “a shill” with no evidence does not help the GOP. Calling a successful record of leadership “useless” despite the fact that Ciattarelli’s history shows he earned support not only of Republicans, but Independents and moderate Democrats – exactly what whomever wins the nomination will need to do, is inane. Positing a primary candidate, as Spadea does regarding Ciattarelli, is the establishment and then pretending Ciattarelli was defeated in a past primary because of something other than the establishment lining up against him, is just plain dishonest.

All three of the gubernatorial primary candidates have positives and negatives, areas of improvement, and different strengths. All want to revive the economy and defend our freedoms for all, not just those connected to the Machine Democrats that run our state. All three would be leaps and bounds better than Governor Feckless Phil Murpy. Hopefully Spadea can see this. Regardless, after the primary, if we are to save our state we must rally behind the nominee and until then all of us, Spadea included, should keep the primary campaign about policy differences, not personal attacks."

Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein currently serves as a Member of the Republican State Committee representing Hudson County.

Note: Bill Spadea doesn’t hide his long-term plan to run for Governor of New Jersey. At minute 9 second 9 in the video above, he discusses this. At minute 19 second 44 (this video is set to open at this point) he tells people not to vote for a Republican gubernatorial candidate just because he is better than Phil Murphy, but to wait until the “right person” appears.

Presumably, that person is Bill Spadea.

NOTE: We invite Bill Spadea, as well as anyone else mentioned here, to write their own column (separately or in response to this column) and we will publish it.

“If you’re voting for a Republican just because he’s better than Murphy, don’t bother. Don’t bother. Vote for the right person.”

Bill Spadea

Congressman Gottheimer tries to cancel journalist Matt Taibbi.

By Rubashov

Josh Gottheimer is equal parts bully and crybaby. Quick to apply labels, tropes, and nasty sobriquets but emotionally vulnerable to the same when applied to him – excruciatingly so.

His own employees accused Congressman Gottheimer of workplace bullying. In a Ryan Grim column – titled, “REP. JOSH GOTTHEIMER IS A REALLY, REALLY TERRIBLE BOSS, FORMER STAFFERS SAY” – published in The Intercept (May 22, 2019), former aides to Gottheimer “painted a portrait of a man who pits staffers against each other, screams easily, and throws pens with abandon.”

As for tropes, this is the guy who was slammed just last year on allegations that his campaign darkened the skin coloring of his Italian-American opponent in order to make him look like a Sicilian mobster, while using language like “Fraudster Frank” on direct mail hit pieces. Josh Gottheimer can certainly dish it out.

But he can’t stand for long on the receiving end before crying foul – and looking for a referee of some kind to wipe his nose and smother him in a protective hug.

This happened again on Friday of last week, when one of the best investigative journalists on earth – Matt Taibbi – wrote a column titled, “Congressional Democrats heroic fight to save the rich”, which was published in the National Post on April 28th. Taibbi made the argument that the campaign by Gottheimer and other members of Congress to repeal the SALT cap is for the benefit of wealthier taxpayers rather than poorer ones.

Matt Taibbi is an intellectually curious man of the Left. He had the gig at Rolling Stone magazine once occupied by the great Hunter S. Thompson. Taibbi’s writing can be just as good but is more balanced, always fairer, with an always clear perspective. There is no bullshit about Matt Taibbi. It falls as it falls.

Josh Gottheimer appears to hate journalists like Matt Taibbi. So, when Taibbi re-messaged Gottheimer’s star issue, the powerful Congressman went to destroy him by accusing Taibbi of anti-Semitism. Gottheimer focused on this paragraph from Taibbi’s column:

“Josh Gottheimer, Democrat of New Jersey, made an inspired plea recently. The Harvard man and Alpha Epsilon Pi brother is a member of the so-called ‘SALT caucus,’ a group of congressfolk threatening to hold up Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill if it doesn’t include a full repeal of a Donald Trump-imposed $10,000 cap on deductions of state and local taxes.

‘It is high time that Congress reinstates the state and local tax deduction, so we can get more dollars back into the pockets of so many struggling families,’ intoned Gottheimer, one of 32 members of the SALT caucus, which includes 8 Republicans.”

Ah yes, did we mention that bipartisanship was another of Josh Gottheimer’s star talking points? Bipartisan this, bipartisan that – in reality just a bunch of establishment insiders, regardless of party, scratching each other’s ass in the furtherance of permanent incumbency.

To smear Taibbi, Gottheimer turned to a group that profits off hate – the ADL or Anti-Defamation League. If there was no “hate” to piss and moan about, there would be no cause by which the ADL could pocket the $80 plus million they take in each year. Hate is a commodity. Hate sells. And there can never stop being hate. If that happened, it would need to be re-invented. It is worth billions to some people.

On top of that, it is partisan political. The ADL is so political, in fact, that other Jewish organizations have labeled it a “Democratic Party auxiliary”.

And so, the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted: “Mentioning a member of Congress was in a Jewish fraternity in college in an article about tax policy is wholly irrelevant and plays into classic anti-Semitic tropes about Jews and money. The National Post should edit this article ASAP.”

To which Matt Friedman, who writes for Politico and covers the New Jersey political scene, replied: “As someone of partial Semitic heritage, I had no idea that was a Jewish fraternity.”

So, Gottheimer turned to his old friend David Wildstein of the blog, New Jersey Globe. Yes, the same David Wildstein who was at the center of the scandal that ended the presidential ambitions of Governor Chris Christie – the self-styled “Mastermind of Bridgegate”. Wildstein obligingly wrote a hit piece on Friday, with the title: “Anti-Defamation League demands newspaper pull reference to Gottheimer’s Jewish fraternity. ADL leader says reference to congressman’s college fraternity ‘plays into classic anti-Semitic tropes about Jews and money’”.

Wildstein’s column notes: “Jason M. Shames, the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, echoed the ADL’s criticism.

‘Say what you want about the SALT cap or tax policy, but Taibbi’s unnecessary mention of Gottheimer’s membership in this article for the National Post only serves to perpetuate anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews and money,’ Shames said.”

Warming to his hit job, Wildstein continued:

“Incidents of anti-Semitism are at a historic high nationally, with 295 recorded incidents in New Jersey last year, according to Alana Burman, the associate regional director of the ADL.

Burman said that New Jersey was the second highest in the nation in 2020.

The Rutgers University chapter of Gottheimer’s fraternity was vandalized earlier this month during a 24-hour Holocaust Remembrance Day reading.”

That headline alone accuses Matt Taibbi of the sin of anti-Semitism. But only if you discount the “classic anti-Semitic tropes about Jews and money” that David Wildstein has served up over the years. Beginning in 2018, David Wildstein has called Josh Gottheimer “the human fundraising machine”. Wait… a Jewish congressman being referred to as a “human fundraising machine”? You can’t get more tropey than that!

Of course, there is a difference. Josh Gottheimer likes that “classic anti-Semitic trope about Jews and money”. He doesn’t cry about that. Doesn’t mind it at all.

Of course, the real question is this: Did Matt Taibbi use the mention of a college fraternity to make a point about Josh Gottheimer’s religious affiliation, or did he do so to make a point about Gottheimer’s economic class affiliation?

Well, according to the United States Census Bureau, only 35 percent of Americans attend college. Pew has put together some interesting research on which religious groups have the greatest access to higher education. Here’s a hint – it isn’t Roman Catholics and Southern Baptists. Those thinking about playing the role of the oppressed should check it out.

Those who belong to fraternities are an even more select group. Just 2 percent of Americans have belonged to a fraternity or sorority. Journalist Cleo Chang wrote:

“Each year, 2 million university students prepare to enter the most prestigious enclave of what is already an exclusive set of American institutions. Think less along the lines of Harvard or Yale and more about the Greek letters that come to define them.

Selective colleges are merely the starting point for concentrated success. One only needs to browse the Greek life section of Cornell’s official website and see the slogan ‘The Power of 2%’ to recognize the perks that come with Ivy League admittance and Greek acceptance, especially when it comes to men.

As Cornell’s official website states, while only 2 percent of America’s population is involved in fraternities, 80 percent of Fortune 500 executives, 76 percent of U.S. senators and congressmen, 85 percent of Supreme Court justices, and all but two presidents since 1825 have been fraternity men, according to Cornell.”

So maybe, just maybe, Matt Taibbi wasn’t trying to make a point about Congressman Josh Gottheimer’s religion and all this pissing and moaning has just been an attempt to smear a good journalist for reporting the truth and messing with crybaby Josh’s message. In which case, the lot of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."
Hunter S. Thompson

The Meron Tragedy and The Value of Life

24 Iyyar, 5781 °° May 6, '21 (39th day to the Omer, "Netzach She'b'Yesod") °° Parshas Behar - Bechukosai

by Binyomin Feinberg

For many within the Jewish world, the indescribable, overwhelming tragedy last Thursday night in Meron, Israel - taking 45 precious lives - feels like it overshadows almost everything. Seeing Divine Wrath on that scale, and hearing accounts of the greatness to which some holy souls rose on the precipice of death - accepting Divine Judgement with love - should compel us to repent, and to open our eyes to the spiritual heights a person can reach, as long as he lives. Among many of the lessons we can derive here is the indescribable value of life.

As NJ considers the RHA - legislation to enable unencumbered abortion and human-trafficking in NJ - we ought think about just whom will be killed in these state-sanctioned abortions, and what lofty levels of spiritual greatness these souls could potentially attain - if not murdered before being given a chance to live outside the womb. Those who want to see the truth of this - can. Those who refuse to, will - as our Holy Sages exhort - unquestionably experience their own encounter with Divine Justice, whenever - and however - He sees fit.

Furthermore, as Assisted Suicide legislation is struggling to spread throughout America (failing in Connecticut, for now, thank G-d) - and the world - this lesson about the value of life is vitally needed right now.

Moreover, we see that the LGBT mafia continues to gain influence within Republican circles. It does so at the expense of the millions of people being killed by AIDS and other diseases worldwide. I refer to diseases spread hy the sinful acts encouraged by LGBT legislation, propaganda and school indoctrination. The aforementioned lesson about the inestimable value of life needs to be learned by the so-called conservatives and pro-life people who have betrayed the cause of decency and morality in regards to the LGBT movement. We all need to realize that the LGBT advocacy movement poses an existential threat to western civilization, both spiritually and physically.

Spiritually, the LGBT movement seeks the annihilation of our Biblical values and worldview, including the value of innocent life. And they don't really hide that fact. Physically, we must never forget what our Sages teach us in the Medrash Rabbah on Parshas Achrei Mos (Lev. 18:3) - that what triggered the physical destruction of the world via the Great Flood was the recognition of same-sex unions.

The illicit June 2015 US Supreme Court pronouncement celebrating sodomy as basis for marriage wasn't the end of the LGBT crusade against G-d and His Torah. Rather, it was just the beginning of the next stage of LGBT legislative terrorism, seeking to silence all opposition. This second wave is something which we can and must combat - especially on the local and state level, as is being done on the abortion issue around the US right now, with over 500 pro-life legislative initiatives reported this year.

Israeli society too must learn this lesson, and stand strong against an attempt to enable formation of any government with leftist icon Lapid. As bad as the very "un-Orthodox" Likud leader and current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been for moral values, a government with open leftist extremists like Lapid would threaten to gravely advance the LGBT and abortion agenda, thereby endangering the very existence of the Jewish People in the Holy Land (even more so than as perpetrated under the Netanyahu regime), as explicitly warned in VaYikra (Lev.), end of chapter 18; also see Ramban (Nachmanides) on 18:25.*

* Regarding abortion and the Israeli female military draft, please see last week's post:

May we merit the Final Redemption in the merit of standing up against those who seek to war against G-d Himself.

Jennifer Williams’ manager attacking gubernatorial running mate.

By Sussex Watchdog

Sussex County Republicans are so successful because they view their Republican opponents as friends-in-waiting. Oh, the play is hard, but after it is all over, former opponents are invited in, become friends, their careers are advanced, and they have an opportunity to run things.

Republicans in some other places must do things differently. This week we’ve seen some Mercer County GOPers in operation. First, they shit the bed, then they threw it at someone they disagreed with while forgetting that they were on the ballot together. All the while managing to be so disgustingly over-the-top that they will certainly end up in court – which, regardless of the outcome, is never inexpensive.

We are discussing here the Jennifer Williams faction of the Mercer County GOP. Williams is running to become the “first transgendered” elected member of the Republican State Committee, having come up short in an earlier attempt at becoming the “first transgendered” elected member of the New Jersey Legislature.

Now, we don’t quite know what added value is given to these enterprises by Jennifer being the “first transgendered”. After all, Jan Morris isn’t a better writer for being transgendered, but then, how could she be?

Jennifer Williams is on the June 8th Republican primary ballot as a candidate for Republican State Committeewoman. Jennifer is running on a line topped by Republican gubernatorial candidate Phil Rizzo. Both declare that they are conservative Republicans. Jennifer’s campaign manager, a state employee named Nick Micharski, also calls himself a conservative Republican.

On Sunday, a blog that advocates on behalf of Republican gubernatorial candidate Hirsh Singh put out an attack against Jennifer’s running mate, Phil Rizzo. The pro-Singh blog (which also calls itself conservative and Republican) put up a post that linked Rizzo to the non-profit conservative education organization he founded, Arise-NJ, to a member of its Board of Directors who was once gay, who later – in his words – “found Christ” and became an ordained minister, and then successfully pursued a non-gay way of life. To our thinking, this is not only entirely plausible, but it is this man’s personal business and should not be the centerpiece of a campaign for Governor of New Jersey.

Bizarrely, for a conservative blog, the pro-Singh blog reacted violently to the suggestion that someone can be “ex-gay”. The writer at the pro-Singh blog was clearly exercised about it:

“Parents and friends of ex-gays organization stuck out to me, because why ex?

…the advocacy of Pastor Phil Rizzo on the ground and through initiatives, you can see that they all believe in conversion therapy’s efficacy. Some of the men involved (the pro-Singh blog then attacks another conservative Pastor) pride themselves on being ex gays and are proponents of conversion therapy being successful. Conversion therapy by any means, because even doing as far as rape and sexual abuse of minors… among many other abuse tactics towards minors.”

The pro-Singh blog links gubernatorial candidate Rizzo to these accusations, in the very next line, by writing:

“Pastor Phil Rizzo is the founder of a school and many sleep away summer camps for children. Why aren’t we outraged yet? Why is he being given a platform by parents and adults, if that platform means allow abuse tactics into NJ for the children?”

The pro-Singh blog is clearly suggesting something disgusting here. When called out on it, the blog and the troll Facebook page used to distribute the attack, claimed to be simply engaging in good, old-fashioned pro-LGBTQ+ commentary in opposition to a controversial mental health treatment called “conversion therapy” – a behavioral modification treatment used by some practitioners in the field of mental health to reverse homosexuality.

“Conversion therapy” is the term generally used by politically left-leaning members of the LGBTQ+ community. Among mental health professionals, it is more often called “reparative therapy” – although it has been argued that, strictly speaking, “reparative therapy” refers to a specific kind of therapy associated with the psychologists Elizabeth Moberly and Joseph Nicolosi.

Dr. Nicolosi postulated that same-sex attraction is a person's unconscious attempt to “self-repair” feelings of inferiority. Reparative therapy is talk therapy. All therapy seeks to repair something. But reparative therapy has become a highly charged concept that embraces political and religious themes, with those on the political Left – as well as liberal and New Age religious groups – opposing it (and explicitly calling it “conversion therapy”).

On the other hand, political conservatives and traditional religious denominations tend to approve of reparative therapy. For instance, in 2014, the Republican Party of Texas endorsed “counseling, which offers reparative therapy and treatment” in their party platform.

Conversion therapy (or, if you like, reparative therapy) is legal and is practiced in much of the world. And while psychoanalysts critical of Nicolosi's theories have offered LGBTQ-affirmative approaches as an alternative to reparative therapy, none have attacked it in the way that it was by this pro-Singh blog, which explicitly called it “rape and sexual abuse of minors”.

Of course, in all likelihood, those responsible for the hit on Rizzo were merely backing into the “conversion therapy” argument after getting caught in what is a disgusting, over-the-line political hit.

They’ve never shown an interest in such things before. Who really knows? Perhaps we should give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they were formerly closeted on such matters and have now come out? That at least would explain the weird intensity. It is always the converts. So much to prove.

But where it all gets really strange is with the behavior of Jennifer’s campaign manager. He shared and posted the attack on Rizzo. Yes, that’s gubernatorial candidate Phil Rizzo, his own candidate’s running mate.

Like the writer at the pro-Singh blog, Jennifer’s campaign manager appears to be someone who is militantly opposed to conversion therapy – a position generally advocated by LGBTQ+ activists. We don’t quite know why. Some personal or imagined trauma, perhaps?


It is important to note that in some jurisdictions of the United States, including Washington, DC, “ex-gay” is an officially recognized sexual minority. In this light, Jennifer Williams’ campaign’s attempt to link ex-gays to the sexual abuse of minors is curiously similar to historical accusations by the larger community against gay men. My how quickly the once abused become abusers.


We could understand a ban on parents engaging psychoanalysts for the purposes of reparative therapy or conversion therapy, if those on the Left would consent to a ban on parents engaging surgeons for the purposes of gender reassignment surgery. We understand that both are intrusive… but which leaves the most scars?

We are probably wrong to use the phrase “on the Left” in this instance because there is more to it than that. This is really a clash of theological doctrines. Just as it is faith-based for Pastor Phil Rizzo, it is the same for Jennifer Williams, Jennifer’s campaign manager, and the writer at the pro-Singh blog. They all sincerely believe themselves to be “conservative Republicans” but how can that be so?

Well, it can be, if it is not about politics. Phil Rizzo believes in God. His is the God of the Bible. The God who tells us that it is by his Grace alone that we can achieve a perfect happiness. For the others, they believe in a kind of god too. Their faith informs them that the ultimate good is happiness now, immediately. Their faith might not believe that water can be changed into wine, but they do believe that man can be changed to woman. It is by faith alone that all those chromosomes are washed away. The surgeon’s blade does the rest.

We do not doubt their sincerity.


“The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors... The oppressed want at any cost to resemble the oppressors.”

Paulo Freire

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact us at





Is Singh campaign behind insane attack against Rizzo?

by Rubashov

A blog that advocates on behalf of Republican gubernatorial candidate Hirsh Singh put out a bizarre attack against fellow Republican Phil Rizzo over the weekend. The blog is run by an anti-vax campaigner and her attack centers around the controversial practice of “conversion therapy” – a behavioral modification treatment used by some practitioners in the field of mental health to reverse homosexuality.

“Conversion therapy” is the term generally used by politically left-leaning members of what is today known as the LGBTQ+ community. Among mental health professionals, it is more often called “reparative therapy” – although it has been argued that, strictly speaking, “reparative therapy” refers to a specific kind of therapy associated with the psychologists Elizabeth Moberly and Joseph Nicolosi.

A blog that advocates on behalf of Republican gubernatorial candidate Hirsh Singh put out a bizarre attack against fellow Republican Phil Rizzo over the weekend. The blog is run by an anti-vax campaigner and her attack centers around the controversial practice of “conversion therapy” – a behavioral modification treatment used by some practitioners in the field of mental health to reverse homosexuality.

“Conversion therapy” is the term generally used by politically left-leaning members of what is today known as the LGBTQ+ community. Among mental health professionals, it is more often called “reparative therapy” – although it has been argued that, strictly speaking, “reparative therapy” refers to a specific kind of therapy associated with the psychologists Elizabeth Moberly and Joseph Nicolosi.

Conversion therapy (or, if you like, reparative therapy) is legal and is practiced in much of the world. And while psychoanalysts critical of Nicolosi's theories have offered LGBTQ-affirmative approaches as an alternative to reparative therapy, none have attacked it in the way that it was over the past weekend by this pro-Singh blog, which explicitly called it “rape and sexual abuse of minors”.

The pro-Singh blog appears to be written by someone who is militantly opposed to conversion therapy, which is a position advocated by LGBTQ+ activists. Hey, we completely understand this reaction. Nobody likes to be told that what they like to do is wrong or to be told that it should be taken from them. The entire debate makes us a bit squeamish. But if someone is interested in signing-up for such treatment, and if a mental health professional is available to perform it…

The pro-Singh blog links GOP gubernatorial candidate Rizzo to the non-profit conservative education organization he founded, Arise-NJ, to a member of its Board of Directors who was once gay, who later – in his words – “found Christ” and became an ordained minister, and then successfully pursued a non-gay way of life. To our thinking, this is not only entirely plausible, but it is this man’s personal business and should not be the centerpiece of a campaign for Governor of New Jersey.

But the pro-Singh blog reacted violently to the suggestion that someone can be “ex-gay”. The writer at the pro-Singh blog was clearly exercised about it:

“Parents and friends of ex-gays organization stuck out to me, because why ex?

…the advocacy of Pastor Phil Rizzo on the ground and through initiatives, you can see that they all believe in conversion therapy’s efficacy. Some of the men involved (the pro-Singh blog then attacks another conservative Pastor) pride themselves on being ex gays and are proponents of conversion therapy being successful. Conversion therapy by any means, because even doing as far as rape and sexual abuse of minors… among many other abuse tactics towards minors.”

Note: In some jurisdictions of the United States, including Washington, DC, “ex-gay” is an officially recognized sexual minority.

The pro-Singh blog links gubernatorial candidate Rizzo to these accusations, in the very next line, by writing:

“Pastor Phil Rizzo is the founder of a school and many sleep away summer camps for children. Why aren’t we outraged yet? Why is he being given a platform by parents and adults, if that platform means allow abuse tactics into NJ for the children?”

This is the most outrageous accusation made this election season. We certainly hope that Rizzo and anyone else hurt by this incredibly stupid post take the necessary legal action to compel a correction. Finally… Sgt. Hartman has his own suggestions on the reparative methods that could be applied to a situation like this. He is most instructive:

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website. Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions. To submit a column for publication, please contact us at

How To Permanently Impede the Killing of Forty Thousand Israeli Babies Yearly: Eliminate the Female Military Draft Altogether

Apr. 29, '21
By Binyomin Feinberg
17 Iyyar, 5781

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could help permanently put a real dent in the horrific killings of an estimated 40,000 Israeli preborn babies yearly - by abortionists? We can - by pushing for the total elimination of the female Military Draft.

If the Israeli government would comply with the Torah - on this one issue - by simply eradicating the military draft - for of all girls and women, regardless of religion or religiosity - that one policy shift would foment a sea change in Israeli society, with MANY positive results, including the reduction of extramarital relationships and resulting abortions. For a list of some of the benefits of this one policy change, see part two of our post of yesterday "Chareidiyos & IDF: Breakthrough or Breakdown:",

We can help in this process by urging those in Israel, as well as others, to prioritize the exemption of all girls and women from the Israeli Army draft law, Including non-religious girls.

It's crucial to realize that this is one positive legislative change that, if enacted, will most likely remain permanent, regardless of future governments. Once the secular and traditional girls feel the benefits of freedom, they will almost certainly refuse to give that liberty away.


For approximately seventy years, the Israeli Army has been drafting girls and young women, in blatant violation of both Torah Law and basic human decency. Leading Torah sages fought this evil edict decades ago, and were able to ensure that the law allowed religious girls an exemption.

Tragically, non-religious girls remained obligated to enlist. As a result, hundreds of thousands of girls and women have enlisted in the notoriously immoral, exploitive Army over the past seven decades. This one policy had decimated Israeli society in multiple ways.

For instance, drafting girls has fomented a culture of ramant immorality, in the Army as well as in the broader culture. It's one thing for a young woman to leave the Army at the end of her service; it's quite another for the immoral Army impact to leave her.

Tragically they generally bear their Army experience - and its corrosive moral impact - with them through life. In fact, the pro-Israel organization Chotam recently disseminated a recent report of an official Israeli government agency responsible for collecting statistics that over 80% of previously religious women who served in the Israeli military report a serious decline in their religious observance*.

This is no surprise, especially in light of other reports on the culture of immorality pervasive in the antireligious- dominated Israeli military

(e.g. see

As a natural consequence of this government instigated depravity, abortion has become rampant, Including within immigrant communities of Jews (e.g. sefardic, Yemenite and Ethiopian Jews), in which it was perhaps almost unheard of for many hundreds, even thousands of years.

Another post of interest, relating to the Israeli military draft and abortion is

By advocating for such a policy shift in Israel, and highlighting the multitude of societal pitfalls the female military draft policy involves, perhaps we can alert some in the western world just how devastating the western Equality paradigm is. It's a lesson vitally needed now, especially as the lunacy of the false equality of unequals is ascendant, in the wake of Republican party sellouts in the U.S. Thus, we have everything to gain by pushing for the liberation of all Israeli women from the military draft.



* see:

(links from "Chotam" regarding female draft issues, from newsletter of Adar 5781) stats on religiosity of girls in idf

Does Phil Murphy get off on seeing people suffer?

By Rubashov

Do you remember this commercial from Phil Murphy’s first campaign for Governor? It details a traumatic event he suffered as a child of 13… at the hands of a rapacious restaurant owner.

Well, Phil Murphy grew up, made a lot of money on Wall Street, married into a privileged family, got himself elected Governor of a major northeastern state, and became its most powerful chief executive ever. Unlike every Governor in the past, Phil Murphy rules as he pleases, without legislative constraints, barely with judicial constraints. Like an old-fashioned monarch… or a modern authoritarian. By instinct or whim – and getting away with it.

So… is it payback time?

Where is that restaurant owner his dad had to straighten out all those many years ago? Maybe he’s dead? Maybe the restaurant is long gone?

Maybe he’s gone and so everyone suffers in his place? Because, for Murphy, maybe the pain is not gone? And now, at long last, he’s in a position to do something about it.

According to the National Restaurant Association, Mother's Day is typically the most lucrative holiday of the year for restaurant owners, with millions of families dining at restaurants. According to National Restaurant Association research in 2018, approximately 87 million adults said they would dine out on Mother's Day.

This year, Mother’s Day falls on Sunday May 9th.

And so, restaurant owners across New Jersey waited anxiously to hear Governor Murphy’s announcement today on a relaxation of COVID restrictions and the extended openings and venue capacities that have become a staple of such announcements. They waited and hoped, as the supplicants of old once did, powerless, without representation, for a beneficent nod from their absolute ruler.

But it did not come. There was no reprieve. Was that 13-year-old boy, the dish-washer who got screwed by the restaurant owner, having his fourth or fifth slice of revenge? Soon the pie will be gone (no matter, Murphy will send out for another).

And “the science”? We’ve moved well beyond that, haven’t we? Unless Dr. Fauci can tell us that the virus respects the borders with states like Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Anyway, there is no need for Murphy to explain himself as to why he is making the restaurant owners, their families, employees, and patrons suffer – when he won’t even explain why he issued executive orders that sent thousands in nursing and veterans’ homes to their deaths.

No, if there is an explanation in science to all this, it will be found in psychology.

“Rule by decree is a style of governance allowing quick, unchallenged promulgation of law by a single person or group, and is used primarily by dictators, absolute monarchs and military leaders.”


Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez ruled Venezuela by decree in 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2012.  Between 2004 and 2006 alone, Chávez declared 18 "emergencies" to rule by decree.

Chávez's successor, Nicolás Maduro, has also ruled by decree multiple times since he was elected in April 2013. President Maduro has ruled Venezuela by decree for the majority of the period from November 2013 through 2018.

18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

Christian Elliot

A few friends have asked my thoughts on the covid jab(s) so I thought it was time to write an article on the topic.

All my friends had not heard most of the details I shared, so I figured you might appreciate hearing some of what I told them.

Knowing how contentious this issue is, part of me would rather just write about something else, but I feel like the discussion/news is so one-sided that I should speak up.

As I always strive to do, I promise to do my best to be level-headed and non-hysterical.

I'm not here to pick a fight with anyone, just to walk you through some of what I've read, my lingering questions, and explain why I can't make sense of these covid vaccines.

So here are the reasons I'm opting out of the covid vaccine.


The only industry in the world that bears no liability for injuries or deaths resulting from their products, are vaccine makers.

First established in 1986 with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and reinforced by the PREP Act, vaccine makers cannot be sued, even if they are shown to be negligent.

The covid-vaccine makers are allowed to create a one-size-fits-all product, with no testing on sub-populations (i.e. people with specific health conditions), and yet they are unwilling to accept any responsibility for any adverse events or deaths their products cause.

If a company is not willing to stand behind their product as safe, especially one they rushed to market and skipped animal trials on, I am not willing to take a chance on their product.

No liability. No trust.

Here's why...


The four major companies who are making these covid vaccines are/have either:

Never brought a vaccine to market before covid (Moderna and Johnson & Johnson).

  1. Are serial felons (Pfizer, and Astra Zeneca).

  2. Are both (Johnson & Johnson).

Moderna had been trying to "Modernize our RNA" (thus the company name)--for years, but had never successfully brought ANY product to market--how nice for them to get a major cash infusion from the government to keep trying.

In fact, all major vaccine makers (save Moderna) have paid out tens of billions of dollars in damages for other products they brought to market when they knew those products would cause injuries and death--see Vioxx, Bextra, Celebrex, Thalidomide, and opioids as a few examples.

If drug companies willfully choose to put harmful products in the market, when they can be sued, why would we trust any product where they have NO liability?

In case it hasn't sunk in, let me reiterate...3 of the 4 covid vaccine makers have been sued for products they brought to market even though they knew injuries and deaths would result.


There have been many attempts to make viral vaccines in the past that ended in utter failure, which is why we did not have a coronavirus vaccine in 2020.

In the 1960's, scientists attempted to make an RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccine for infants.

In that study, they skipped animal trials because they weren't necessary back then.

In the end, the vaccinated infants got much sicker than the unvaccinated infants when exposed to the virus in nature, with 80% of the vaccinated infants requiring hospitalization, and two of them died.

After 2000, scientists made many attempts to create coronavirus vaccines.

For the past 20 years, all ended in failure because the animals in the clinical trials got very sick and many died, just like the children in the 1960's.

You can read a summary of this history/science here.

Or if you want to read the individual studies you can check out these links:

  • In 2004 attempted vaccine produced hepatitis in ferrets

  • In 2005 mice and civets became sick and more susceptible to coronaviruses after being vaccinated

  • In 2012 the ferrets became sick and died. And in this study mice and ferrets developed lung disease.

  • In 2016 this study also produce lung disease in mice.

The typical pattern in the studies mentioned above is that the children and the animals produced beautiful antibody responses after being vaccinated.

The manufacturers thought they hit the jackpot.

The problem came when the children and animals were exposed to the wild version of the virus.

When that happened, an unexplained phenomenon called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) also known as Vaccine Enhanced Disease (VED) occurred where the immune system produced a "cytokine storm" (i.e. overwhelmingly attacked the body), and the children/animals died.

Here's the lingering issue...

The vaccine makers have no data to suggest their rushed vaccines have overcome that problem.

In other words, never before has any attempt to make a coronavirus vaccine been successful, nor has the gene-therapy technology that is mRNA "vaccines" been safely brought to market, but hey, since they had billions of dollars in government funding, I'm sure they figured that out.

Except they don't know if they have...


When vaccine makers submitted their papers to the FDA for the Emergency Use Authorization (Note: An EUA is not the same as a full FDA approval), among the many "Data Gaps" they reported was that they have nothing in their trials to suggest they overcame that pesky problem of Vaccine Enhanced Disease.

They simply don't know--i.e. they have no idea if the vaccines they've made will also produce the same cytokine storm (and deaths) as previous attempts at such products.

As Joseph Mercola points out...

"Previous attempts to develop an mRNA-based drug using lipid nanoparticles failed and had to be abandoned because when the dose was too low, the drug had no effect, and when dosed too high, the drug became too toxic. An obvious question is: What has changed that now makes this technology safe enough for mass use?"

If that's not alarming enough, here are other gaps in the data--i.e. there is no data to suggest safety or efficacy regarding:

  • Anyone younger than age 18 or older than age 55

  • Pregnant or lactating mothers

  • Auto-immune conditions

  • Immunocompromised individuals

  • No data on transmission of covid

  • No data on preventing mortality from covid

  • No data on duration of protection from covid

Hard to believe right?

In case you think I'm making this up, or want to see the actual documents sent to the FDA by Pfizer and Moderna for their Emergency Use Authorization, you can check out this, or this respectively. The data gaps can be found starting with page 46 and 48 respectively.

For now let's turn our eyes to the raw data the vaccine makers used to submit for emergency use authorization.


Would you like to see the raw data that produced the "90% and 95% effective" claims touted in the news?

Me too...

But they won't let us see that data.

As pointed out in the BMJ, something about the Pfizer and Moderna efficacy claims smells really funny.

There were “3,410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed covid-19 in the overall study population, 1,594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1,816 in the placebo group.”


Did they fail to do science in their scientific study by not verifying a major variable?

Could they not test those "suspected but unconfirmed" cases to find out if they had covid?

Apparently not.

Why not test all 3,410 participants for the sake of accuracy?

Can we only guess they didn't test because it would mess up their "90-95% effective" claims?

Where's the FDA?

Would it not be prudent for the FDA, to expect (demand) that the vaccine makers test people who have "covid-like symptoms," and release their raw data so outside, third-parties could examine how the manufacturers justified the numbers?

I mean it's only every citizen of the world we're trying to get to take these experimental products...

Why did the FDA not require that? Isn't that the entire purpose of the FDA anyway?

Good question.

Foxes guarding the hen house?

Seems like it.

No liability. No trust.


Obviously, with products that have only been on the market a few months, we have no long-term safety data.

In other words, we have no idea what this product will do in the body months or years from now--for ANY population.

Given all the risks above (risks that ALL pharmaceutical products have), would it not be prudent to wait to see if the worst-case scenarios have indeed been avoided?

Would it not make sense to want to fill those pesky "data gaps" before we try to give this to every man, woman, and child on the planet?

Well...that would make sense, but to have that data, they need to test it on people, which leads me to my next point...


What most who are taking the vaccine don't know is that because these products are still in clinical trials, anyone who gets the shot is now part of the clinical trial.

They are part of the experiment.

Those (like me) who do not take it, are part of the control group.

Time will tell how this experiment works out.

But, you may be asking, if the vaccines are causing harm, wouldn't we be seeing that all over the news?

Surely the FDA would step in and pause the distribution?

Well, if the adverse events reporting system was working, maybe things would be different.


According to a study done by Harvard (at the commission of our own government), less than 1% of all adverse reactions to vaccines are actually submitted to the National Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS) - read page 6 at the link above.

While the problems with VAERS have not been fixed (as you can read about in this letter to the CDC), at the time of this writing VAERS reports over 2,200 deaths from the current covid vaccines, as well as close to 60,000 adverse reactions.

"VAERS data released today showed 50,861 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 2,249 deaths and 7,726 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 26, 2021

And those numbers don't include (what is currently) 578 cases of Bell's Palsy.

If those numbers are still only 1% of the total adverse reactions (or .8 to 2% of what this study published recently in the JAMA found), you can do the math, but that equates to somewhere around 110,000 to 220,000 deaths from the vaccines to date, and a ridiculous number of adverse reactions.

Bet you didn't see that on the news.

That death number would currently still be lower than the 424,000 deaths from medical errors that happen every year (which you probably also don't hear about), but we are not even six months into the rollout of these vaccines yet.

If you want a deeper dive into the problems with the VAERS reporting system, you can check this out, or check this out.

But then there's my next point, which could be argued makes these covid vaccines seem pointless...


Wait, what?

Aren't these vaccines supposed to be what we've been waiting for to "go back to normal"?


Why do you think we're getting all these conflicting messages about needing to practice social distancing and wear masks AFTER we get a vaccine?

The reason is because these vaccines were never designed to stop transmission OR infection.

If you don't believe me, I refer you again to the papers submitted to the FDA I linked to above.

The primary endpoint (what the vaccines are meant to accomplish) is to lower your symptoms.

Sounds like just about every other drug on the market right?

That's it...lowering your symptoms is the big payoff we've been waiting for.

Does that seem completely pointless to anyone but me?

  1. It can't stop us from spreading the virus.

  2. It can't stop the virus from infecting us once we have it.

  3. To get the vaccine is to accept all the risk of these experimental products and the best it might do is lower symptoms?

Heck, there are plenty of other things I can do to lower my symptoms that don't involve taking what appears to be a really risky product.

Now for the next logical question:

If we're worried about asymptomatic spreaders, would the vaccine not make it more likely that we are creating asymptomatic spread?

If it indeed reduces symptoms, anyone who gets it might not even know they are sick and thus they are more likely to spread the virus, right?

For what it's worth, I've heard many people say the side effects of the vaccine (especially the second dose) are worse than catching covid.

I can't make sense of that either.

Take the risk.

Get no protection.

Suffer through the vaccine side-effects.

Keep wearing your mask and social distancing...

And continue to be able to spread the virus.


It gets worse.


Talk about a bummer.

You get vaccinated and you still catch covid.

It's happening in Washington State

In reality, this phenomenon is probably happening everywhere, but those are the ones making the news now.

Given the reasons above (and what's below), maybe this doesn't surprise you, but bummer if you thought the vaccine was a shield to keep you safe.

It's not.

That was never the point.

If 66% of healthcare workers in L.A. are going to delay or skip the vaccine...maybe they aren't wowed by the rushed science either.

Maybe they are watching the shady way deaths and cases are being reported...


According to the CDC's own numbers, covid has a 99.74% survival rate.

Why would I take a risk on a product, that doesn't stop infection or transmission, to help me overcome a cold that has a .26% chance of killing me--actually in my age range is has about a .1% chance of killing me (and .01% chance of killing my kids), but let's not split hairs here.

With a bar (death rate) that low, we will be in lockdown every year...i.e. forever.

But wait, what about the 500,000 plus deaths, that's alarming right?

I'm glad you asked.


Something smells really funny about this one.

Never before in the history of death certificates has our own government changed how deaths are reported.

Why now, are we reporting everyone who dies with covid in their body, as having died of covid, rather than the co-morbidities that actually took their life?

Until covid, all coronaviruses (common colds) were never listed as the primary cause of death when someone died of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, auto-immune conditions, or any other major co-morbidity.

The disease was listed as the cause of death, and a confounding factor like flu or pneumonia was listed on a separate line.

To bloat the number even more, both the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. changed their guidelines such that those who are suspected or probable (but were never confirmed) of having died of covid, are also included in the death numbers.


If we are going to do that then should we not go back and change the numbers of all past cold and flu seasons so we can compare apples to apples when it comes to death rates?

According to the CDCs own numbers, (scroll down to the section "Comorbidities and other conditions") only 6% of the deaths being attributed to covid are instances where covid seems to be the only issue at hand.

In other words, reduce the death numbers you see on the news by 94% and you have what is likely the real numbers of deaths from just covid.

Even if the former CDC director is correct and covid-19 was a lab-enhanced virus (see Reason #14 below), a .26% death rate is still in line with the viral death rate that circles the planet ever year.

Then there's this Fauci guy.

I'd really love to trust him, but besides the fact that he hasn't treated one covid should probably know...


Thanks to the Bayh-Dole Act, government workers are allowed to file patents on any research they do using tax payer funding.

Tony Fauci owns over 1,000 patents (see this video for more details), including patents being used on the Moderna vaccine...which he approved government funding for.

In fact, the NIH (which NIAID is part of) claims joint ownership of Moderna's vaccine.

Does anyone else see this as a MAJOR conflict of interest, or criminal even?

I say criminal because there's also this pesky problem that makes me even more distrustful of Fauci, NIAD, and the NIH in general.


What is "Gain-of-Function" research?

It's where scientists attempt to make viruses gain functions--i.e. make them more transmissible and deadlier.

Sounds at least a touch unethical, right?

How could that possibly be helpful?

Our government agreed, and banned the practice.

So what did the Fauci-led NIAID do?

They pivoted and outsourced the gain-of-function research (in coronaviruses no less) to China--to the tune of a $600K grant.

You can see more details, including the important timeline of these events in this fantastically well-researched documentary.

Mr. Fauci, you have some explaining to do...and I hope the cameras are recording when you have to defend your actions.

For now, let's turn our attention back to the virus...


Not only does the virus (like all viruses) continue to mutate, but according to world-renowned vaccine developer Geert Vanden Bossche (who you'll meet below if you don't know him) it's mutating about every 10 hours.

How in the world are we going to keep creating vaccines to keep up with that level of mutation?

We're not.

Might that also explain why fully vaccinated people are continuing to catch covid?

Why, given that natural immunity has never ultimately failed humanity, do we suddenly not trust it?

Why, if I ask questions like the above, or post links like what you find above, will my thoughts be deleted from all major social media platforms?

That brings me to the next troubling problem I have with these vaccines.


I can't help but get snarky here, so humor me.

How did you enjoy all those nationally and globally-televised, robust debates put on by public health officials, and broadcast simultaneously on every major news station?

Wasn't it great hearing from the best minds in medicine, virology, epidemiology, economics, and vaccinology from all over the world as they vigorously and respectfully debated things like:


  • Mask wearing

  • Social-distancing

  • Vaccine efficacy and safety trials

  • How to screen for susceptibility to vaccine injury

  • Therapeutics, (i.e. non-vaccine treatment options)

Wasn't it great seeing public health officials (who never treated anyone with covid) have their "science" questioned?

Wasn't it great seeing the FDA panel publicly grill the vaccine makers in prime time as they stood in the hot-seat of tough questions about products of which they have no liability?

Oh, didn't see those debates?

No, you didn't...because they never happened.

What happened instead was heavy-handed censorship of all but one narrative.

Ironically, Mark Zuckerberg can question vaccine safety, but I can't?


When did the first amendment become a suggestion?

It's the FIRST amendment Mark--the one our founders thought was most important.

With so much at stake, why are we fed only one narrative...shouldn't many perspectives be heard and professionally debated?


What has happened to the scientific method of always challenging our assumptions?

What happened to lively debate in this country, or at least in Western society?

Why did anyone who disagrees with the WHO, or the CDC get censored so heavily?

Is the science of public health a religion now, or is science supposed to be about debate?

If someone says "the science is settled" that's how I know I'm dealing with someone who is closed minded.

By definition science (especially biological science) is never settled.

If it was, it would be dogma, not science.

OK, before I get too worked up, let me say this...


I really do.

If lockdowns work, I want to do my part and stay home.

If masks work, I want to wear them.

If social distancing is effective, I want to comply.

But, if there is evidence they don't (masks for example), I want to hear that evidence too.

If highly-credentialed scientists have different opinions, I want to know what they think.

I want a chance to hear their arguments and make up my own mind.

I don't think I'm the smartest person in the world, but I think I can think.

Maybe I'm weird, but if someone is censored, then I REALLY want to hear what they think. Don't you?

To all my friends who don't have a problem with censorship, will you have the same opinion when what you think is censored?

Is censorship not the technique of dictators, tyrants, and greedy, power-hungry people?

Is it not a sign that those who are doing the censoring know it's the only way they can win?

What if a man who spent his entire life developing vaccines was willing to put his entire reputation on the line and call on all global leaders to immediately stop the covid vaccines because of problems with the science?

What if he pleaded for an open-scientific debate on a global stage?

Would you want to hear what he has to say?

Would you want to see the debate he's asking for?


Here is what may be the biggest reason this covid vaccine doesn't make sense to me.

When someone who is very pro-vaccine, who has spent his entire professional career overseeing the development of vaccines, is shouting from the mountaintops that we have a major problem, I think the man should be heard.

In case you missed it, and in case you care to watch it, here is Geert Vanden Bossche, explaining:

Why the covid vaccine may be putting so much pressure on the virus that we are accelerating it's ability to mutate and become more deadly.

  1. Why the covid vaccines may be creating vaccine-resistant viruses (similar to anti-biotic resistant bacteria).

  2. Why, because of previous problems with Antibody Dependent Enhancement, we may be looking at a mass casualty event in the next few months/years.

If you want to see/read about a second, and longer, interview with Vanden Bossche, where he was asked some tough questions, you can check this out.

If half of what he says comes true, these vaccines could be the worst invention of all time.

If you don't like his science, take it up with him.

I'm just the messenger.

But I can also speak to covid personally.


I didn't enjoy it.

It was a nasty cold for two days:

Unrelenting butt/low-back aches

  • Very low energy.

  • Low-grade fever.

It was weird not being able to smell anything for a couple days.

A week later, coffee still tasted a little "off."

But I survived.

Now it appears (as it always has) that I have beautiful, natural, life-long immunity...

...not something likely to wear off in a few months if I get the vaccine.

In my body, and my household, covid is over.

In fact, now that I've had it, there is evidence the covid vaccine might actually be more dangerous for me.

That is not a risk I'm willing to take.


The above are just my reasons for not wanting the vaccine.

Maybe my reasons make sense to you, maybe they don't.

Whatever does makes sense to you, hopefully we can still be friends.

I for one think there's a lot more that we have in common than what separates us.

We all want to live in a world of freedom.

  • We all want to do our part to help others and to live well.

  • We all want the right to express our opinions without fearing we'll be censored or viciously attacked.

  • We all deserve to have the access to the facts so we can make informed decisions.

Agree or disagree with me; I'll treat you no differently.

You're a human just as worthy of love and respect as anyone else.

For that I salute you, and I truly wish you all the best.

I hope you found this helpful.

If so, feel free to share.

PS. If you think I studied this topic well, think about how much thought I would put into helping you with your health. Helping people with their health is what I do all day, every day.

PPS. Health can't be injected, but it can be earned.

Health & Evidence Based Science Must Reads

Prof. Murray Sabrin, Ph.D suggested reading

Diabetic, Heart Disease & Alzheimer’s Deaths Categorized As “Covid” Deaths (UK)

Professor of Evidence-based Medicine, Oxford University, Car Heneghan, has a unique perspective on the lockdowns. His academic insight with his healthcare experience as an emergency GP, he explains the rise of diabetic and dementia Alzheimers death and dismantles the elite’s eagerness to maintain control…

How many deaths have actually been a result of COVID? Why is this pandemic surrounded with so much controversy? Why does mainstream media fail at having appropriate conversations about 'controversial' evidence/opinions?

The Political Clique Are in CYA Mode


Wow, a story like this doesn't drop in a mainstream mag such as The Atlantic unless there is serious panic amongst the power freaks.

From the story:

Whether the blood issues are ultimately linked to only one vaccine, or two vaccines, or more...

You mean there is a chance the problem is with more than the J&J vaccine?

It looks like they are going to blame the problem on COVID-19 itself:

The wrath of COVID-19 will likely stretch into the years ahead, and it’s plausible that the debate over risks related to COVID-19 vaccines will do the same. The 2009 swine-flu strain never really went away, and many scientists now believe that this coronavirus is here to stay as well. But the current pandemic is unlike any public-health crisis in our lifetimes, and it has led to an unprecedented pace of scientific progress. This could lead us to a quicker, more definitive resolution of the vaccine-related clotting issue. If that happens, what’s been learned will help us continue to navigate the promises and pitfalls of new vaccine technologies, and it might even shed light on how clotting goes awry because of COVID-19 itself.

Yeah, right, healthy people under 60 were coming down with COVID-19 and suffering blood clots across the globe. What a con.

The power freaks are in a panic.

What power freak move are they going to try now to cover their butts.

Socialized medicine. Your body. Not Your choice.

Thomas Jefferson.png


I have warned about Ezekiel Emanuel before.

In August 2009, I wrote:

If you lump all the mad scientists that have been put on the big screen by Hollywood, you are still not going to come up with the mad, totally insane ideas of Ezekiel Emanuel.

It is no surprise that he would turn up with mad advice during the current COVID-19 panic.

In a co-authored article in The New York Times, he writes along with Aaron Glickman and Amaya Diana:

We need to sharply reduce coronavirus infections to turn the tide and quell the pandemic. The best hope is to maximize the number of people vaccinated, especially among those who interact with many others and are likely to transmit the virus.

How can we increase vaccinations? Mandates.

Vaccines should be required for health care workers and for all students who plan to attend in-person classes this fall — including younger children once the vaccine is authorized for them by the Food and Drug Administration.

And get this from the article:

Religious or philosophical exemptions should not be allowed...Mandates are the last tool we want to deploy to increase vaccination rates. But all indications are that the United States is going to need a mandate to reduce transmission, achieve herd immunity and get back to normal.


Polling suggests almost 60 percent of all Americans are already vaccinated or want a vaccine as soon as possible. But younger people, white evangelicals and conservatives are among those less likely to feel the urgency. To return to our prepandemic lives, we will need to achieve herd immunity, with 70 percent to 85 percent of the population having some form of immunity. That’s a steep climb.

Mandates are the fastest way to get to herd immunity.

This, I remind you is for a virus that is of no serious consequence to 99% of the population and near-zero consequence to students. Further, presumably, those at high risk are already vaccinated if they have chosen to be.

This is the big problem: Emanuel is a member of Joe Biden's COVID-19 Advisory Board.

I stand by my 2009 take on him :

There is no other way to put this. Ezekiel Emanuel is probably the most dangerous man on earth.

He has a severe authoritarian complex and always manages to work his way into a position where he can act on it.

Pro-Murphy candidate runs as Republican in Sussex/Warren/Morris

By Sussex Watchdog

Dan Cruz was invited to discuss his views with conservatives in the state – leaders from the Second Amendment Society, the Pro-Life movement, Steve Lonegan, and groups concerned about illegal immigration. Cruz ignored them and instead asked a blog run by Democrats to publish a public relations profile of him. The owner of the blog was outed by no less than Wikileaks for his connections to Hillary Clinton’s fundraising operation in New Jersey.

So, it appears that the Democrats – after having been resoundingly crushed by Sussex County Republicans year after year – have simply given up on finding a candidate to run under their own party label against Sussex County’s top local Republican on the ballot this year. That’s right, the April 5th filing deadline came and went, but no Democrat filed against Sussex County’s Republican Senator, Steve Oroho (LD24) this year.

Instead, the Democrats are lavishing their attention on Dan Cruz – formerly a loyal Democrat primary voter – and are using their social media presence to push him on blogs like the one that did the public relations piece. In that piece, Cruz played loyal wingman to Democrat Governor Phil Murphy, defending his record on COVID just one day after Sussex County residents gathered for a prayer-vigil to remember the victims of Murphy’s Executive Order 103 – which hit Sussex County particularly hard and killed over 8,000 loved ones statewide.

Governor Murphy isn’t stupid. He knows that this election is about him – not Donald Trump. The last time he was on a ballot in Sussex County, in 2017, Phil Murphy received 36 percent of the vote, buoyed by an anti-Trump backlash. Bob Menendez got just 33 percent of the vote in Sussex County in 2018 – in midst of the Trump era. Murphy is also aware of just how low it can go if you can’t make it about Trump. In 2013, Democrat gubernatorial candidate Barbara Buono scraped together a mere 25 percent of the vote.

In 2019, at the last legislative election, Republican Assemblymen Parker Space and Hal Wirths got 69 percent of the vote. Republican Sheriff Mike Strada received 94 percent – and the Republican Freeholder candidates had the same 94 percent.

Governor Murphy knows Steve Oroho’s record as a candidate and knows that it’s formidable. As an outsider, Oroho defeated an incumbent Freeholder Director and an incumbent Legislator supported by the entire Trenton machine to get where he is. Against Democrats he has won with excess of 70 percent of the vote. At his last primary, in 2017, Oroho won re-election by 49 percentage points – 74 percent to 25 percent.

Before Steve Oroho became Sussex County’s Senator, county Democrats could console themselves with victories on the municipal and county levels. They could elect a Freeholder or a Mayor. But not under Steve Oroho. They haven’t held a single county seat while he’s been Senator – and the only mayors they can win hide their party registration and run as fiscal conservatives in non-partisan elections.

Murphy is concerned about Oroho’s ability to power turnout in Sussex County – hence, no Democrat opponent – but at the same time Murphy needs friendly “Republicans” to speak up for him and help cut the margin. This is where Cruz comes in.

George Will or Pee-wee Herman?

George Will or Pee-wee Herman?

Results??? Cruz is running against the only Republican legislator to make the NJ media’s list of most effective legislators.  Senator Oroho's tax cuts were praised by conservative groups like Americans for Tax Reform and conservative publications like Forbes, which called his tax cuts “one of the 5 best state and local tax policy changes in 2016 nationwide.”  Of course, Cruz is still learning his lines in his new role as "conservative Republican".  We can’t expect him to know all this.   
Cruz’ connections to the Paterson Democrat machine and its allies is reinforced by yesterday’s public relations piece.  He is trying to present himself in ways that he imagines a conservative Republican would, but it comes off as a cross between George Will and Pee-wee Herman.  In preparation for his post-primary role as Murphy apologist, Cruz is adopting the kind of cringeworthy, defensive phrases that corporate Democrats find so acceptable in “Republicans” – like they did “The Lincoln Project”.
For example, the Democrats’ public relations piece about Cruz, notes that he wants “to ‘break the stigma’ associated with the Republican party before they lost their grasp.  He acknowledged that some of that came from President Donald Trump’s term in the White House… ‘We cannot just serve one side, we have to serve everyone and bring everyone together to make decisions on a collaborative effort.  Many people disliked the party because of President Trump’s message and what he stood for, but that doesn’t mean all of us are like that.’”
And this: “As far as Cruz is concerned, Republicans can do better by reaching out to areas that they traditionally have not campaigned in.  Republicans’ failure to try to appreciably make the big tent bigger is detrimental to their long term success.  Regarding the gubernatorial election, he said, ‘My impression is this.  Murphy has the leg.  Right now, he is ahead in the most populous cities—Paterson, Newark, Trenton—he is ahead there.  You don’t have a Republican who can go into these cities and say ‘Vote for me.’  They aren’t going into the inner cities, speaking to the people.’” 
“When asked what he thought of Governor Phil Murphy’s performance handling the pandemic, Cruz was candid.  ‘Regarding Governor Murphy there are some things that he could’ve done better, and there are obviously some things he has done that you can say he did OK.  I think with the COVID plan, he did what he thought was the best possible solution in his eyes and administration,’ a seemingly rare instance in the current climate where an opposition party acknowledges the perceived sincerity of another.”
Cruz completely avoided mentioned Executive Order 103 or the 8,000 people who died or the fact that the worst hit nursing homes were in the county and district he says he wants to represent.  And the vigil to remember those who died had just been held in the town in which he lives!  Now, that is shilling. 
Cruz went on to compare Murphy to Republican governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida.  Cruz said Murphy had done better… “Balancing governmental direction with laissez faire has been a perilous tightrope act for Governor Murphy since the start of the pandemic.  ‘When you read the news and listen to people,’ Cruz said, ‘I believe that New Jerseyans have been extremely responsible during this time.’”
But Dan Cruz’ utility for Murphy doesn’t end with protecting his flank with Republicans.  Cruz’ background as a teacher and education activist provides a perspective to launch attacks on attempts by more fiscally responsible Democrats to rein in some of Murphy’s more bewildering excesses.  And so, Cruz has bitterly attacked Senate President Steve Sweeney and the Path to Progress, which is the work of a bi-partisan coalition of Democrat and Republican legislators.
Cruz opposes the reduction in education administrators that the consolidation advocated in the Path to Progress would produce.  Fewer individual units delivering education equals a smaller education bureaucracy and fewer administrators.  By coincidence, it just so happens that Cruz’ wife is an education administrator making six-figures and all the benefits.  She works for the New York City school system at a high school with problems not unlike those in New Jersey that the Path to Progress is looking to address: Only 2 percent of students have taken an Advanced Placement Test, just 37 percent are proficient at mathematics, only 32 percent are proficient at reading, and the graduation rate is 29 percent. 
Is Steve Sweeney and the Path to Progress right?  Will consolidating bureaucracy help?  While admitting that it would save taxpayers’ money, Cruz doesn’t think so. He’s concerned that local school superintendents and the boards they control would lose too much power – and if that were to happen, what might become of taxpayer-funded positions like he enjoys, and all those perks and benefits that mere legislators can only dream of?
Maybe he’d have to fall back on his business – a sideline to top off two taxpayer-funded incomes (with perks and benefits) – called Opulent Creations Events, L.L.C.  The upside is that Cruz would have more time to attend to it and not have the problems he had with the NJ Department of Revenue which, according to them, suspended Cruz’ business (he is listed as COO) from January 16, 2016 to May 15, 2017.  A silver lining?  

“Nobody goes faster than the legs they have.”

Alberto Caeiro (Fernando Pessoa)

Murphy goons target COVID nursing home whistleblower

By Sussex Watchdog

In a coordinated, one-two punch, Democrats allied with Governor Phil Murphy delivered a vicious attack on journalist/whistleblower Jennifer Jean Miller. She’s the former New Jersey Herald reporter featured in the New York Times and ABC News who broke the story that Governor Murphy’s infamous Executive Order 103 was causing the deaths from COVID-19 of dozens in nursing homes in Sussex County.

Eventually, the deaths from COVID in New Jersey’s nursing and veterans’ homes would surpass 8,000 lives. New Jersey would earn the terrible distinction of having the worst rate of death (per 100,000) in long-term care facilities (nursing/veterans’ homes) from COVID-19 among the 50 states. As the Star-Ledger pointed out, if New Jersey were its own country, it would have the worst rate of death from COVID-19 in the world.

The first attack came on Sunday – from a blogger known by the pseudonym Jabba the Angry Fat Man. Jabba is a big supporter of Congressman Josh Gottheimer and has bragged on his blog that his death threats against President Donald Trump earned him a visit from the United States Secret Service.

Jennifer Jean Miller is interviewed through this video by ABC.

Jabba has attacked this testimony, calling journalist Jennifer Jean Miller a “liar” and her articles in the New Jersey Herald, a “PR stunt”.  When Miller, who is not only a courageous whistleblower but who served as a support system for many of the families of the victims, drew parallels between what her family suffered during the Holocaust (at Auschwitz) and the fear and isolation suffered by the those who died, she was viciously attacked by the Democrat, who called her a “wacko”.     
These histrionics and the nastiness of the attacks lead us to wonder if Jabba is on the payroll of the highly insider, international Public Relations/ Lobbying/ Political Consulting group (Mercury) that was hired to protect the nursing home operators (and, by extension, the Murphy administration) from the families of those who died and their supporters.  Is Congressman Gottheimer at all connected to these – or other nursing homes operators – or to their lobbyists?  We’re just asking.  Is the lobbyist/ public relations firm owned by the Congressman’s spouse and in-laws connected?  And what about contributions to the master fundraiser’s campaign?  
Given Gottheimer’s background as the Number Two executive at a similar insider international Public Relations/ Lobbying/ Political Consulting group, perhaps the Congressman hooked them up?  Gottheimer’s was the firm that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow called “the PR firm from Hell.”  And remember what else Maddow said about Josh Gottheimer’s firm:

"When evil needs public relations, evil has (Josh Gottheimer’s firm) on speed dial."
Rachel Maddow

We wonder if Congressman Gottheimer and the members of his Problem Solvers Caucus believe that journalists who uncover misfeasance by government and/or private nursing home operators should suffer retribution by Democrat Party operatives in the form of being labeled “a lying, has-been, right-wing sleaze artist”?  We will be asking them – each of them – directly about this, as they are all up for re-election next year (some having to pass through the filter of a Republican primary).  We suspect, in turn, that Caucus Co-Chairman Gottheimer will be hearing from them.
Earlier today, the Sussex County Democrats issued their own attack in support of the one launched on Sunday by the blogger Jabba the Angry Fat Man.  In it, they attacked people for asking questions.  In a press release of more than a thousand words, they never once mention Executive Order 103.
Instead, the Democrats attack everyone who wants answers, everyone who has submitted an unfulfilled OPRA request to Governor Murphy's administration, everyone who has called for bi-partisan legislative hearings, everyone who has asked for an independent investigation into why more than 8,000 people died.  In their fear for what the truth may reveal about Governor Murphy – the Democrats attack everyone looking for the truth. 
Sussex County Democrats even attack the whistleblowing journalist who broke the story.  In the most vicious way – mocking the suffering of her family in Auschwitz.
In their press release, the Sussex County Democrats claim that the nursing home operators “chose PROFIT over PEOPLE, which led to bodies being stacked up in makeshift morgues and families and employees left with enduring trauma for years to come.”  They further state:
“The Sussex County Democratic Committee has been inundated with first-hand accounts from both current and former employees who want to set the record straight about the horror they witnessed.”
Good.  But why are the Sussex County Democrats resisting the means to set that record straight?  Why are they not supporting the victims’ families, the county government, and legislators like Senator Steve Oroho – who are demanding transparency from the Murphy administration.  Why the cover-up?
Why have OPRA requests about those nursing homes gone unfulfilled?  Does it have anything to do with the boast made by a nursing home operator to a local government official about their donations to Governor Murphy and his Democrats?  This local government official would like to have a hearing at which to testify – on the record!  Will the Sussex Democrats work to give him one?
Sadly, it doesn’t seem so.
Rather than uncover who is responsible for what happened, the Sussex County Democrats want everyone to accept their perspective that Governor Murphy and his administration acted perfectly, there is nothing to see here, so move on.  They make this clear when they suggest that Republicans “should be exploring viable ways to make sure these examples of failure, negligence and mismanagement are never able to happen again under these circumstances.”  Just so long as those viable ways do not include fact-finding of any kind – from OPRA requests to open public hearings into why more than 8,000 died – all fact-finding is strictly verboten
The Sussex County Democrats want Watergate without the hearings.  Someone should pull them back to reality and tell them it doesn’t work that way.
We have a suggestion. 
The Sussex County Republicans should invite the Sussex County Democrats to debate this issue and how to address it.  Openly, in public, with full transparency. 

The Democrats could bring Jabba the Angry Fat Man as part of their panel.  The Republicans could ask the whistleblower/ journalist the Democrats have attempted to smear, Jennifer Jean Miller.  Perhaps the Democrats could ask Governor Murphy himself to attend… the Republicans, Jack Ciattarelli. 
If they really want to get to the bottom of this, the Democrats need only look to their name and live up to it – democracy and the transparency that democracy is supposed to be synonymous with.  Supposed to be… in practice, not so much.  Not at all, these days.    

US Servicemen Now Under Attack - From Within, Yet Again

image credit: adobe stock

image credit: adobe stock

24 Nissan, 5781 / Day Nine of the Omer: "Gevurah She'B'Gevurah" /
April 6, '21

The federal government is yet again promoting transgender dogma, and the broader transgender agenda, in the US military. Thereby, the government undermines the interests of those US servicemen putting their very lives at risk to protect and defend this country, its citizens, and that which generations of American heroes lived, fought and died to preserve. We owe it to those servicemen now under attack to return the beneficence, and to expose and oppose this latest transgender ambush of those who stand between this country and all those who would seek to annihilate America.

To confront the adversary within is generally the greatest challenge . However, so much can be done by mere exposure and unapologetic dissemination of truth. It's beneficial to highlight the most ruthless violations perpetrated by such a policy, including violation of the privacy and actual endangerment of females, who now are required to endure exposure to transgender deviant men claiming to be women. (We must avoid downplaying the very real dangers of transgender lunacy by drawing any moral equivalency between transgender bathroom and shower insanity and lesser insanities, e.g. transgender men in women's sports.)

The following press release by CMR, the Center for Military Readiness, helps lead the charge against this latest strike, perhaps one of the most dangerous threats to national security today, one which puts the military men and women in grave danger, both physically and spiritually.

By morally weakening the US military, enemies of America around the world just have gained formidable advantages, courtesy of the infinitely arrogant LGBT Lobby, without firing a single shot. Certainly, those enemies intend to leverage those windfall advantages at the most "opportune" time. This is yet one more sample of how the LGBT mafia graces Americans with tyranny, misery, death and destruction - all in the name of promoting "rights."

Above all, this latest alliance with the LGBT terrorist community is yet another rebellion against G-d. A government that rebels against G-d cannot hope for His Divine Assistance in standing against the challenges America now faces in an increasing dangerous, volatile, and unpredictable world.

It's up to us to resolutely stand with those who remain faithful to G-d, and His Eternal Will, wherever they are. The ONLY winning side is HIS.

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,
Help Rescue Our Children
Israeli Rescue Hotline: 03.721.3337

NY Abductionism Bill Looming

by Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter

Embedded in the budget of New York's Andrew Cuomo, there is legislation that, if G-d forbid passed, would wreak havoc on the Jewish community, and almost every other community as well: 3005 Section F. Copied below, it speaks for itself:

"PART F: Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 240 of the domestic relations law is amended by adding a new paragraph (k) to read as follows:

(k) In determining the best interests of the child, the court shall not: (1) consider the sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the parties; or (2) prohibit a party from undergoing gender reassignment."

( )

See one constituent letter here:

If passed, this would (further) weaponize LGBT issues in child custody battles. Consider the scenario of a child who was raised as traditionally religious, imbued with the Biblical attitudes regarding sodomy, an act branded an "abomination" and a cardinal sin (e.g., see Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Ibn Ezra on Shmos 20:13). What if one parent of that child subsequently strayed from their religious tenets - but just regarding LGBT issues alone? (See "Iggros Moshe" of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein OB"M, Y.D., 3:115, p. 360, col. 1, regarding how even merely minimizing the severity of the prohibition against sodomy constitutes Heresy.) According to this legislation, the faithful parent would be disabled from arguing that it is in the best interests of the child to remain within the traditionalist, moral environment in which he or she was raised.

In short, the pro-LGBT parent, rather than the straight parent, would be awarded custody of the child/children. Of course, even where the law would not technically apply, the LGBT parent would be encouraged to claim anti-LGBTQ "discrimination," just to leverage the LGBT-victim-card to evoke a custody award.

Plaintiff and Attorneys Who Sued Gov. Phil Murphy Testify About Devastating Loss of Her Business

Jennifer Jean Miller: (973) 532-2117

What we learned is that Gov. Murphy has not appointed any person to any compensation board in any county in the state." -Catherine M. Brown, Esq


(Morris Plains, NJ) Darlene Pallay, who sued Gov. Phil Murphy for his violation of the Disaster Control Act, testified in front of a panel of legislators recently about two events that have caused her family an unforgettable amount of “pain, anguish, fear, devastation and uncertainty,” the first, the loss of her healthy father to a rare cancer in 2015; and the second, the death of her successful, decade-old business in 2020, within nine months of the first back-to-back COVID-19 lockdowns.

Pallay, who testified with her pro bono attorneys Robert W. Ferguson, Esq. of the law firm of Stern, Kilcullen and Rufolo, LLC of Florham Park and Catherine M. Brown, Esq., of Denville, the legal team who filed a lawsuit on her behalf against Murphy on Sept. 23, told the participating Republican New Jersey State Senate and Assembly panelists – Democrat legislators declining to attend the hearing – about the loss of her “American Dream.”

“I seek justice for what has been done to my family, I followed every rule I was supposed to follow and have paid dearly for that, while so many have actually benefitted from these lockdowns,” Pallay said.

“One of the themes of our lawsuit is that it is both tremendously unfair but also unlawful to ask a small subset of private citizens to pay for these benefits that the governor believes will accrue for the benefit of everybody,” Ferguson said.

“A subset of New Jersey’s small business owners, were asked and compelled by force of law to put their livelihoods on the line and in some cases, sadly like in Mrs. Pallay’s, they lost their livelihoods.” Ferguson called it both unlawful and unconstitutional under the Disaster Control Act, for Murphy to have asked, “for those aggrieved citizens, to shoulder 100% of this immense burden.”

Instead, Ferguson and Brown, their suit facilitated by the non-profit advocacy group Rescue NJ New Jersey, stated under the Act, which Murphy wrote into his early executive orders, Murphy was required to establish compensation boards in every county, but never did. With these boards, businesses deemed “non-essential” as Pallay’s was, could petition for “reasonable compensation,” for the taking of their property.

However, they said in one of Murphy’s later executive orders, he demonstrated this principle by mandating compensation to medical facilities that have been required to transfer equipment to other facilities during the pandemic.

“The statute requires that the governor empanel emergency compensation boards in each county and so what we tried to do, on behalf of Mrs. Pallay, and really for the benefit of all small business owners who are similarly situated, was to file a petition on her behalf with the emergency compensation board in Sussex County,” Ferguson said.

"What we learned is that Gov. Murphy has not appointed any person to any compensation board in any county in the state.

The case, Ferguson explained, does not challenge Murphy’s COVID-19 mitigation strategies, but asks that these compensation boards are established, as required by statute.

Ferguson and Brown additionally asked for the Appellate Division – where the case has remained for several months after it was transferred from the Superior Court - to expedite Pallay’s case, following the loss of her business, which has been further exacerbated by the loss of her husband’s job, a request the Appellate Division has denied.

Murphy’s attorneys responded to the plaintiff’s legal arguments on March 22, as part of the legal proceedings, not giving an explanation why the governor failed to establish compensation boards, but asserting instead the case should be dismissed, claiming the state is not obligated to provide compensation while operating under police power during a public health emergency.

Ferguson and Brown will file their reply with the Appellate Division on April 1.

As she struggled to hold back her tears, Pallay explained that her business, JWC Fitness LLC., under which she operated the CKO Kickboxing Franklin franchise, enabled her to devote time to her husband and three children, while building a cornerstone business that made a difference in the community. CKO Kickboxing Franklin frequently fundraised for various charities; and Pallay received Congressional recognition “for COVID-related activities that benefitted her community,” while she was shut down.

“Thousands of women and men not only lost weight, but were able to kick drug habits, get off life-long medication, participate in amazing physical feats that they never dreamed possible,” Pallay said.

“We were literally a fitness family. And I submit to you, we were essential."

Each day became one to attempt to save her business, with no income for months, but the expectations to pay operating and general business expenses.

She received few benefits from the PPP program with only part-time employees. Pallay used what little she received to compensate her staff and then pay 40% back rent, utilities and other expenses that she owed, for a facility the State of New Jersey forbade her to use.

“The confusion, lack of direction, lack of planning in the entire government left me to fend for myself,” Pallay said. “I did everything I could to save my business.”

She had difficulty drumming attendance among her former 200 regular members when she attempted online classes; and when Murphy finally permitted businesses like Pallay’s to hold outdoor fitness classes beginning on June 26, 2020, the sweltering summer heat made it impossible at times.

After the state allowed indoor classes with a 25% capacity and mask restriction in September, Pallay’s landlord filed for eviction on Sept. 11; and though she attempted to salvage her business, the restrictions and general fear, kept her former members from attending.

Her landlord told Pallay he planned to shut the water off in November, which would make it impossible to operate, with Pallay deciding to close her doors for good on Oct. 31.

Since she has lost her business and lives with the angst of her eviction proceedings, Pallay said she has struggled with depression, social anxieties, headaches and panic attacks, with debt mounted more than $50,000, the family’s home and health insurance in peril.

“Rescue New Jersey helped to facilitate this lawsuit and I’m very proud of the testimony of Mrs. Pallay’s attorneys,” said Donald Dinsmore, Esq., Rescue New Jersey’s chairman.

“They are volunteering their expertise without compensation, to help safeguard the Constitutionally protected rights of New Jerseyans like Mrs. Pallay, who were asked to carry a greater burden than others during the pandemic.”

To view the hearing, visit: For more information about Rescue New Jersey and this case, go to:

Tulsi Gabbard takes on Josh Gottheimer and Tom Malinowski

By Rubashov

Major Tulsi Gabbard is a United States Army officer who served in Congress representing Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Elected in 2012, she was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.

In 2002, Gabbard was elected to the Hawaii House of Representatives at the age of 21. Gabbard served in a field medical unit of the Hawaii Army National Guard in Iraq from 2004 to 2005 and was deployed to Kuwait from 2008 to 2009 as an Army Military Police platoon leader. She was a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee from 2013 to 2016, when she resigned to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.

In this video, Tulsi Gabbard clearly isn’t buying the urgings of corporate Democrats like Josh Gottheimer and Tom Malinowski who want to use the vague theory that America is under assault from “white supremacists” and “white nationalists” in order to expand the surveillance state. Gabbard calls out politicians like Gottheimer and Malinowski:

“The direction they are taking is not only dangerous in how broad and vague it is, it’s dangerous in the threat that it poses to our Constitution and our Constitutional rights.”

Major Gabbard takes particular issue with the mischaracterization of American veterans as “threats” by the media and by politicians like Gottheimer and Malinowski:

“What is ‘domestic extremism’? Is being extremely patriotic being a ‘domestic extremist’? If you look at our service members and veterans who have been targeted and pointed out by those in our government as being vulnerable to being ‘domestic extremists’ – well, I’ve served with incredible great patriots, as a veteran and soldier myself, people who are willing to lay their lives down and die for this great country that we love – is this who they’re talking about when they’re saying we need to look out for ‘domestic extremists’?

It’s absolutely outrageous and it’s offensive, it’s offensive to those who I’ve served with, including those who have paid the ultimate price and given their lives in service to our country. This is the danger of the direction where we seem to be headed and the fact that these terms, these broad targets that they’re pointing out, really are not being clearly defined at all.”

“In the wake of January 6th you have Democrats and Republicans saying: You know what, what we need is to pass more laws that further infringe on our civil liberties, that further allow for mass surveillance on Americans. So this points to exactly the wrong direction that our leaders and our country are dangerously headed.”

Food for thought from a woman who served on the front lines, in harm’s way, and who knows the self-serving hypocrisy of Congress, from her time there. We need more leaders like her.

“If you have these vague terms that really can be applied to a very large swath of people, that can change, depending on who is in power. So, who is a ‘domestic extremist’? Really, at this point then it becomes, well, it becomes defined by whoever is in power and who they choose to use our institutions to target.”

-Tulsi Gabbard

Have a story the media doesnt want to tell? Have you seen a wrong that is not being brought to the attention to the public? Are you on the inside and have an insiders tip? Contact us by sending tips to

Thursday's Top Stories on Covid & Violation of Rights


Suggested readings by Murray Sabin, PhD

The state idol has always despised competitors–“How can you place your faith in God when I’ll take care of you cradle to grave?!”–and COVID is another convenient pretense to intensify attacks. Hymnals banned in Spain. Irish Catholics having to go to Northern Ireland to more freely practice their faith (according to Steyn, anyway). Brief comment on Pastor Artur Pawlowski booting Calgary police out of his church.

246 ‘fully vaccinated’ Michigan residents get COVID-19, three die: report

As many as 246 Michigan residents who were “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19 later tested positive for the deadly bug — including three who have died, according to a new report.

The group — whose cases were reported between Jan. 1 and March 31 — tested positive at least two weeks after receiving the last dose of the inoculation, a health official told the Detroit News.

Michigan flag.png

An email from a friend who had Covid

How many lives could have been saved if nonconventional protocols had been used during the past year?

“I had Covid in late December – mid/late January. I was swabbed on 12/24 and immediately started Hydrozychloroquine + Zpac therapy. My positive test result came back 5 days later. I was nearly finished with Hydroxy before the test result came back.

Nicaragua Never Mandated Masks nor had any Lockdowns and Crushed the Virus

Courtesy of Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

We’ve been saying it all along. The more masks enforcement, the more health complications. Especially for the most vulnerable, our elderly. Nicaragua chose to make the country do a “personal choice” and not enforce lockdowns nor masks wearing. The results? MANY LIVES SAVED. Click on image for video…

Gottheimer denies Commissioners’ legal counsel at NJOHSP briefing.

On March 22nd Congressman Josh Gottheimer sent an invitation to the Sussex County Board of Commissioners to attend a “briefing” by the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP) on “the latest domestic terror threats in our State.”

The invitation, signed by Congressman Gottheimer and on official stationery, did not contain the date and time for the briefing or the location at which it was to be held. It did contain this paragraph:

“I will follow up with specific details on the briefing with NJOHSP and look forward to working together to stop hate, domestic terror, and extremism in all forms.”

But Congressman Gottheimer never did follow up with specific details. According to InsiderNJ’s Fred Snowflack, he instead politicized the briefing, using it as a political hit piece on the Commissioners. On a March 25th InsiderNJ post, Snowflack wrote:

“Today, Gottheimer, whose 5th District includes most of Sussex County, released a letter he sent to the county commissioners on March 22.”

Despite Gottheimer’s attempt to use the briefing as the basis for a political attack, his congressional office was contacted by Sussex County Commissioner Chris Carney, a union worker with Local 825 of the Operating Engineers. Carney, who was selected to fill the remainder of Josh Hertzberg’s term and who is running this year for a full term on the Board, demanded that Gottheimer hold the briefing.

In response to Commissioner Carney, Gottheimer’s office sent a follow-up to the Board of Commissioners, slating the briefing for today at 12:30pm by Zoom. The Board responded that it would be attending, along with the Board’s special counsel. After initially agreeing to this arrangement, Gottheimer’s office contacted the Board to inform them that their attorney would not be allowed to hear the briefing.


Why would the Board’s attorney not be permitted to hear a briefing by the Director of the NJOHSP? Might he ask some difficult questions? Would his presence make it more difficult to smear the names of private citizens and open the participants up to civil suits? Would he provide some unfortunate clarification as to what is or isn’t an actual crime?

So many of the NJOHSP “incidents” involve “flyers, pamphlets, and signs” that promote “white supremacy”, “white nationalism”, “neo-Nazism”, and “hate” of various kinds. But is this a crime when anyone can purchase Mein Kampf, by Adolph Hitler, on What is more Nazi than Mein Kampf? Does each purchase count as an “incident” or is it uncounted?

The truth is that any government agency can increase or decrease the number of “incidents” by defining or redefining them in a way that expands or contracts their numbers. Is this what’s going on?

And here is another curious thing about this briefing. In January, Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed Congressman Gottheimer to the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security. But this is the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP) – a STATE agency that has nothing to do with Congress.

As a Congressman, Josh Gottheimer has no responsibility for or oversight of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP). He doesn’t vote on their budget – the STATE legislators who represent Sussex County do. In fact, Senator Steve Oroho and Assemblyman Hal Wirths are ranking members of their respective chambers’ budget committees. So why were they not invited to this briefing? Might they ask questions too?

Is this briefing anything more than political theater, for the benefit of a political ally, provided by the appointee of a Governor facing re-election? As such is it an abuse of power, a fraud, and a waste of taxpayers’ money?

We suggest a proper, academic review of the history of terrorism and the causes of extremism. One that does not whitewash the part played by the CIA and other intelligence agencies. It could be named in honor of that great liberal – a true, old-fashioned liberal – United States Senator Frank Church, Democrat of Idaho.

“In examining the CIA's past and present use of the U.S. media, the Committee finds two reasons for concern. The first is the potential, inherent in covert media operations, for manipulating or incidentally misleading the American public.
The second is the damage to the credibility and independence of a free press which may be caused by covert relationships with the U.S. journalists and media organizations.”

U.S. Senator Frank Church
(Veteran. Burma campaign. WWII)